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As the pandemic rages, some foods are again in short supply


One of the major concerns surrounding the initial COVID-19 outbreak was that our food system—stretched thin by hoarders, wholesaler and distribution center closures, and virus outbreaks at factories—was teetering on the edge of collapse. While that didn’t actually end up happening, it is true that many foods were in short supply, and now, with the outbreak on the rise in many parts of the country, people are once again finding some grocery store shelves bare.


As reported in a paywalled story at The Wall Street Journal, companies like General Mills, Campbell Soup Co., and Conagra Brands (which owns brands like Frontera, Marie Callender’s, and Healthy Choice) are struggling to keep up with demand as shoppers, seemingly responding to COVID-19 outbreaks, buy up goods like pasta, flour, canned soup, and rice. And, as before, some items are in short supply due to challenges with manufacturing and distribution, which range from COVID-19 outbreaks at facilities (we’re looking at you, Tyson ) to companies simply not being able to keep up with the sudden desire to bake bread and eat beans.


Click on the link for the full article

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I'm going on a charter fishing trip out of Annapolis on Saturday to catch rockfish.  


We booked this trip like 2-3 months ago and expected numbers to continue to go down from when it was booked.  Everyone going on the trip has pretty much been exposing themselves as minimal as possible and taking the normal precautions.  We're all bringing masks in case they enforce it on the boat but I highly doubt they will.  If I feel uncomfortable I will wear mine though and usually after the fact we go drink at a bar but if there is nothing outdoors with spacing, then I'm going to be heading straight home.


it's 8 of us and then 2 people running the boat I'm guessing.  The boat is a decent size so we should be able to spread out somewhat, and the fact that we will be outside on a boat with the wind blowing the whole time also makes me feel a lot more comfortable.  


But damn, while the numbers in MD are still doing okay, there is definitely a slight recent increase but is definitely higher than I would have expected when we booked it.

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12 minutes ago, China said:


Nice story, but how long ago did that happen, because none of those people are wearing masks?  I'd think that someone that had received a heart transplant might be on immunosuppresants and subject to compromise from COVID-19.


Good point.

Its been reposted a lot on Twitter since I saw it and people have said they saw it a while back.

Edited by Dan T.
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Survey: More porn consumption creates greater erectile dysfunction in European men


Watching more pornographic videos worsens erectile dysfunction, according to the findings of a survey presented Thursday at the EAU virtual Congress.


Viewing pornography also is associated with greater dissatisfaction with "normal" sex, with only two-thirds of male respondents rating sex with a partner as more stimulating than watching adult videos, the researchers said.


"We found that there was a highly significant relationship between time spent watching porn and increasing difficulty with erectile function with a partner," study co-author Gunter de Win, a professor at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, said in a statement.


In all, roughly 23% of male respondents 35 years old and younger reported that they had some level of erectile dysfunction when having sex with a partner, he and his colleagues said.


Those who reported more porn viewing reported more problems becoming aroused when with their partners, according to the researchers.


Overall, 65% of male respondents reported feeling that sex with a partner was more exciting than watching porn, the researchers said.


One in five respondents, or 20%, also felt that they needed to watch more extreme pornography to get the same level of arousal they had from previously viewing adult videos, they said.


Click on the link for the full article

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On 7/19/2020 at 12:24 PM, LadySkinsFan said:

^^^^   I don't know why you guys keep posting misogynistic posts. 


Everyone knows that that's Iggy Pop and not Jennifer Aniston.





"2020 has been a real challenge."

          - Justin Bieber





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4 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


Yes! Thanks for getting my message!



At the risk of bringing a downer to this thread, I'm not sure I really got your message, frankly. Is it that anytime the joke involves a celebrity who is a woman, it's misogynistic?

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4 minutes ago, Dan T. said:



At the risk of bringing a downer to this thread, I'm not sure I really got your message, frankly. Is it that anytime the joke involves a celebrity who is a woman, it's misogynistic?


Basically in this particular case, it's using an image of an older man to make fun of a younger woman, making fun of the woman by comparing her to an older man with the only thing they have in common is long hair. Both are famous in their own right.  Your post with an older man and younger man is okay because both are male.I


I know that you don't hate women, but can you see how ingrained into our culture misogyny is that we sometimes don't even recognize it.


Definition of misogynistic from Merriam Webster

: feeling, showing, or characterized by hatred of women : of, relating to, or being a misogynistic song with misogynistic lyrics, misogynistic attitudes/behavior




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