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7 hours ago, ddub52 said:

A joke? There it is again.

Actually, democrats have seen quite a bit of attrition from minority voters. Iirc, Biden lost huge percentage points amongst Latinos in 2020. In fact, Trump gained percentage points with virtually every minority group. Biden gained double digit percentage points amongst white males though. Minorities might not be as bought in to the left’s platform as you think they are. Maybe those tens of millions of people don’t know what’s best for themselves, or are race traitors. Idk. 


A lot of what you have here is not exactly true. In fact it’s probably best to say it’s an educated guess on its face. Latinos being the easy example — they added well over 30% of votes period when compared to Clinton and Obama…..so Biden didn’t really lose much. There was literally more vote to go around. Unless all those people went for Biden of course his share of the whole goes down. Comparing him to his predecessors in that regard requires voting data that no one is supposed to have. There seems to be some idea, though, that much of this could have been new voters. 

Point being what you are touting as fact is actually a guess made by people without all the data on an election (that is actually anonymous) so there is no way to know what you are claiming for sure or not. But best educated guess is there is more going on here than durrrr Biden lost votes on Latinos maybe he is the real racists durrrr 


not that you would do anything like that


here a link with graphs and junk 





Edited by Llevron
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8 hours ago, tshile said:

It’s unfortunate but the writing was on the wall. Youngkin won for the reasons we said we thought he would. 

50/50 split in the legislature. So that’s fun. 



dems need to refresh what they got going on here. 

Let’s be honest Dems thought they had things wrapped up for years when they got weed passed.  Then they saw how close it was and panicked.  

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8 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

So, your argument here is that you can’t be racist and swayed by the CRT dog whistles from Youngkin’s campaign because you also voted for a minority candidate? One you thought was going to protect you from those horrific CRT fairy tales? 

And you also think supporting the party that has a Governor that made a singular bad decision as a college student 35 years ago somehow makes you the racist or unable to call out blatant racism from Youngkin/conservatives ? 


Another point where Democrats are losing votes is exactly this and what others have said as well.  Yelling racism and racist at every little thing when it’s unfounded and purely opinionated.  It’s an old tired game for people in the middle 

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14 minutes ago, steve09ru said:

Another point where Democrats are losing votes is exactly this and what others have said as well.  Yelling racism and racist at every little thing when it’s unfounded and purely opinionated.  It’s an old tired game for people in the middle 

You legit don’t see how this sentence right here apples directly to what republicans have been doing with CRT and how it worked for them? Literally ran on something that didn’t exist, and succeeded, and you are saying the other group did it? Serious inquiry I just wanna know your thoughts 

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1 minute ago, Llevron said:

You legit don’t see how this sentence right here apples directly to what republicans have been doing with CRT and how it worked for them?

You’re not going to get any traction with these people. 

I mean think about what it is he just said. 

at this point. In 2021. His grand takeaway from the election last night is that “people cry racism when it doesn’t exist too much”


That isn’t intellectual analysis of what happened in Virginia last night. You know exactly what it is. Don’t waste your time. 

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Ahh...have a cup of coffee...sun's on the horizon.  Now I get to see talking heads over-interpret last nights elections and try to tell me "what it all means" and "what it will mean" moving forward.  It'll of course be the usual pitting of one view point against another: educated vs. uneducated, white vs. black, LGBTQ vs Christian, etc. etc  And the viewpoint adopted will, as usual, be easily predicted based on the particular issues that drive one commentator or another, I mean we've seen this list of characters before and know them pretty well.  One of them might even get lucky, and be able to push their narrative a little farther, gain some traction, and be this week's prophet of "knowing what is really happening".


...and the cycle will continue.


We keep doing this as a nation, and somehow keep expecting different results.  I seem to recall that behavior is in fact the definition of something...

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41 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

Let’s be honest Dems thought they had things wrapped up for years when they got weed passed.  Then they saw how close it was and panicked.  


I don't know, if I wanted to motivate people to vote for me, I'm not sure I'd want to rely on the pothead voting block to a) remember to vote and b) have the energy to get up and do so. :)

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Youngkin paints a portrait of Virginia's history that is false to the people who lived there. They vote for him. They vote for someone they know lies to them and has been caught lying. Nationally, Republicans and Democrats fault the Democrats (rightly) for not getting anything done, but then decide that the guys who didn't do anything are at fault for everything rather than the guys who less than a year ago had been in charge. Doesn't it make more sense that what we are experiencing now are the effects of policies set over the last few years rather than ones that failed to get enacted yesterday? Doesn't it make sense that if the fault lies in the Dems inability to correct the huge mistakes of the Republicans because of their thin margins then the answer isn't to reinstall the Republicans whose policies led us to the problems in the first place?


America's a dumb country.

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1 minute ago, Jabbyrwock said:

We keep doing this as a nation, and somehow keep expecting different results.  I seem to recall that behavior is in fact the definition of something...

It’s not the definition of insanity. So, don’t go there. 

but to your point - is it any surprise? On every other day of the year the general point of conversation is about how uninformed, yet strongly opinionated, the average person is on politics. 

so it fits just oh so perfectly that post election everyone thinks they understand exactly why the results are what they are. 

these people’s political opinions aren’t magically any better or more informed because it’s the day after the election and the results are in. 

Virginia did what Virginia does. And now it’s time to listen to the republicans tell us how it means the Dems are dead. Just like every other time the Dems tell us how the republicans are dead. 

people with dumb political opinions will continue to have dumb political opinions, it being the day after Election Day doesn’t change that. It just emboldens them to be a little louder for a bit. 

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Trump was an anchor for the GoP in most states, VA included.  And clearly VA is much more red than it seemed during the Trump years.


I bet Youngkin had a better ground game too, and McAuliffe was not a popular candidate.  I think he failed a likability test that Kaine, Northam, and Warner all easily passed, and Youngkin seemed more personable and polished than McAuliffe.  Going negative on him didn't work well because of that.  And I also think McAuliffe had the stink of the Clintons on him, which hurt him among older voters.  There is just a very narrow slice of the population who still likes the Clintons.


I think McAuliffe is a straight shooter and would have been fine as governor again, and that this election was a disaster for VA.  But I also think VA liberals overestimated their state wide support on social issues, and without the Covid and Trump anchors weighing down the GoP, and with incumbency anchors weighing down Democrats, this result is what you get.

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5 minutes ago, tshile said:


That isn’t intellectual analysis of what happened in Virginia last night. You know exactly what it is. Don’t waste your time. 

True. I do. I really do want to want to get to an understanding. But you are right and I have been here before. I ain’t gonna get that. 

Let me ask you, though. I’m hearing on MSNBC this morning that Virginia’s election was a rejection of progressive ideas….? Is that at all how you square it? I never once even thought of Terry as a progressive. I don’t really know what his policies were at all honestly. So I’m curious how you (and others) view it on the ground. Was this really some huge loss for progressives in VA or was this the old guard thinking they could win ‘cause Trump’ and now they are looking for a loser to blame? That sounds funny to me.  

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4 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:

There is just a very narrow slice of the population who still likes the Clintons.



Honestly we can only dream of having another president like Bill. I don't know how people cannot like the guy...and I vote conservative generally. 



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16 minutes ago, Llevron said:

I’m hearing on MSNBC this morning that Virginia’s election was a rejection of progressive ideas….? Is that at all how you square it?

I think progressive do overestimate how popular their ideas are nationwide - but especially in Virginia. Just a person opinion but it seems to me they all live in nova, are completely detached from what the rest of the state is, and think nova will just run the show every time. 

i think Dems lost the messaging game big time. Defund the police is loser. They were constantly playing defense on CRT, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. I also think a platform that’s about spending so much to give certain people things, doesn’t play well here, because everyone understands that means raising taxes and that doesn’t play well here. 

the Dems picked a guy that wasn’t popular when he won the last time he ran. I don’t know a single person that voted for terry the first time around, that actually liked him. They all held their nose and voted for him. It doesn’t help that his successor had the blackface scandal and the guy below him had a sexual assault scandal. 

The biden administration is a failure from a political PR and down ballot perspective. Failure and a disaster. It doesn’t matter why things aren’t getting done - average voters just see that they don’t like what’s going on. 

add to it the misstep of the parents and schools thing, and how angry so many people are about the school mask and vaccine mandates…

and of course Virginia is and has been purple for a long time. I don’t care who you hear it from, the people proclaiming it’s either dem or republicans are just saying what they’d prefer, not what’s actually happening. 


there’s a lot going on and a lot to unpack in Virginia. Which is why Virginia isn’t a good indicator for midterms. Don’t get me wrong - I think Dems are going to get whacked in midterms (they got whacked in 2020 down ballot, even though Biden won… it’s just going to be worse) but Virginia isn’t an indicator for it to me. Virginia is it’s own special case. 


Analogizing to sports - the dems suck. Their messaging sucks. They fight with each other. Their platform is so ****ing broad and all over the place that they’ve created so many pockets of people that will simply refuse to even vote if the candidate isn’t with them on some particular issue. The dems are losers. The republicans are the opposite. And to boot - the dems try to run on functional government and caring about other people and trying to at least be honest, and the republicans run on fear mongering and lying and social outrage over issues that don’t actually exist. it’s so much easier to run on outrage and anger and thinking government is bad all the time, than it is to run on caring and trying to improve things. It takes no effort to be angry and yell and scream, it takes effort to try to make things better. And people are lazy. 

ultimately people hate change. Dems are a party that constantly runs on changing things, and republicans are a party that constantly runs on not changing things. 

dems have an unfair fight and their incompetence doesn’t help. 

Edited by tshile
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2 minutes ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

Honestly we can only dream of having another president like Bill. I don't know how people cannot like the guy...and I vote conservative generally. 



Well it's not just him, it's Hillary too.  Personal likability was never an issue for Bill, he could charm anyone in the world.  It's the perception of corruption with them.

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:

True. I do. I really do want to want to get to an understanding. But you are right and I have been here before. I ain’t gonna get that. 

Let me ask you, though. I’m hearing on MSNBC this morning that Virginia’s election was a rejection of progressive ideas….? Is that at all how you square it? I never once even thought of Terry as a progressive. I don’t really know what his policies were at all honestly. So I’m curious how you (and others) view it on the ground. Was this really some huge loss for progressives in VA or was this the old guard thinking they could win ‘cause Trump’ and now they are looking for a loser to blame? That sounds funny to me.  


MSNBC is talking out there ass, you are correct that Terry went straight moderate on most if not all his issues. Offshore windmills instead of offshore drilling is not a progressive issue and shouldn't be framed as one, for example.


He was jus a bad candidate, and hopefully DNC sees that even then the GOP barely won here.


Be interesting to see how this split VA legislature works, very very purple now.

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29 minutes ago, Llevron said:

You legit don’t see how this sentence right here apples directly to what republicans have been doing with CRT and how it worked for them? Literally ran on something that didn’t exist, and succeeded, and you are saying the other group did it? Serious inquiry I just wanna know your thoughts 

Not at all.  What I’m saying is that there are way too many instances of people yelling racist or racism because they don’t agree with the other person. 


I'm 100% for calling out where it exists but it’s also turning voters away who are continually called racist if they have different viewpoints (not specific to CRT).


look through the thread/threads and see how often that gets thrown out

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