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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:

stolen from Facebook:


"Your faith is white supremacy"


Not necessarily true.  


It's possible that their faith is "Republican".  Or "Fox News", for that matter.  


For example, I'm absolutely certain that twa, here, will willingly support anything Republican.  But I see no evidence that he does so because he's a white supremacist.  


I could believe that he gets paid to do it.  :) 


Now, I am of the opinion that any person who supports the Republican Party has said that racism isn't a deal breaker.  

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White supremacy isn’t only about the conscious acceptance of supremacist values but identification with a structural and conceptual system *made from* white supremacy. Even folks who don’t rant like Richard Spencer, in other words, benefit from it and simply call it American greatness or “traditional values.” That’s how the s*** rolls downhill.

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49 minutes ago, Larry said:


Not necessarily true.  


It's possible that their faith is "Republican".  Or "Fox News", for that matter.  


For example, I'm absolutely certain that twa, here, will willingly support anything Republican.  But I see no evidence that he does so because he's a white supremacist.  


I could believe that he gets paid to do it.  :) 


Now, I am of the opinion that any person who supports the Republican Party has said that racism isn't a deal breaker.  



i won't disagree with your specific points.... 

...but its a one sentence meme that gets the broad point across well and quick.



I'll say this is something that republicans generally do well (simple, clear, straight-forward messaging) .. while democrats are often anal about being completely accurate.   it has morphed into republicans basically learning that they can (and DO) just say ANYTHING, as long as it is simple and straight forward  without any regard for whetehr it is true or not  (Such as: "Republicans are fiscal conservatives!")..... but the basic idea that "simple and clear" beats "convoluted and technically more correct" almost every time should still be a valuable lesson.


"Boo to Death Taxes"   has proven to be much more effective than the 2 paragraph absolute correct response pointing out why that <<<<<   is a steaming load of bull****.   




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On 11/7/2019 at 9:10 AM, grego said:




 if you are attempting to write an article making the point that America is doomed based on the pretext that one persons extreme opinions represent an entire group while using a fake, photoshopped image to support that point, people are going to question the validity of your point. 

The image may be photoshopped and the opinions extreme. However, please point out where he’s wrong. Tя☭mp’s minions have suffered cratering commodities prices due to the “winning” trade war, decreases in manufacturing, little done about the opioid epidemic, the continued downward spiral of coal, and yet they still support him while bleating “promises kept”. The only real promise he has kept though is the only one they care about - making ‘Muricuh white again.


Tя☭mp is fascism lite. The really scary thing is what could happen if someone with the same agenda and two brain cells ever gets into the WH. You may be able to pooh pooh it and minimize it, but people like me will be the ones who feel the effects while people like you can just shake their heads and think about how sad it all is. 



On 11/7/2019 at 1:46 PM, Cooked Crack said:

The war is now on two fronts.


A word I don’t use in mixed company is dying to run through my fingers into this keyboard. This will have to suffice I guess.


On 11/7/2019 at 9:15 PM, Simmsy said:


How do you teach atheism, btw?

Usually, the Bible suffices.


On 11/8/2019 at 8:31 AM, skinsmarydu said:

Same here. I never saw the "trickle down", and I voted for Reagan. My best money came in the Clinton administration and I had to come to terms with that and check out the dem side. Once I did, I realized I identified more with their ideology & that Rush Limbaugh was feeding me a bunch of bull**** every night. 

Voted for Harry Brown in 2000, Kerry in '04, etc. 

Ditto. Except for me it was seeing the racist backlash to Obama and G. Gordon Liddy. 


On 11/8/2019 at 1:46 PM, Rdskns2000 said:

Are those black people wearing whiteface? They sure look white to me.

Fake news. The failing NY Times photoshopped them. Those are definitely black folks.

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Michelle Malkin has been vying for the Ann Coulter role of "Say outrageous stuff, cash in" model of conservatism for awhile now.  I believe the first thing that put her on the map was writing a book trying to make the argument that Japanese interment camps were justified. 

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Yeah it is hilarious that example after example show that this whole "lol the left is triggered" thing is more accurately just PEOPLE IN GENERAL.   Tons of examples of folks of all political persuasion behaving this way, but somehow it was pushed as something that was solely associated with liberals for awhile. 

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39 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Authoritarian rule gaining lots of popularity amongst the worst people.





Funny that in 2016 when Obama was still president, democrats wanted congress out of the way and republicans backed congress. Those numbers flipped here in 2019.  


It just shows that no matter your party affiliation, if your candidate is in office, you don't want anyone opposing his(her) methods. It also sort of shows how US citizens don't really care about Congress. Most of us don't really see 3 branches of government. 

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1 hour ago, Chachie said:



Funny that in 2016 when Obama was still president, democrats wanted congress out of the way and republicans backed congress. Those numbers flipped here in 2019.  


It just shows that no matter your party affiliation, if your candidate is in office, you don't want anyone opposing his(her) methods. It also sort of shows how US citizens don't really care about Congress. Most of us don't really see 3 branches of government. 

This isn’t an accurate read of this at all.

When Obama was Pres, Dems favored increasing presidential powers 29-66, so 2/3rds of the base opposed it. That number for Republicans right now is 43-51 and trending in the completely wrong direction.

Edited by No Excuses
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On 12/3/2019 at 3:31 PM, No Excuses said:

This isn’t an accurate read of this at all.

When Obama was Pres, Dems favored increasing presidential powers 29-66, so 2/3rds of the base opposed it. That number for Republicans right now is 43-51 and trending in the completely wrong direction.



The numbers still show a strong reverse swing for both parties. 

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