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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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1 hour ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

My guess is, there are a group who are ready to move now.  

Then there is a group who have enough skeletons in their closet that they REALLY don’t want to open this door. (I think Jerry would fall into that category)


Then there is a group who doesn’t really care, and would just go along with whatever the rest decide.


The key is to get enough owners in the first group to sway the “we don’t care” group j to action.  

That's usually how voting council functions.

10% for

10% against

And the remaining will vote what they are told to by the boss, depending in which category he 's in.


Now if they're counting vote, I think that they already have more than half of those 24 needed. They may be even close to 20. (if they're 3/4 owners wanting him out, you're not counting votes)


That's the kind of vote where you just cannot go wrong. And more than likely, you'd rather want to vote to go 28-1 with 3 abstentions or something like that. Going 24-8 wouldn't be a great score. No owner will ask for the vote if he has more than 0.000001% of failing. Ideally, you'd want the want to run 31-1, the only one against it would be Dan, obviously.


So you can expect to have one or two big names in the category that wants Dan out. And if they are indeed counting votes, means the subject must be rampant throughout them and come back, again and again every time they're talking with each other for whatever reason.


Things must really be interesting within owner's inner circles right now and I would love to see that unfold.

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3 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Keep on dreaming because that’s all it’s going to be. I won’t believe it until until the team is actually sold and new owner approved.

I'm a doubting Thomas too but the sharks are circling closer and closer.

We might even got a new Netflix serie ;)

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5 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


The odds that a national reporter just makes up a story that never happened -- would bring them ridicule, they'd get fired, and it would destroy their career.  Unless the USA Today reporter is a long-time Redskins/Commanders fan and will die on the sword to take down Dan -- I'd say the odds that the story is fake is maybe 1 percent tops.


If Dan is as hated as many have reported.  Why wouldn't an owner enjoy leveling him publicly?  I deal with the press in my business and especially if I have a good relationship with a reporte who I trust, I enjoy leveling a dude i don't like especially if I can keep my name off the record. 

I’m not saying it’s all made up; maybe it a front office assistant or minority owner speaking to the reporter and not relaying the 100% truth. I’m betting the overall scope of the article is real but I’m wondering if he really talking to someone like the Rooneys, Jerruh or even Khan. 

To your point about Dan being hated so much, that makes sense. But if I hated someone that much, I don’t think I’d want to be anonymous about it. I dunno. 

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7 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

If Dan is as hated as many have reported.  Why wouldn't an owner enjoy leveling him publicly?  I deal with the press in my business and especially if I have a good relationship with a reporte who I trust, I enjoy leveling a dude i don't like especially if I can keep my name off the record. 

 Maybe because " they're counting votes", he's not sure there will be 24 votes against him right now due to the  pending investigations. He probably hates Snyder and anonimity allows him to vent without feeling inhibited by the NFL politically correct  hiding policy.

Tomorrow is the owners meeting, I don't believe something significant will come out, let's see.



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5 hours ago, Conn said:

What exactly is your agenda on this board? You’re a suspicious presence in any thread that mentions Snyder, it’s bizarre. Feels like reading posts from 2006. 

It’s the previously banned HardcoreZorn, aka SweatSuit, aka whatever other names.


He used to defend Bruce in the same fashion.  The big meanie media is out to get them, it’s a nationwide conspiracy to get clicks and sell papers.

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8 hours ago, Thinking Skins said:

Shucks. I pressed send too soon. 


What I wanted to say was

4. There is a reason this person went to the press. They're trying to rally the votes. This wasn't to us, it was to other owners. They're saying that we need you. 



It could be.  I thought of that, too.  And on that front, its a good move.  Make it clear that there are some votes to remove Dan.  And if it doesn't happen its because some owners want to protect him and they want the public to know about it. 


It also doesn't have to be that.  From my experience, public figures talking to the press anonymosly like that could just be also they don't like the guy and feel like venting and something like this just pours out in a free wheeling conversation about something else.  It's part of the reason why press secretaries (it was one of my first jobs eons ago) hate it when their bosses get on the phone with a 'friendly" reporter and just chat for awhile.


The thing is about this.  Normally, I'd say its better it to be clandestine than tip off Dan if Dan hasn't been tipped off.  But speaking of the press and having an opponent -- sometimes its good to taunt some opponents publicly because they are high strung and will make unforced errors.  Or said differently sometimes the best move IMO when things are hairy is to make no move and let things settle down first -- Dan isn't that type of person from what we've seen and heard to wait something out and see how it settles.  He's the type to overreact and do something stupid based on a story like this.  So sometimes you won't to put people like that right on that path. 


If all this is going on, you'd want Dan to display his vintage bad behavior is reaction to this and his own behavior brings home why he needs to go.  In his shoes, if I were advising him I'd probably tell him to try to kill with kindness and hope it goes away that way but i don't think he has that in him.

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4 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I’m not saying it’s all made up; maybe it a front office assistant or minority owner speaking to the reporter and not relaying the 100% truth. I’m betting the overall scope of the article is real but I’m wondering if he really talking to someone like the Rooneys, Jerruh or even Khan. 

To your point about Dan being hated so much, that makes sense. But if I hated someone that much, I don’t think I’d want to be anonymous about it. I dunno. 


If its Dan I'd definitley want to be anonymous.  He is litigious and vindicative as heck.     It's much harder for Dan to smear every owner who votes against him than to focus on just the one talking to the press. 


And its not hard to see that Dan's team go to tactic to defend him is to level the source of the attack. 


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4 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I’m not saying it’s all made up; maybe it a front office assistant or minority owner speaking to the reporter and not relaying the 100% truth.


Now that I read the full article closely, its more powerful to me seeing the whole thing.  So it 4 different owners talking about this.   It couldn't be some FO guy because that would be a lie from the reporter.  Plus if it was a lie, name that random owner could shoot down that story as nonsense without giving his name and do that to name that other friendly reporter like lets say Schefter.  

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1 hour ago, FrFan said:

 Maybe because " they're counting votes", he's not sure there will be 24 votes against him right now due to the  pending investigations. He probably hates Snyder and anonimity allows him to vent without feeling inhibited by the NFL politically correct  hiding policy.

Tomorrow is the owners meeting, I don't believe something significant will come out, let's see.


My thoughts as well. It is more than likely a group of the smaller market owners dreaming big to cut their dingleberry loose 

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My overall take about Dan and this situation is this:


We as fans clearly deserve much better than that douche.  We've stuck by a lot of crap.  We've suffered way more than the typical fan of the typical team.  How many teams not only have mostly sucked under an owner because they are grossly incompetent but are also at the same time the most unlikeable franchise  because of rotten culture put forth by a rotten dude.   Heck I had a zoom meeting with a client recently and he saw that I was sitting on an NFL Shop Redskins chair, and asked me to explain why I can still be a fan of that team.   We've put up with so much crap because of that douche.  lol, just from a poetic justice standpoint we should hopefully be free of that douche sooner than later.


I get the betting on the house attitude from some that Dan will win every battle because he has won every battle to stay owner thus far.  So its the safe bet.  And as some say they don't want to get their hopes up.  But for me just like I was on the Bruce thread, I'll bet on optimism and hope one day it changes.  And I get removing Dan is night and day a harder deal than Bruce leaving.  But likewise I do recall all the snarky comments from local reporters that fans could cry all the want about it, but they don't see Bruce going anywhere.


The thing I like about that article from last night is it dispels at least one narrative from the naysayers on the topic which is the owners would never consider it. That it is not something they would ever do and the mere thought even is purely a fan fantasy.  At a minimum that article says there is a shot and at least some owners have considered this.    There is a legit playing field for this.  Some suggested in the past that a legit playing field didn't exist. 


Does Dan get removed?  I obviously don't know.  But I am off the idea that there is zero to no shot he's ever removed or he sells.  Heck Sheehan used to be among those in the media who loved to say no shot.  Now he thinks it happens.  In his view, it would be him selling.


The thing that makes these times unique is Dan is leveraged more than he typically is with the 875 million loan.  At the same time, the optimisim of Virginia putting up 1 billion in bonds, etc to help finance the stadium has come crashing down to it looks like 350 million at best.   Maryland won't offer him a dime for the stadium.  DC looks to be out.  I think Dan is a moron but not to the extent where he doesn't get that the stadium situation is an albatross to sales. 


Knowing what I've heard about him, which is he lives with excuses that pass the buck -- I'd bet he's said behind the scenes that their struggles to sell are purely because of the bad stadiium.  If so, I wonder what he says now?  Because right now they are on pace to miss the 2027 deadline and Dan might be forced to pay for the stadium entirely himself.


You got all of that.  Then you got a rebranding going on.  There is a lot different about Dan's financial situation today versus in the past.  Yet as the article stated, the team probably fetches a fortune.  Do I think Dan wants to sell?  Almost for sure, no.  But if he feels the walls crashing on him, I don't think its as far fetched that he'd sell as i once thought he'd never do.


As for the owners voting him out.  It feels like we need one or another of these things happening.


A.  The revenue sharing story turning out to be true.

B.  A new Dan story emerging


As for a new Dan story emerging, I recall awhile ago a WP reporter on 980 suggested that it was possible and they are exploring leads.


I get the pessimism, since betting on pessimism has been the winning hand so far so why not keep playing it?  For me I genuinely feel we got a fighting shot at a minimum.  I don't think its a pipe dream.  There are so many things going on right now that are uniquely different to years ago. 


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7 hours ago, Conn said:

What exactly is your agenda on this board? You’re a suspicious presence in any thread that mentions Snyder, it’s bizarre. Feels like reading posts from 2006. 


No agenda whatsoever.   I want the franchise to win.  Period.   I guess the difference with me and most others is that I don't care if we win with Snyder.

All this stuff does not help us win and I'm not sure it does anything to get him to sell.   So what's the point?   All it does is make us a worse franchise.


If you have hard evidence to get him out then get him out.    I'm not sure that death by a million cuts will get it done.


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24 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

My overall take about Dan and this situation is this:


We as fans clearly deserve much better than that douche.  We've stuck by a lot of crap.  We've suffered way more than the typical fan of the typical team.  How many teams not only have mostly sucked under an owner because they are grossly incompetent but are also at the same time are the most unlikeable franchise  tbecause of rotten culture put forth by a rotten dude.   Heck I had a zoom meeting with a client recently and he saw that I was sitting on an NFL Shop Redskins chair, and asked me to explain why I can still be a fan of that team.   We've put up with so much crap because of that douche.  lol, just from a poetic justice standpoint we should hopefully be free of that douche sooner than later.


I get the betting on the house attitude from some that Dan will win every battle because he has won every battle to stay owner thus far.  So its the safe bet.  And as some say they don't want to get their hopes up.  But for me just like I was on the Bruce thread, I'll bet on optimism and hope one day it changes.  And I get removing Dan is night and day a harder deal than Bruce leaving.  But likewise I do recall all the snarky comments from local reporters that fans could cry all the want about it, but they don't see Bruce going anywhere.


The thing I like about that article from last night is it dispels at least one narrative from the naysayers on the topic which is the owners would never consider it. That Ii's not something they would ever do and the mere thought even is purely a fan fantasy.  At a minimum that article says there is a shot and at least some owners have considered this.    There is a legit playing field for this.  Some suggested in the past that a legit playing field didn't exist. 


Does Dan get removed?  I obviously don't know.  But I am off the idea that there is zero to no shot he's ever removed or he sells.  Heck Sheehan used to be among those in the media who loved to say no shot.  Now he thinks it happens.  In his view, it would be him selling.


The thing that makes these times unique is Dan is leveraged more than he typically is with the 875 million loan.  At the same time, the optimisim of Virginia putting up 1 billion in bonds, etc to help finance the stadium has come crashing down to it looks like 350 million at best.   Maryland won't offer him a dime for the stadium.  DC looks to be out.  I think Dan is a moron but not to the extent where he doesn't get that the stadium situation is an albatross to sales. 


Knowing what I've heard about him, which is he lives with excuses that pass the buck -- I'd bet he's said behind the scenes that their struggles to sell are purely because of the bad stadiium.  If so, I wonder what he says now?  Because right now they are on pace to miss the 2027 deadline and Dan might be forced to pay for the stadium entirely himself.


You got all of that.  Then you got a rebranding going on.  There is a lot different about Dan's financial situation today versus in the past.  Yet as the article stated, the team probably fetches a fortune.  Do I think Dan wants to sell?  Almost for sure, no.  But if he feels the walls crashing on him, I don't think its as far fetched that he'd sell as i once thought he'd never do.


As for the owners voting him out.  It feels like we need one or another of these things happening.


A.  The revenue sharing story turning out to be true.

B.  A new Dan story emerging


As for a new Dan story emerging, I recall awhile ago a WP reporter on 980 suggested that it was possible and they are exploring leads.


I get the pessimism, since betting on pessimism has been the winning hand so far so why not keep playing it?  For me I genuinely feel we got a fighting shot at a minimum.  I don't think its a pipe dream.  There are so many things going on right now that are uniquely different to years ago. 







The committee has voted unanimously to give this post the highest honor it can bestow:


The bowing gentleman award.




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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Yeah I'd presume Jerry is Dan's best hope






"Yeah I'd presume Jerry is Dan's best hope."


Then again when the mob decides to do a hit on a made man (in this case another owner) they often send his closest friend to let him know that they are committed to do the deed (vote him out) if he doesn't take the "honorable" way out (ie. sell the team voluntarily).


Let's hope that when given no options Snyder has the good sense of Frankie "5 Angels".






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Why would the NFL give Snyder a loan to buyout the minority owners and have full ownership if they hated him so much?     Maybe they think it will be easier for him to sell if it came to that?

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31 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:

Why would the NFL give Snyder a loan to buyout the minority owners and have full ownership if they hated him so much?     Maybe they think it will be easier for him to sell if it came to that?

Probably because they absolutely needed the fighting between Dan and the minority owners to stop.  

And what they can’t do is force new minority owners in.  They can force them out, but they can’t tell them who to sell their shares to.  

The path of least resistance was just to have then sell it back to Dan who had first eight if refusal anyway.


And they know they are going to get their money back.  

To me, this was a huge nothing burger which a lot was made out of FROM THE PERSPECTIVE of The NFL supporting Dan. Dan already had 100% of the voting shares so he had full control. He doesn’t have any more control than he did before, because he already had all the control.


The NFL clearly thinks he’s good for the money or else they wouldn’t have made him the deal for the loan.

It just removed a headache.


Now, it does put Dan in a more leveraged financial position, and there is something to that.  

But that had nothing to do with the NFL supporting Dan.


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Sheehan among others said at the time, much easier from what they've heard to get Dan to sell the team seamlessly if push came to shove if there wasn't minority owners in the mix.  Do I think that's why they did it? Nope.  But I don't think there is anything about that move that helps Dan live on.  You can argue that the added debt doesn't help his finances especially in the mix of also trying to get liquid to finance a stadium.  Standig who is probably the most cynical among the local reporters as for Dan ever being removed also keeps on the track about Dan having this team on a budget including talking about it this morning. 


I don't think its even debatable that many of the owners hate him.  Too many narratives on that front to believe otherwise.  Plus does it really take that much imagination to assume one of the more unlikable figures in professional sports with the social skills according to many of a 5 year old isn't  liked by the other owners?


I recall when Bruce was here, Bruce supposedly was Dan's security blanket in the owners meetings.  For Bruce's faults he wasn't lacking social skills and could network.  And supposedly he was a big help on that front to Dan.  But now that Bruce is gone?

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1 hour ago, FLSkinz83 said:

All this stuff does not help us win and I'm not sure it does anything to get him to sell.   So what's the point?   All it does is make us a worse franchise.


Even aside from having your team owned by a human scum, Daniel Snyder is the biggest competitive disadvantage the team has.  We routinely talk about how tough it will be to attract the top coaches.  In an area flush with government money and consumers with disposable cash to burn, and being situated in an intersection of three different jurisdictions, he can't get anyone to sniff public support for a stadium (and isn't rich enough to fund his own).  Low local revenue also has direct impact on revenue and cash flow, which we may be in the beginning of seeing the repercussions.  


There is nearly a quarter century of history to show that Daniel Snyder is most definitely not helping this team win.

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1 hour ago, FLSkinz83 said:

Why would the NFL give Snyder a loan to buyout the minority owners and have full ownership if they hated him so much?     Maybe they think it will be easier for him to sell if it came to that?


Because the league exists to protect the owners and their interests; not the other way around.


The league already punished Snyder. 


That's it folks. 

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There's another component that may eventually work in our favor, and that would be Dan finally coming to the conclusion that owning the team doesn't make him popular anymore. That it is a headache, and a position that constantly needs yet another problem addressed. Security is no longer need to keep adoring fans away, but to keep away those who want to call him out for being a toxic butthole. Dan might be cash poor by owners standards, but he's mega rich by worldwide ones, and will be even moreso when he cashes he check from selling the "headache."  The he can become a very wealthy recluse and boss around everyone on his own private island.

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3 hours ago, FLSkinz83 said:


No agenda whatsoever.   I want the franchise to win.  Period.   I guess the difference with me and most others is that I don't care if we win with Snyder.

All this stuff does not help us win and I'm not sure it does anything to get him to sell.   So what's the point?   All it does is make us a worse franchise.


If you have hard evidence to get him out then get him out.    I'm not sure that death by a million cuts will get it done.



We all want the team to win.  It's the one thing I think we can all agree on.


I would just turn off the Super Bowl postgame show as soon as they hand the Lombardi to Dan.  Couldn't stomach it.

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