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  1. Barely been on here to have a read on what people think, been so busy tugging myself into a coma Great work AP 🔥
  2. It’s Cooper DeJean or Kool - Aid for me at 36 if they’re there. Whilst tackle is the bigger need, our secondary is still a huge need and we’re already into the realm of project tackles, so if we can get our hands on one of those DB’s who let’s face it should’ve been in the first round, that would be a home run for us.
  3. If Kool - Aid or Dejean are there when we next get up will we pull the trigger?
  4. I like the way Drake interviews he seems a genuine and enthusiastic lad! Always said him Jayden or JJ and I’ll be happy, but I do have an extra soft spot for Maye and if I was making that pick tomorrow it would be him!
  5. Mr Daniels doesn’t have options though
  6. I honestly can’t remember the last time a prospect was seemingly so vocal about it. I say seemingly because it may be through no fault of his own, he might have alluded to these things once or twice and is being let down by people close to him. IMO, he should be really excited about playing here, because it’s here or NE and our roster looks in better shape than theirs. Peters and Quinn will be closer to the situation I trust them to establish the truth behind all the smoke and mirrors
  7. I’d be excited to have Jayden on board, but personally seen a lot of this kind of reporting, is it a case of no smoke without fire? In which case I’d lean Drake Maye and we’ll see how much fun Jayden has throwing to those Pats receivers
  8. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/nfl/prospects-accept-invitations-2024-nfl-draft-detroit/3522253/ Maye and Daniels headed to Michigan Will we finally after ages and ages and ages get to see our pick walk out on the stage
  9. I don’t wanna know who we take until the words come out of Goodell’s mouth on draft night, it’s more fun that way 😄 Oh and I hope whoever we take is at the actual draft in Michigan, feels like years since we’ve had our guy on the stage holding the jersey
  10. SIP, I’ve not been able to keep up with this thread as much as I’d have liked in recent weeks. If the draft was today, whose your pick at 2?
  11. Some of the hyperbole around Drake Maye is quite honestly laughable, he’s a fantastic prospect, perfect? No. But no one ever is coming out, they’re just that, prospects. Peters and Quinn need to draft the man they feel has the highest ceiling and ensure he’s given every resource, platform and encouragement to reach his potential.
  12. I’m not in the business of taking Mike Florio seriously, and neither should anyone else be
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