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So, how do you reopen schools? (Preschool to High School & even College)


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As the coronavirus pandemic continues to temporarily — or perhaps permanently — alter the college experience, two Princeton graduates have come up with a new idea: instead of students taking online courses from their bedrooms and couches, they'll take them from a luxe "bubble" hotel full of other students in the same boat.


What could go wrong?

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2 hours ago, visionary said:


I admittedly didn't follow this Georgia school district, but I'm assuming any districts which are opening are doing so expecting that they may need to hit pause to address outbreaks. I'm guessing no one tried to pretend that this would be a linear improvement and that there would be no cases during the opening, but rather that schools would need to stay agile and adjust to what happened. That's the ONLY WAY we can open things up. I don't see how this is being treated as a smoking gun for why they made a horrific mistake. 

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3 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I think that's an easy talking point, but don't think it's fair to assume that any district which attempts to open is being run by ignorant hillbillies. There are valid points on both sides. 

Last I checked (it's possible the info is out of date) the school tested 35 people and 9 came up positive.  They are closing for two days for cleaning.


The odds that there are no other carriers in the school are essentially zero, so no matter what cleaning they do, it's just going to spread right through the school again.  Two days is not enough time to assess what happened and have confidence that everyone will be going back to school safely.


Ignorant? Maybe not.  Willing to put a lot of people in harm's way?  Seems so.  I'm not talking about everybody here, but enough of the people making the decisions for it to matter.

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Ours just went 100% virtual as predicted. Though I honestly thought it’d be a 5 days before first day type decision. 

Honestly I’m relieved. 

the hybrid approach made no sense to me. It was born out of state guidance being no more than X kids per room, and them figuring out how few groups they could make it work with.  There’s no way anyone with an infectious disease approach would think the correct answer was for kids to spend 2 days in one setting with other kids and 3 days in another, completely uncontrolled (from the schools perspective l), setting with kids who spend the other 2 days in other school systems. 

im relieved. We had no idea what to do. Now someone’s made the decision for us so, now we just figure that out. I realize plenty of you had no problem deciding, but it was not easy. And my wife is up to her eyeballs in the covid **** for her job so it’s not like we were just winging it when trying to decide. 

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My kids private school is giving parents an option two, three, or five days in person.  Also, five days virtual.  They’ll have a camera set up in the actual classrooms with teachers doing a full days song and dance.  We’ve chosen five day virtual, because I’m just not sold on this idea.  

As much as I want her to be with her peers and out of the house, I don’t want her being at ground zero should things go badly.  Making them endure temporary shutdowns and then return every time a classmate comes down with the scary virus they’ve been hiding from for months, sounds traumatizing to me.  


There will be a time for her to go back.  It’s not right now.

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4 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

They are closing for two days for cleaning.

Covid porn.


The virus is dead on surfaces in like two days. 

Power 5 physicians saying

that they a dozen elite athletes with post covid myocarditis. 

Elite athletes, a year two older than a HS senior. 

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11 minutes ago, Destino said:

My kids private school is giving parents an option two, three, or five days in person.  Also, five days virtual.  They’ll have a camera set up in the actual classrooms with teachers doing a full days song and dance.  We’ve chosen five day virtual, because I’m just not sold on this idea.  

As much as I want her to be with her peers and out of the house, I don’t want her being at ground zero should things go badly.  Making them endure temporary shutdowns and then return every time a classmate comes down with the scary virus they’ve been hiding from for months, sounds traumatizing to me.  


Plus it would mean staying away from family outside of school.  My parents are old and my sister is high risk, but it’s not just their health that concerns me.  There’s also the fact that I don’t want her thinking she got her family sick.  That’s a lot of potential guilt for a small child.

There will be a time for her to go back.  It’s not right now.

It's tough. My in laws DGAF. My one sister in law thinks Fauci made this in a lab in Wuhan. Seriously. My other sister in law DGAF either. Seeing my wife's family is like a death trap right now.

Edited by Elessar78
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5 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

It's tough. My in laws DGAF. My one sister in law thinks Fauci made this in a lab in Wuhan. Seriously. My other sister in law DGAF either. Seeing my wife's family is like a death trap right now.

I remember your posts from way back now...damn, she was loopy. 

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40 minutes ago, JCB said:

Just did my first Zoom classes today. Better than expected, but there was a real fog of uncertainty in my freshman seminar. Sucks.


This Google Site is created by the professor in charge of what used to be called the Blended and Online Learning in Schools program at George Mason (it's called something else now): 




Lots of excellent, free resources to assist in teaching online.



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Delaware will not regularly announce COVID-19 cases connected to schools


The state will not regularly announce positive COVID-19 cases in schools, and will instead do so on a case-by-case basis, public health officials said Tuesday. It will also not require teachers and staff to undergo testing before the school year begins. 


“There may be times when there’s really no need for the public to know,” said Dr. Karyl Rattay, director of the state Division of Public Health. “For example, if a person was positive, but no one else would have been considered exposed, that’s unlikely to be made public. 


“However, if there are exposures,” she said, “and there’s reason to make the public aware, we will work with the school district to make sure that people will have the information that they may need.”


Whether to publicly announce confirmed cases “is a decision left to the individual schools and school districts,” Andrea Wojcik, spokeswoman for the Division of Public Health, said. 


Each school district has been paired with a state public health liaison to help guide them through decisions like that. But there is no mandated consistency as far as how school-related cases will be tracked and reported to the public. It will likely vary from district to district. 


Click on the link for the full article

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