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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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Show of hands... who knows how many and which football players knelt last year?
I don't. They don't talk about it anymore, and they certainly don't show it on television. 

Meanwhile a Republican doing or getting caught in something heinous is an every day event. Just in that state alone there is a congressman under investigation for trafficking minor age girls for sex, and another candidate threatening his opponent with Russian hit squads.


**** these people.

Idea: Lock the doors of these conferences and light the building on fire. 



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59 minutes ago, mistertim said:

Yeah I find it incredibly hard to believe that 13% of Democrats truly think Trump will be reinstated. 

Heck, I find it hard to believe that 13% of Russian bots think Trump should be re-elected 

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Man pleads guilty to shooting Black girl at Iowa Trump rally


A supporter of former President Donald Trump has pleaded guilty to felony charges for firing his handgun into a carful of Black girls who were arguing with pro-Trump agitators near the Iowa Capitol last December, injuring one.


Michael McKinney, 26, pleaded guilty Wednesday to intimidation with a dangerous weapon and willful injury, charges that each carry up to 10 years in prison. He’s expected to receive a prison term at his Aug. 9 sentencing, but the parole board may determine how long he actually serves.


Under a plea agreement that a prosecutor called “generous,” the state will dismiss four charges including attempted murder and won’t seek sentencing enhancements that would require McKinney to serve a mandatory minimum of five years on each count before becoming eligible for parole.


McKinney, an Army veteran and resident of Saint Charles, Iowa, admitted that he intentionally fired into the girls’ vehicle, “causing the occupants to fear serious injury from my action.” He acknowledged that one of the girls, 15, was shot in the leg and seriously injured.


His trial had been scheduled for Monday and McKinney had been expected to argue he fired in self-defense after the girls’ car backed into a Trump supporter’s pickup truck.


McKinney was wearing body armor and heavily armed when he participated in a pro-Trump parade of slow-moving vehicles through Des Moines on Dec. 6. Police say he had a pistol, another firearm in his vehicle and was carrying two loaded magazines.


A car carrying four Black teenage girls began following the caravan as it passed through the heavily Democratic city, with occupants trading epithets with Trump supporters.


A confrontation broke out between the teenagers and the much larger group of Trump supporters at a Capitol parking lot. Witnesses and the teen driver’s mother say the clash included racial and political taunts on both sides.


Trump supporters surrounded the girls’ car, yelling and honking horns, so the driver put the car in reverse and struck a pickup. Bystander video shows McKinney pulling a handgun from his waistband and firing into the car from 15 feet (4.5 meters) away.


The girl who was shot had been arguing with the crowd through the vehicle’s sunroof.


Click on the link for the full article

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Man With Home ‘Military Outpost Bunker’ Pleads Guilty To Threatening Biden, Supporters


FBI agents found multiple guns and rounds of ammunition in the “back room” of the home of a man who pleaded guilty on Tuesday to threatening Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as well as their supporters, the DOJ said.


Prosecutors said in a statement that law enforcement found a “U.S. Military outpost bunker” in the home of James Dale Reed of Frederick, Maryland.


Agents sought and obtained an “Extreme Risk Protective Order” after interviewing Reed in October. That interview was prompted by a letter that Reed purportedly left at the doorstep of a neighbor with yard signs supporting Biden and Harris.


Reed’s letter purportedly read: “if you are a Biden/Harris supporter you will be targeted. We have a list of homes and addresses by your election signs. We are the ones with those scary guns. We are the ones your children have nightmares about…”




After entering Reed’s home, the statement says, law enforcement officials seized “a Smith & Wesson 9VE handgun; a JC Higgins 20-12 Gauge rifle; a .223 caliber Bushmaster XM15-E25; a Hi Point 995 handgun; and approximately eight ammunition cans with 5.56 and 9mm ammunition and AR-15 carbine magazines.”


Reed also had “two grenades without blast caps,” and a “military-style ‘go-bag.'”


Click on the link for the full article

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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:





Be careful what you wish for, you ignorant, lying fascist:


Michigan Republican GOP Issues Scathing Report: No Fraud, Election Was Not Stolen, Investigate Those Spreading Lies About the Election



An investigation led by Michigan Republican lawmakers found no basis for claims by former President Donald Trump and his allies that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election, a Michigan Senate report released Wednesday concludes.

The results of the inquiry by the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee, chaired by a Republican and comprised of a GOP majority, are the latest repudiation of conspiracies and lies revolving around Michigan's election results. 

"The Committee found no evidence of widespread or systemic fraud in Michigan's prosecution of the 2020 election," the report states.  

"Citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan."

Months after his presidency ended with a deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol and a second impeachment attempt, Trump continues to falsely assert that the election was stolen from him and has targeted Michigan's senators, among others, to uphold the lie. 


Michigan Senate investigation rejects Trump's claims of stolen election (freep.com)


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27 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Not so fast on Michigan. Despite issuing that report; the gop legislature want to make the same changes all the other states are.


It just lays bare how empty and cynical those efforts are.

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1 hour ago, Bang said:

Alex Jones ****ing confessed on video to being paid to instigate the insurrection.

Why the **** is he free?




There were reports of Alex Jones being investigate by the FBI back in February.  My guess would be that they want a rock solid case against him before arresting him so he doesn't get released and start mouthing off his nonsense about persecution if the case falls through.  Proving "incitement to riot" is more difficult that the trespassing and B&E charges given to those actually entering the Capitol, despite his confessions.  After all, his credibility isn't great.

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5 minutes ago, China said:

Proving "incitement to riot" is more difficult that the trespassing and B&E charges given to those actually entering the Capitol, despite his confessions.  After all, his credibility isn't great.


Just saying, if we're discussing the notion of a "Yeah, I confessed.  But seriously, would you believe me?"  defense, then I'm going to imagine Tom Hiddleston saying it.  

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11 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

I love the "white rage....whaaaaat are you talking about?" dishonesty.......hmmm just turn on Fox News for 10 seconds.


No kidding. White rage is literally the lifeblood of conservative media. Without it they might actually have to talk about policy.

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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


No kidding. White rage is literally the lifeblood of conservative media. Without it they might actually have to talk about policy.

Talking policy (mechanics) doesn’t get ratings/eyeballs. Consumerism. Bottom line. 

In an information overload environment, and people are so numbed out, the only way to get people to respond is to trigger primal emotional responses (ie. fear, anger, sadness). 





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On 6/24/2021 at 8:34 PM, Larry said:


Just saying, if we're discussing the notion of a "Yeah, I confessed.  But seriously, would you believe me?"  defense, then I'm going to imagine Tom Hiddleston saying it.  

Let them take their time, this idiot will incriminate himself...guaranteed.

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