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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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4 minutes ago, Barry.Randolphe said:

@tshile didn't you come down with Covid previously? What was your vaccine? Pfizer

Yup. October 2020. No vaccine at that point. This one is way worse. Im assuming it’s because I had a high viral load this time compared to the last. 

J&J with Pfizer booster.


i actually feel a bit better. I hadn’t eaten or drinkin anything all day. Finally had some Mac n cheese and broccoli 

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Other than a sore chest that feels like I smoked a pack of cigarettes last night, I feel great. 

everyone else exposed is not boostered. Not out of any real reason they’re just ****ing lazy and hadn’t gotten it yet. They’re all still feeling bad. 

im 100x sure the reason I get like garbage yesterday was because I didn’t eat or drink anything until like 3pm. 

I think I coulda made my vacation if my parents were boostered. Oh well. 

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

Other than a sore chest that feels like I smoked a pack of cigarettes last night, I feel great. 

everyone else exposed is not boostered. Not out of any real reason they’re just ****ing lazy and hadn’t gotten it yet. They’re all still feeling bad. 

im 100x sure the reason I get like garbage yesterday was because I didn’t eat or drink anything until like 3pm. 

I think I coulda made my vacation if my parents were boostered. Oh well. 

Glad you are on the mend.  Who knows if your flights wouldn’t have been canceled.  We’re looking at our in-laws staying longer.  😲

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Fox 'News' Is Upset That There Is So Much COVID Testing


Fox "News" is having a sadz that people are doing COVID testing, which is leading to airline and pilot staffing shortages...which are leading to cancelled flights. What exactly would these whackjobs rather have? Less testing so that the airline workers are positive for COVID stay unaware of it, so they can keep working on flights? Sharing their germs with everyone while in a giant metal tube? REALLY?


They took a dig at people on unemployment and taking "free money" from the government. That $250 a month in child care of $1000 a month in unemployment is definitely why people are not taking jobs. NOT.


"COVID Theater" is what they are calling it now. The testing and cancellations of flights, sports, etc. They are super mad that asymptomatic positives lead to athletes and staff taking off work. HELLO, IDIOTS - do they not realize that asymptomatic people can spread COVID just as easily as symptomatic folks?


Click on the link for the rest

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Sort of a ****ty situation I’m aware of:

2 person household. Both not feeling well. Go get tested. One pops positive for flu the other covid 


By the time they both got tested they basically infected each other. Flu and covid at the same time. Phew. 

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Welp…I’ve got a confirmed COVID close contact from Christmas Day.  I’ve been feeling a little tired and with a scratchy throat since about noon today and I got the bad news about 45 minutes ago.  Spent the last 30 minutes looking for a test appointment in Richmond and…finally found one for NEXT Wednesday.


Going into full NYE quarantine and making a ****tail to take the edge off.  Wish me luck, fam!

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@TryTheBeal!good luck bud. We’re quarantine buddies!
(  ‘)_/**\_(‘  )


sorry if you already know this but been passing it to everyone that got infected with me. It’s a lot of people so far… It’s standard child/fever advice from nurses/doctors


if your fever gets out of control alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 3-4 hours so you’re constantly introducing something to help without overloading your kidneys/liver and it’s one. 

the admission criteria for the hospitals here is an oxygen level below 90. So grab a pulseOx off Amazon for like 15/20$ and know whether it’s even worth going to the hospital (florida is weird so maybe their rules are different)




i got that one. Works well. 

or just relax and see how it goes. 


but either way enjoy a covid New Years and be well soon :cheers:


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I know many of us may have friends who look at what the CDC just insanely did with their isolation guidance and put people at risk. If you have friends who say hey I waited five days without symptoms, do NOT go see them unless they test negative on a rapid test. Ideally back to back tests on back to back days but of course tests are in short supply sadly.


The idea is probably that many people test positive days after they were infected and thus well into their contagious period already, which is 100% true, but it's an unnecessary risk - most people are contagious 3-5 days give or take, but many are for over a week. Don't risk it with high risk people especially. We should have done what the UK/NBA does - after 5 days, test negative and then return to public.



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47 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Welp…I’ve got a confirmed COVID close contact from Christmas Day.  I’ve been feeling a little tired and with a scratchy throat since about noon today and I got the bad news about 45 minutes ago.  Spent the last 30 minutes looking for a test appointment in Richmond and…finally found one for NEXT Wednesday.


Going into full NYE quarantine and making a ****tail to take the edge off.  Wish me luck, fam!


Try to get a home test before then. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Um. The cdc’s guidance is based on the data they’re seeing and the approval of it comes at a time where they’re seeing massive economic disruption and they felt the need to update the guidance to reflect what the data shows, as it would help minimize the disruption. And “economic disruption” is a terrible term because it sucks all the humanity out of what is happening. People are stranded and getting back home to get back to work, or kids back to school, or whatever has become a huge challenge. 


the cdc said the change is based on what they’re seeing in the data and the change would have come one way or another. 

do you have something to suggest they’re wrong?


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@TryTheBeal!im boostered and after 12 hours I was splitting wood and changed the tires on my truck 🤷‍♂️ 


when I had covid in 2020 w/o a vaccine I did things like cut up a tree but I had to stop every 5 minutes and take like a 10 minute break. Never sweat so hard in my life. That was a huge tree, like 28” at the base. 

carrying my son to his bed winded me like I ran a mile. 

anyways. This time? Honestly if covid weren’t a thing this wouldn’t have even registered as a cold worth taking OTC things for 🤷‍♂️ my kids brought home worse every 3-6 weeks from daycare …


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4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Try to get a home test before then. 

I actually do have a few home tests left over from the Iceland trip this summer.  Not sure if they’re still effective.


Anyhoo, I’m triple vaxxed and in pretty good shape for 52.  And I can easily flex myself into 5-7 days of quarantine with no regard to employment/family/etc.  I won’t spread it under any circumstances.


If the symptoms kick in over the next 48, I’ll know.  And if they’re gone by next Wednesday, I’ll request an antibody test so I know I had it.


Ordered that O2 sensor, @tshile



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Hahahaha my work policy is so ****ed. They never updated it from when it was originally made (early 2020)


in addition to these really long time requirements wrt symptoms, I need 2 negative pcr tests at least 24 hours apart. 

have you tried to schedule a test right now?


im never going back to work this is an impossible standard 😂 

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22 minutes ago, tshile said:

Hahahaha my work policy is so ****ed. They never updated it from when it was originally made (early 2020)


in addition to these really long time requirements wrt symptoms, I need 2 negative pcr tests at least 24 hours apart. 

have you tried to schedule a test right now?


im never going back to work this is an impossible standard 😂 


Don't know if where you are live is doing it, but have you tried ordering tests online?  In NJ, you can order an online PCR test for free and get it next day.  Do it at home over a Zoom call and drop the kit in UPS drop box.  Get results in 2 or 3 days.


We've had a breakout at my family (all vaccinated and boosted if age allowed and no major issues.  My wife probably had it worse, and she was just exhausted and spent most of 2 days sleeping.  I've essentially been symptom free.  Even for the kids that are unboosted and about 6 months out from their vaccination, it was pretty minor and weren't as bad as my wife.)


We need a negative PCR test the week we are supposed to go back (that will be done through work) or a positive PCR tests more than 10 days before we go back.  Because of how long out the PCR tests can run positives, we were worried about the one that work is going to do returning positive.  But we now have positive PCR tests from the online system.


(Also, related to the issue of testing.  I do think that out of date and stupid work policies like this seem to be a big contributing factor to the lack of accessibility of tests.  Even my work's policy doesn't make much sense.  They've got to know they are going to find people that can't transmit the virus with a PCR test.)

Edited by PeterMP
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13 minutes ago, PeterMP said:

Also, related to the issue of testing.  I do think that out of date and stupid work policies like this seem to be a big contributing factor to the lack of accessibility of tests.  Even my work's policy doesn't make much sense.  They've got to know they are going to find people that can't transmit the virus with a PCR test.)

Yeah. It’s dumb. 

i am looking at those other testing options. But the policy was written early 2020 when the state mandated it at the start. So it doesn’t address anything that’s changed since then. Off the top of my head that would include:

- vaccine/booster stuff

- the new trust on rapid testing since it’s now well understood the window within which they are reliable 

- home testing


everyone I personally know going through it says their work won’t accept home test kits. 

my wife seems to think that’s a good thing. She says that while the tests are reliable - they are only reliable if done correctly, and while people like you and her can be trusted to administer them reliably, the general public certainly cannot be. They’re good to stop you from seeing people and convincing you to quarantine. But not much else :( 

Also the cdc literally changed things on Saturday. 

(everyone says Monday but my wife got the change notice from the cdc Saturday and her employer immediately disseminated an updated return to work policy based on it Saturday. So. Idk I quit following the news cause they were always days or a week behind my wife, always focusing on the wrong thing, etc. but it seems to me the media is as saying Monday. Even the VA health department lady I had the pleasure of taking to the other day said Monday 🤷‍♂️)

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CDC's Covid-19 Vaccine Push Threatens Americans With Exorbitant Hospital Bills


The latest push by the U.S. government to encourage Americans to get vaccinated against Covid-19 took on a "dark and dystopian" appearance, healthcare advocates said Tuesday, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an ad warning those who are hospitalized could face exorbitant medical bills.


"Only in the United States could the government run a public health campaign centered on fears of large, unexpected medical bills," tweeted Sarah Kliff, a health policy reporter for the New York Times.


In its new ad, the CDC says hospital stays for Covid-19 have been known to "cost thousands of dollars," while vaccines are free.




According to the Times, with insurance companies no longer waiving costs associated with Covid-19 treatment as they did early in the pandemic, the average hospital stay totals about $40,000. Insured patients are responsible for an average of $3,800 with insurers paying the rest—still a financial burden for millions of Americans.


Click on the link for the full article

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10 minutes ago, China said:

"Only in the United States could the government run a public health campaign centered on fears of large, unexpected medical bills," tweeted Sarah Kliff, a health policy reporter for the New York Times.


Well, true.  Most other places the hospital bills are lower.  

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11 hours ago, tshile said:

Um. The cdc’s guidance is based on the data they’re seeing and the approval of it comes at a time where they’re seeing massive economic disruption and they felt the need to update the guidance to reflect what the data shows, as it would help minimize the disruption. And “economic disruption” is a terrible term because it sucks all the humanity out of what is happening. People are stranded and getting back home to get back to work, or kids back to school, or whatever has become a huge challenge. 


the cdc said the change is based on what they’re seeing in the data and the change would have come one way or another. 

do you have something to suggest they’re wrong?



They said they have data and presented none - not exactly going to build up confidence.


The chorus of public health experts saying this change in policy is unsubstantiated speaks for itself.







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It's pretty unreal how hard it is to get a covid test right now.


I started feeling scratchy throat on Xmas at night.  Then felt kinda crappy the next day just like a bad head/sinus thing going on.  No fever.  I feel better now but not 100%.  I took an at home test on Sunday and then Monday, and both were negative.


Then Monday my 16 month old had a fever that reached 101.8 and yesterday it was gone and he's been fine since.


Also found out Monday that my sister who I was with Thursday tested positive on Monday.  I also found out my wife's niece we saw on Friday tested positive Monday.


I've been trying to get a test for my son and myself, and now my whole family, since yesterday morning and we haven't had luck.  We went somewhere yesterday at 2:30 and registered.  By 3pm they hadn't called us to come in so we left since I was with a 16 month old getting antsy.  They literally called at 6:30pm to tell me they were ready for me.  So yeah that ain't happening.


Then this morning I went to a county site at Montgomery College that should have been quick.  I get there and today they aren't testing there and instead it's in Burtonsville.  So I took the whole family over there 25 mins away, get there and it's over an hour long wait.  Again, I'm not waiting that long with a 16 month old out in the cold and my 6 year old.


Oh and on top of that, most places aren't testing non-symptomatic people, so only myself and 16 month old can get tested at those places.  The county ones we all could have but again, long ass wait and I'm just not doing that.


Then you have all these places requiring appointments but you look online and there are none until like Jan 3rd.


I plan  on going to one near me by myself around 1pm and waiting myself for it.  It's an antigen test and get results back pretty quick I think.  While I'm there I'm going to ask if I can come back with my 16 month old that was showing symptoms and just skip the line and see what they say.  If I test positive then everyone else will test positive. 


It is just a complete **** show.

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