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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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1 hour ago, Riggo-toni said:

Here's hoping he keels over.... sorry, but for the sake of Darwin.


But don't horses sleep standing up?




Reading that article about him, he's a full-blown nutter:


"Hospitals are killing patients to up the COVID numbers."

"Thousands have died from the vaccine."

"Bill Gates and the CEO of Pfizer refuse to get the vaccine."


He also supported the January 6 insurrection even after that disaster.


So ef him.




Edited by Dan T.
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Trump wanted to promote female staffer with a ‘*****’ rear end to ‘keep her happy’, book claims


Donald Trump once requested a young, female press aide be brought to his cabin on Air Force One so he could “look at her [behind]”, according to Stephanie Grisham.


She wrote in her new book that the former president became obsessed with the unnamed female staffer and constantly asked where she was during events.


She said Trump used an expletive to describe her rear end, and instructed that she should be promoted to “keep her happy”.


Ms Grisham instead tried to keep her away from the president.


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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:





“Once we had the document in hand, we immediately believed there was something amiss,” says Chief Deputy Secretary Chad Houck. “This document alleged electronic manipulation in all 44 counties. At least 7 Idaho counties have no electronic steps in their vote counting processes,” states Houck, “That was a huge red flag, and one we knew we could either prove or disprove fairly directly.”


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