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About CommDownMan

  • Birthday 04/23/1981

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    Sean Taylor
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  1. Sometimes they write themselves. Haha
  2. Thankfully we went Daniels. Penix / Yankoff completions would have sent this place into madness.
  3. Probably 8-10ish. Add 22 FA signings (although I don't expect all to make the final 53). There is a solid chance 27+ spots change this offseason, meaning more than 50% of the active roster. I knew roster turnover was coming, but 50+ % in one year is higher than I expected. Between FO, coaching staff and guys in the locker room, I can understand why a few players have said it feels like they've been traded.
  4. Chig Anusie just got 350k guaranteed as a udfa. No lock obviously, but clearly they like him at this point.
  5. Yes, I'm saying Roseman started in a better position to punt picks to future years. The Eagles have a solid player base already. Using OT as an example, Commanders tried to trade up in first and saw all of wave 1 OTs get drafted. Then is second round they started to look into move up, maybe again for an OT. Coleman might have been their pick at 67, but it might have also been a move made by a rookie GM that needed to have an answer at OT. Not a reach necesarily, but also not in position to trade back and add picks. My post was talking about grading the GM, as opposed to the players. I think Peters was at a disadvantage vs Roseman from the team and moments like 67 his hand was a bit forced (this is my feeling). I think overall the players fit scheme and I see action towards a plan. I hope there is a bit more polish on his drafts as Peter's has more time in the position. I also agree with your second point. Find me 10 starters a year in the draft and you never actually need to pay anyone of a second contract. (You'd get salary floor penalties, but that's not my point). Get all the talent you can and let Peter's work it out. edit: one other note, this is also why bad teams tend to stay bad and good teams tend to stay good. Roseman is constantly in position to master the draft, helps his team and is ready to do it again in 2025. Commanders over several coaching staffs traded future picks for needs and ALWAYS needing something every year. The reason I want to see Peter's do better, is a shift there would make me feel like we turned a corner.
  6. I think you can do both. I think Peters did well with the draft. But judging the draft should include all the 2025 picks that Roseman got. His ability to move about is really impressive (which sucks). That being said, part of that ability is having done it over several years, his team has a stronger base to work with. As a result, there is less need to build the roster and allows for more gambles. Trading out of 3 picks for future picks means you have a team that is well built now (generally), and Peters didn't inherit that luxury. We had one successful trade down and at least 2 mentions of failed trade ups (end of first and end of second I think). Whether it was first draft nerves, sticking to the board or simply working through being the top guy with all it entails, there were times it appears we weren't able to get our guy. I do wonder if Coleman was the target and 49ers did Peters a solid saying that wasn't who KC wanted (but we'll never know). I think grrading the ability to move around can be judge now, as it has nothing to do with players suscess of the field. Peters did well from a handling the responsibility point of view. Any of us doing something for the first time there is going be room for improvement.. Comparing him to Roseman at this point is a high bar. There are pkenty of GMs that did far worse with more experience. However, the goal should be the best and to do that we need to beat the best. For Peters that is as a GM and his target should be beating GMs for Eagles, Ravens, Steelers. It was a solid start, but I believe there will be some lessons learned and there is room for improvement.
  7. Seeing Hampton make comments about wanting to go to washington is sure nice to see though. They have a great coaching contingent that can divide and conquer the phone lines. Hopefully we see a few worthy players.
  8. So draft Beebe and move Cosmi back to RT could help.
  9. Some people truly can't help it, sad as it may be.
  10. They guaranteed a lot of money for someone they don't trust.
  11. My point was we better like all 4 QBs at that point, because we would be getting the last of the top 4. I wouldn't be sad about the extra draft capital, but it's risky if you are assuming which guy falls to 4.
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