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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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**** Dennis Prager. He's da asshole what's pissed that he as a white male can no longer use racial slurs. 


Also I love how these douches refer to the pharmaceutical drugs they're taking as therapeutics. Can only imagine what taking all that stuff together does to ones body. 

Edited by clietas
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Former aide to Rep. Pete Sessions testifies at trial of Giuliani associate


A former chief of staff to Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) testified on Monday as a prosecution witness at the criminal campaign-finance trial of an associate of former President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani.


Caroline Boothe, who is now finance director for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), detailed interactions with the defendant, Florida businessperson Lev Parnas, in 2018 as Sessions was facing a tough campaign for reelection.


Boothe described Parnas’ visits to Sessions, a VIP tour she gave to Parnas and confirmed that he had — at least for a time — Sessions’ jersey from the congressional baseball team. But the bulk of her testimony to a federal jury in New York was about the mechanics of fulfilling a pledge Parnas made to donate or raise $20,000 for Sessions’ campaign. Boothe said Parnas and two other men who’ve already pleaded guilty in the case, Igor Fruman and David Correia, visited Capitol Hill in June 2018 in the company of longtime Sessions friend Roy Bailey.


The initial indictment in the case suggested that Parnas’ offers to donate and raise money for Sessions were linked to an effort to oust the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine at the time, Marie Yovanovitch. Parnas and Fruman worked closely with Giuliani in that drive, which ultimately led to Trump’s first impeachment. However, Giuliani has not been charged in the case and the Justice Department quietly removed that allegation from an updated version of the indictment last year.


Boothe wasn’t asked about that aspect of Parnas’ dealing with Sessions, but said that when the men offered to help the congressman’s campaign financially, she suggested they discuss it outside the building.


“I said, ‘I’d love to talk about this further. Let’s take it across the street,’” Boothe said, taking the group to the Capitol Hill Club. “You can’t conduct any campaign or unofficial business on government property,” she explained to the jury.


Boothe said the men were enthusiastic about aiding Sessions. “They were really excited to help out. Lev said he’d max out, but also help bundle contributions,” she recalled. “He mentioned bundling around $20,000.”


However, a request from Parnas’ assistant days later to put a $20,000 donation on a single credit card raised some questions, Boothe said. 


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Hacker Defaces Donald Trump's Website


Hackers allegedly from Turkey have defaced a section of Donald Trump's website.


"Do not be like those who forget Allah, so Allah made them forget themselves. Here they really went astray," a part of the defacement, which says it was allegedly carried out by someone calling themselves RootAyyildiz, reads. The page includes an embed of a nationalist YouTube video of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.




The defacement impacts the "action" subdomain of the website, which is ordinarily used by the Trump campaign for calls to action, such as petitions or asking the campaign a question.


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51 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Donald ****ing Trump...




Die, you scumbag and find out..






By contrast:




Shouldn't be surprised. This isn't the first time Trump was literally jealous of someone who died for getting more attention than him. 


What an absolute ****ing headcase this guy is.

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78% Of Republicans Want To See Trump Run For President In 2024, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Americans Now Split On Border Wall As Opposition Softens


Nearly one year after the 2020 presidential election, a majority of Americans (58 - 35 percent) say they do not want to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll of adults released today. Democrats say 94 - 4 percent and independents say 58 - 35 percent that they do not want to see Trump run.


Republicans, however, say 78 - 16 percent that they do want to see Trump run for president in 2024, compared to 66 - 30 percent in May.


Just over half of Americans (51 percent) say Trump has had a mainly negative impact on American politics, while 41 percent say he has had a mainly positive impact on American politics.


When it comes to his impact on the Republican party, nearly half of Americans (49 percent) say Trump has had a mainly negative impact, while 43 percent say he has had a mainly positive impact.


Click on the link for the full article

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After seeing that disgusting statement today, I told a couple of guys at work about it. Their response was, unsurprisingly, that Trump beat Hillary, and that's all that matters. As if beating her gives him carte blanche to do or say whatever.


I consider myself to be a Republican and I'm flabbergasted. I know its still early and a lot of the potential GOP candidates are still relatively unknown to a lot of people. But the fact that Trump has such a commanding lead so far in polls is just embarrassing to the party. People don't want someone with higher character than THAT?



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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

People don't want someone with higher character than THAT?

Not sure there are any Republicans (left) with higher character than that. 

Seems that the closest we've got, are Republicans who think that concealing things better will pay off. 

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8 hours ago, hail2skins said:

After seeing that disgusting statement today, I told a couple of guys at work about it. Their response was, unsurprisingly, that Trump beat Hillary, and that's all that matters. As if beating her gives him carte blanche to do or say whatever.


I consider myself to be a Republican and I'm flabbergasted. I know its still early and a lot of the potential GOP candidates are still relatively unknown to a lot of people. But the fact that Trump has such a commanding lead so far in polls is just embarrassing to the party. People don't want someone with higher character than THAT?




I don't think we should necessarily be that surprised by now. Most Republican voters have shown us who they are and there's no reason to believe they'll change. They have a symbiotic relationship with Trump: he gives them permission to act and speak on their worst and most base instincts, and in return they give him the attention and adoration he craves.

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8 hours ago, hail2skins said:

After seeing that disgusting statement today, I told a couple of guys at work about it. Their response was, unsurprisingly, that Trump beat Hillary, and that's all that matters. As if beating her gives him carte blanche to do or say whatever.


I consider myself to be a Republican and I'm flabbergasted. I know its still early and a lot of the potential GOP candidates are still relatively unknown to a lot of people. But the fact that Trump has such a commanding lead so far in polls is just embarrassing to the party. People don't want someone with higher character than THAT?



Who would you like to see be the ‘24 Republican candidate?  Not who has the best chance of beating Biden/Harris, but who would be the best representation of what the party should be in your view.

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31 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

Who would you like to see be the ‘24 Republican candidate?  Not who has the best chance of beating Biden/Harris, but who would be the best representation of what the party should be in your view.


Although I don't think the other top contenders are any better human beings than he is. Most of them are simply more competent at evil. 

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2 hours ago, Ball Security said:

Who would you like to see be the ‘24 Republican candidate?  Not who has the best chance of beating Biden/Harris, but who would be the best representation of what the party should be in your view.

Of the big names, the one that comes most to mind for me is Chris Christie. Has the governing experience and seems like's been one of the few who, while agreeing with a good amount of the Trump agenda, is at least honest as to why DT lost the election.


And there are complicated issues like immigration and trade which, just because they were ones that Trump harped on, doesn't mean that we should consider them not important. But there seems to be this tendency to denigrate even people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, just because they agreed with a fair amount of the Trump agenda on policy.


I don't have much use for a lot of the 2016 GOP field like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (yes, I know Christie was part of that field).  Not that crazy about Nikki Haley these days either.

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11 hours ago, hail2skins said:

I consider myself to be a Republican and I'm flabbergasted.

I once considered myself a Republican.  But then something like, 90 percent of Republicans said "Hey, were all gonna go swim in some sewage!  It'll be fun!  Wanna come along?"


Naturally I declined.


Oddly...I can see so much more now that I'm not surrounded by that currently crap covered group.


2 hours ago, Ball Security said:

Who would you like to see be the ‘24 Republican candidate?  Not who has the best chance of beating Biden/Harris, but who would be the best representation of what the party should be in your view.


Larry Hogan might make me think a bit.

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The former guy ranting about the removal of the Thomas Jefferson statue from New York City Hall:


"The late, great Thomas Jefferson, one of our most important founding Fathers and a principal writer of the constitution of the United States, is being 'evicted' from the magnificent New York City Council Chamber."


Quick history lesson.  Thomas Jefferson, the principal writer of the Declaration of Independence, was serving  as a diplomat in France from 1784-1789 and had no role in the writing of the U.S. Constitution, which was ratified in 1788. 


tldr: Trump is a ****ing moron.

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I'm not convinced a moderate would stand a chance in a presidential primary against Trump.  If he's blocked from running, yes, a couple names that have been mentioned would make me nervous.  I'm jus not sure its their party anymore, GOP has really gone off the deep end lately.

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4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Rob Porter leans closer to middle of the road too, I think. 

Do you mean Portman, the Ohio senator who is leaving who is going to be replaced by (likely) wackadoo Josh Mandel or sniveling JD Vance?


I doubt either Portman or Kasich (another Ohioan) run in '24.


A lot of the speculation is fun, but we forget a lot that it is so early.  On the Dem side, I doubt Biden runs for reelection, and I wonder if Harris is the presumptive nominee that she should be as sitting VP. If Biden for whatever reason decided to step down before the end of his term (which I doubt), Harris would be in a stronger position in '24 as sitting POTUS.

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