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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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16 hours ago, Thinking Skins said:

I didn't listen to the interviews on Friday. I don't really care about that side of it. I don't care about the who's to blame arguments. What I care about is the sponsorship stuff. Dan wasn't going to change the name until the sponsors got involved. And I feel like he won't sell until the sponsors get involved. Will FedEx do it again? Nike? Amazon? That's what I'm waiting for because that's when the lights come on and we know his days are numbered. 

It's pretty disgusting that sponsors got in an uproar and held Dan's feet to the fire over the name, but aren't making a peep over all these myriad things, which are infinitely more disgusting and unforgivable.  It just makes no sense.  


To get Dan out, he needs to be fully rebuffed on getting a new stadium, which is why I don't want them to win another game.   Sponsors can't be counted on to do the right thing; the NFL owners for sure can't be counted on to do the right thing.  It's going to take Dan not being able to get a new stadium.  It would help if fans en masse, openly protested, as well as the players.  But I'm not holding my breath on either accounts.


Nope.  A no-go on a new stadium is pretty much my only slim hope at this point.  Nothing that comes out on Tuesday, IMHO, is going to sway the other owners to vote him out, when they haven't really cared to this point, after all that has come to light.  

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44 minutes ago, Redwards said:

It's pretty disgusting that sponsors got in an uproar and held Dan's feet to the fire over the name, but aren't making a peep over all these myriad things, which are infinitely more disgusting and unforgivable.  It just makes no sense.  


Forcing a name change is one thing. taking a team away is another.

There are repercussions for sponsors forcing an ownership change in anything but the most extreme circumstances. (I'm talking Sterling level fully-certified, instant owner removal level ish here)


If you owned a franchise, how willing would you be to sign a sponsor with a proven history of forcing an ownership sell. Especially when you have multiple similar offers from other sponsors. If Sponsors get in the habit of overly dictating how their paid companies operate, they will find themselves paying an additional premium for sponsorships at best and blackballed at worse.


If Pepsi for example starts forcing the removal of Dan tomorrow, you thing Jerruh, w/ his skeletons, is gonna be keen on giving that company any additional sway over his own franchise when its time for a new contract sponsorship? Nah, he will sign a deal with Coke and keep it rolling.


The only times sponsors can get away with asking for an ownership sale is when they are 100% positive there will be no negative backlash. You'd probably need some kinda Ray Rice tape situation on Dan first where you know he's screwed beforehand.

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Anyone else tune in to his post match presser? Ron dodging just about everything and the media completely lapping it up, I’m aware they can’t just dig at the guy but it’s like they actively try and make things so easy for him


”Ron I know your not one for excuses”

”Ron I know you can’t realistically run the ball at the end of the game there”

”Ron what did you make of Brian Robinsons comeback”


Hold the guy to account, Jesus

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Smells like another season of double digit L's.


Yep, jus a different way, we've seen this before, too...


At some point, when coaches start getting defensive with the media over dumb **** they do, it's time to play "you ain't gonna be here much longer" bingo...

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5 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Yep, jus a different way, we've seen this before, too...


At some point, when coaches start getting defensive with the media over dumb **** they do, it's time to play "you ain't gonna be here much longer" bingo...



Yeaahhhh. Just sloppy game management all around. Some of the worst I've ever seen. It seemed like every single thing he did, felt disjointed/out of sync.

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I think Rivera’s ambiguous “great man” reputation and “leader of men” ability has always been overrated, or at least overstated, but his post game pressers are starting to get downright embarrassing. He’s making himself look like a defensive, tone-deaf dumbass in a really unflattering way. 

“it’s great to be able to second guess” is such a ****y, whiny retort it’s hard to take him seriously. We aren’t breaking new ground here man, clock management and timeout usage is basically a settled science. Not to say it’s easy to get right 100% of the time—a large percentage of even good coaches struggle with it, strangely—but to act like it’s some outsiders luxury to be able to second guess his poor clock management is insulting. ESPECIALLY since he doesn’t seem to have many other roles on game day at all. 

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2 minutes ago, Conn said:

I think Rivera’s ambiguous “great man” reputation and “leader of men” ability has always been overrated, or at least overstated, but his post game pressers are starting to get downright embarrassing. He’s making himself look like a defensive, tone-deaf dumbass in a really unflattering way. 


A lot of bark for a man with just 3 winning seasons.

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What is Ron good at?


Serious question.


Seems like a good person. Players like him -- they don't quit on him.


Other than that?


He's not the DC. 


He's not the OC.


He's truly terrible at challenging plays. His game management... yikes.


And he's whiffed tremendously on some signings (along with his Carolina cronies). And remember, we were the other team who desperately wanted Russell Wilson! That's the only goods news of the year so far -- RW passing on our dumpster fire and saving us two firsts.


This season is basically over six weeks in.


It's incredible.


AND he's thin-skinned. Well, buckle up, Riverboat, because the more prickly you get the more the media -- rightfully in this case -- is going to come after you. The bloom is so off Ron's rose.


Meanwhile, we have an owner who keeps finding new ways to look bad. How could one possibly trust him to find the right new GM, coach, etc...


It's so brutal.


Really feels like the only hope is for the other owners in the league to save us.





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1 minute ago, Hooper said:

What is Ron good at?


Serious question.


Seems like a good person. Players like him -- they don't quit on him.


Other than that?


He's not the DC. 


He's not the OC.


He's truly terrible at challenging plays. His game management... yikes.


And he's whiffed tremendously on some signings (along with his Carolina cronies).


This season is basically over six weeks in.


It's incredible.


Meanwhile, we have an owner who keeps finding new ways to look bad. How could one possibly trust him to find the right new GM, coach, etc...


It's so brutal.


Really feels like the only hope is for the other owners in the league to save us.






First in the League at helping old ass ladies cross the street 

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Not even really sure why he’s perceived as likable other than the nebulous “reputation” he came in with. He’s one of those dudes who is weirdly obsessed with the military, yet his team is undisciplined, and he’s short and prickly with the media in a way that makes it seem like he doesn’t understand accountability.  He lacks self-awareness, which is on display every time he talks about the fanbase or lack thereof. He says nothing and I don’t think he means anything by what he does say, and he’s boring as hell—so I wouldn’t say he’s charismatic at all. He also doesn’t have the personal backbone to not be Snyder’s messenger in the media. A man with the kind of professional integrity he’s supposed to have, frankly, would have quit by now given all the stories that have come out. He’s already rich, so I will not accept any answer talking about his contract. If his #1 quality is his principles, then he’s failing them by continuing to work for Snyder. Hell if he quit and made a strong statement, he’d be the good guy in the media. But he won’t, because he knows he’ll never lead an organization like he’s doing here. That’s ego. 

Oh, also he all-around sucks as a coach and makes horrid gameday decisions.

This is harsh to make a point, but I’m not trying to crap on the guy as a person—none of us know him in his personal life. May be a great father, friend, and family man. I don’t know.

What I’m saying is I don’t get why he’s perceived as likable as a Head Coach of a football team, for the reasons I stated above. It’s just an accepted thing that he’s well-liked and well-respected. Why? He seems full of **** to me. 

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I've moved from Ron supporter to Ron ambivalent.  


I really thought THIS would not happen in year 3.  Especially after getting what I still think is a professional QB.  Wentz made some really, really good throws today, and actually was a really big reason they were in the game at all.  It would have been great if Samuels wouldn't have dropped the first 3rd down pass, which was on his hands.  That might have really gotten the offensive day off to a better start.  But whatever, this isn't the Wentz thread.


I am so fantastically disappointed the team is this bad in year 3.  I wasn't expecting SB, but I was expecting competitive week-in, week-out, and at lest 10-11 wins.  


And that's just not going to happen.  


The lack of pursuing better replacements on the OL for Sherff and Flowers is perplexing.  

The lack of signing a legitimate backup center was a huge mistake.

Not signing another 1-2 CBs to compete for backup jobs in case WJIII turned out to be what we saw last year.  

I don't care as much on the LB front.  And honestly, the DL hasn't been bad.  


Not entertaining changing the coaching staff more than an in-training-camp firing of the DL coach.


The whole thing feels stale, and we're only 3 years in.


The blaming of the injuries really turned me off.  Everybody has injuries.  I hated, I mean HATED when Jay did that.  Figure it out and have good enough depth.  Don't complain about injuries.  It's your damn fault you have to have Wes Martin play center.  At least he's better than John Toth, I guess.  That didn't have to happen. They were 1-2 injuries away from disaster on the OL.  And look at that, it happened.  


I'm not one who put a ton of stock in Dan limiting what Ron could do.  I am sure there are some limitations placed on Ron by Dan.  But I damn well think he could go out and sign some backup DBs and OL veterans if he wanted to.  


So I am putting the vast majority of the roster construction on Ron.  Maybe they can't convince some of the top-end FAs to come here because of Dan. Fine.  But I'm not even talking about top-end FAs.  I'm talking about middle-of-the-road, good starters who need jobs.  You can get those guys. Dan or no Dan.  And we didn't even try, it seems like.


The one thing I do think they did well seem to be the draft.  Pitty about Mathis.  Brian Robinson probably could run better if he's not being hit 4 yards behind he LOS in the first game back after being shot.  And Dotson is legitimately good already.  


I don't know how this turns around.  I don't think it will. Maybe Ron can pull a rabbit out of his hat.  But the horses, especially along the OL are not there.  And that's going to crush the offense all year.  

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18 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I've moved from Ron supporter to Ron ambivalent.  


I really thought THIS would not happen in year 3.  Especially after getting what I still think is a professional QB.  Wentz made some really, really good throws today, and actually was a really big reason they were in the game at all.  It would have been great if Samuels wouldn't have dropped the first 3rd down pass, which was on his hands.  That might have really gotten the offensive day off to a better start.  But whatever, this isn't the Wentz thread.


I am so fantastically disappointed the team is this bad in year 3.  I wasn't expecting SB, but I was expecting competitive week-in, week-out, and at lest 10-11 wins.  


And that's just not going to happen.  


The lack of pursuing better replacements on the OL for Sherff and Flowers is perplexing.  

The lack of signing a legitimate backup center was a huge mistake.

Not signing another 1-2 CBs to compete for backup jobs in case WJIII turned out to be what we saw last year.  

I don't care as much on the LB front.  And honestly, the DL hasn't been bad.  


Not entertaining changing the coaching staff more than an in-training-camp firing of the DL coach.


The whole thing feels stale, and we're only 3 years in.


The blaming of the injuries really turned me off.  Everybody has injuries.  I hated, I mean HATED when Jay did that.  Figure it out and have good enough depth.  Don't complain about injuries.  It's your damn fault you have to have Wes Martin play center.  At least he's better than John Toth, I guess.  That didn't have to happen. They were 1-2 injuries away from disaster on the OL.  And look at that, it happened.  


I'm not one who put a ton of stock in Dan limiting what Ron could do.  I am sure there are some limitations placed on Ron by Dan.  But I damn well think he could go out and sign some backup DBs and OL veterans if he wanted to.  


So I am putting the vast majority of the roster construction on Ron.  Maybe they can't convince some of the top-end FAs to come here because of Dan. Fine.  But I'm not even talking about top-end FAs.  I'm talking about middle-of-the-road, good starters who need jobs.  You can get those guys. Dan or no Dan.  And we didn't even try, it seems like.


The one thing I do think they did well seem to be the draft.  Pitty about Mathis.  Brian Robinson probably could run better if he's not being hit 4 yards behind he LOS in the first game back after being shot.  And Dotson is legitimately good already.  


I don't know how this turns around.  I don't think it will. Maybe Ron can pull a rabbit out of his hat.  But the horses, especially along the OL are not there.  And that's going to crush the offense all year.  

Ron & co should look at the guys on the other sideline and be absolutely embarrassed. Vrabel and co came into this year with less overall talent, have lost more of their high end talent including OL and continue to win games despite this.

Really admire what they were able to do to maximize their talent. That pass where Tannehill faked it to Henry and then went to Hilliard was a thing of beauty

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47 minutes ago, Conn said:

I think Rivera’s ambiguous “great man” reputation and “leader of men”... he doesn’t seem to have many other roles on game day at all. 


Just getting a check. His job was done in 2020.


21 minutes ago, Conn said:

...It’s just an accepted thing that he’s well-liked and well-respected. Why? He seems full of **** to me. 


He's extremely loyal.

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