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Avengers Infinity War - HERE BE SPOILERS!


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Just now, Springfield said:

DC Comics are the suck.  Movies show it.  Only reason Batman was good was because of Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan.

That's not fair.  If Disney was making DC movies and Zach Snyder was making Avengers, we'd be having the opposite discussion right now.  DC Animated is completely underrated and for whatever reason are constantly locked out the room in regards to any DC live action movies.

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So I read that article, he's saying not everyone who died will come back, especially before Thanos dusted half the universe (which I'm fine with).  But there's no way in God Green Earth they are going to let Spiderman stay dead.  If they do, that is a mistake of the highest order, I don't care what they are trying to pull off.

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20 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

So I read that article, he's saying not everyone who died will come back, especially before Thanos dusted half the universe (which I'm fine with).  But there's no way in God Green Earth they are going to let Spiderman stay dead.  If they do, that is a mistake of the highest order, I don't care what they are trying to pull off.

I could see them letting him go since they borrowed him back from Sony. I can't imagine Black Panther is goners though.

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4 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

I could see them letting him go since they borrowed him back from Sony. I can't imagine Black Panther is goners though.

That is an example of trying to rationalize something instead of asking if its rational to begin with.  Disney needs to get the rights back for all the Marvel characters, killing off someone as important as Spiderman because of studio rights completely disrespects the cannon.


At some point, this generation of MCCU may have to stop, take a break and wait for a reboot.  Are we going to allow the same thing to happen again that we can't tell these stories the way they were meant to be told because of studio rights?


I wonder if people remember how when the first Spiderman 2 came out with Dr. Octopus that the discussions was being had about that being the best comic book movie ever made at the time (this was pre-Dark Knight).  If it wasn't for that movie being as successful as it was, there might not of even been a MCCU.  Spiderman was so popular it didn't need Disney, we can't say he's less important then Iron Man and Thor when MCCU had to go out of their way to try and put them on Spiderman's level.


Think about it:  People lost their minds when Spiderman died, do you think there'd be the same reaction if Iron Man or Thor died?  We almost expect it at this point we're so at peace with it, not Spiderman.

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7 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

That is an example of trying to rationalize something instead of asking if its rational to begin with.  Disney needs to get the rights back for all the Marvel characters, killing off someone as important as Spiderman because of studio rights completely disrespects the cannon.


At some point, this generation of MCCU may have to stop, take a break and wait for a reboot.  Are we going to allow the same thing to happen again that we can't tell these stories the way they were meant to be told because of studio rights?


I wonder if people remember how when the first Spiderman 2 came out with Dr. Octopus that the discussions was being had about that being the best comic book movie ever made at the time (this was pre-Dark Knight).  If it wasn't for that movie being as successful as it was, there might not of even been a MCCU.  Spiderman was so popular it didn't need Disney, we can't say he's less important then Iron Man and Thor when MCCU had to go out of their way to try and put them on Spiderman's level.


Think about it:  People lost their minds when Spiderman died, do you think there'd be the same reaction if Iron Man or Thor died?  We almost expect it at this point we're so at peace with it, not Spiderman.

People lost the minds because:

1. He is a kid

2. It had extra emotion dying in Tony's arms

3. It was unexpected given his pending sequel.

4. He's new to MCU


Maybe not as much reaction from audiences as with Spiderman, merely because they are older and "have run their course. Speaking only for myself, I know I was more taken aback when Tony was stabbed, thinking he was gonna die and also when Loki died.


I'm honestly surprised folks weren't most upset over BP since the recent movie was so wildly successful.

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1 minute ago, Zguy28 said:

People lost the minds because:

1. He is a kid

2. It had extra emotion dying in Tony's arms

3. It was unexpected given his pending sequel.

4. He's new to MCU


Maybe not as much reaction from audiences as with Spiderman, merely because they are older and "have run their course. Speaking only for myself, I know I was more taken aback when Tony was stabbed, thinking he was gonna die and also when Loki died.

Black Panther had a planned sequel as well. 


You can add in all that stuff as well, but Spiderman is also a much more popular character then Iron Man and a much larger, more respected universe then Iron Man.  They can't kill him, they just can't, not because of studio rights, he's arguably Marvel's most popular stand-alone hero (as much as people love Wolverine, his universe is not on the same plane as the X-Men universe he came from). 


So MCCU is just going to stop making Spiderman movies?  I can't support this, terrible idea to leave him dead.

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

That's not fair.  If Disney was making DC movies and Zach Snyder was making Avengers, we'd be having the opposite discussion right now.  DC Animated is completely underrated and for whatever reason are constantly locked out the room in regards to any DC live action movies.


Bingo. The Justice League Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited were some of the best TV shows ever made (with the talents of Bruce Timm and Dwayne McDuffie).

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:

That is an example of trying to rationalize something instead of asking if its rational to begin with.  Disney needs to get the rights back for all the Marvel characters, killing off someone as important as Spiderman because of studio rights completely disrespects the cannon.


At some point, this generation of MCCU may have to stop, take a break and wait for a reboot.  Are we going to allow the same thing to happen again that we can't tell these stories the way they were meant to be told because of studio rights?


I wonder if people remember how when the first Spiderman 2 came out with Dr. Octopus that the discussions was being had about that being the best comic book movie ever made at the time (this was pre-Dark Knight).  If it wasn't for that movie being as successful as it was, there might not of even been a MCCU.  Spiderman was so popular it didn't need Disney, we can't say he's less important then Iron Man and Thor when MCCU had to go out of their way to try and put them on Spiderman's level.


Think about it:  People lost their minds when Spiderman died, do you think there'd be the same reaction if Iron Man or Thor died?  We almost expect it at this point we're so at peace with it, not Spiderman.

One could say the same about Spider Man, there has been a lot of spider man films. Andrew Garfield had a few spider man movies and Toby McGuire obviously had 3 and then the newest one. I was stunned when Black panther vanished, I said right before I saw the film their was no way anything happens to Black Panther. 

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2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

DC Animated is completely underrated and for whatever reason are constantly locked out the room in regards to any DC live action movies.


Why can't we just get a live action one of these? 



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Batman The Animated Series is probably still the best adaptation of a comic book character in any medium.  



regarding the deaths and the surprises. Well, for one, what are they supposed to say at this point? Yes, they are really dead within the context of the Infinity War story. That doesn’t mean A4 won’t bring them back. The most interesting part of that article is where he says that A4 is going in a different direction that what most people think. Again tho, that’s still marketing for a movie a year away so who knows


Spider-man’s death was most shocking for multiple reasons.


1. He is an A-List globally known and popular superhero rivaled only by Batman and Superman. Period. As great as BP was, it’s still new. A large majority of people, myself included, knew nothing about BP prior to Civil War and the BP movie. Spider-Man has been part of culture for so much longer and has been mainstream in culture thru ridiculously popular movies since 2001. There just isn’t as much invested in BP yet but I am sure that will change 


2. This wasn’t a comic story where Spider-Man dies so it was unexpected in that regard 


3. The success of HC and the planned sequel lined up. Additionally, Tom Holland is a home run casting choice so it doesn’t make sense to move away from that so soon 


Im sure the dead heroes will come back somehow But it’s not surprising why Spider-Man was he most shocking. 

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2 hours ago, Zguy28 said:

I could see them letting him go since they borrowed him back from Sony. I can't imagine Black Panther is goners though.

Not a snowball's chance in hell.  Black Panther has become one of the top 10 highest grossing films of all-time.  And with it still being in theaters, just $6M more and it'll pass Harry Potter Deathly Hollows Pt 2 for the 8th spot all-time. 

Providing they nail it again with a sequel, I could see multiple Black Panther films, just like Iron Man, Thor, CA, etc.   

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1 hour ago, Chew said:

Not a snowball's chance in hell.  Black Panther has become one of the top 10 highest grossing films of all-time.  And with it still being in theaters, just $6M more and it'll pass Harry Potter Deathly Hollows Pt 2 for the 8th spot all-time. 

Providing they nail it again with a sequel, I could see multiple Black Panther films, just like Iron Man, Thor, CA, etc.   

I felt like I was having to console black people on the way out.


"We just got him!!!"


"Nah, don't sweat it, sista, he coming back."


Killing off BP and Spiderman is like setting money on fire.  That's something the Joker would do, not Mickey Mouse.


Image result for setting money on fire gif



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I was thinking the same thing too, no way they kill off Spiderman or Black Panther.  


And even if they did, there's all sorts of **** they can come up with.  Like movies about them that are prequels to what just happened in this movie.


Too much money to be made.  People will go see Spiderman no matter what and Black Panther is a borderline cultural phenomenon.  Either they get the green rock off Thanos' fist and turn back time and bring people back to life or they do something with prequels to those characters before this.

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Odd that both Spiderman and Black Panther were killed off, and yet War Machine, the minorest of the minor characters, somehow survives.

I mean War Machine is to the Avengers what Cyborg is to the Justice League. 

2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


1. He is an A-List globally known and popular superhero rivaled only by Batman and Superman. Period. As great as BP was, it’s still new. A large majority of people, myself included, knew nothing about BP prior to Civil War and the BP movie. Spider-Man has been part of culture for so much longer and has been mainstream in culture thru ridiculously popular movies since 2001. There just isn’t as much invested in BP yet but I am sure that will change 


Yeah Captain America says hello. 

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The newer guys will somehow be brought back in A4 but it's going to be bittersweet because I think some of the old-timers will die to bring those guys back. My prediction right now is the combination of Hulk, Black Widow and either Cap (or Iron Man) taking a bow in A4. 

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Spider-Man will get resurrected.  He's got a sequel coming out in July 2019.

13 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Nobody gave a **** about captain America prior to 2009 and nobody cares about him now compared to the the other 3. 


He is not on their level at all


Many a villain have thought the same about Cap before, always to their downfall.  Captain America is Marvel.

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7 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


He might be for comic book fans. In mainstream culture, he isn’t on the level of the others 


Well yeah, you kind of have to be a comic fan to understand/know about comic book characters.  Mainstream awareness isn't much of a barometer for the popularity and quality of a character.  Terrible movies and TV shows being made about a character don't mean anyone actually likes them.  I don't think anyone but comic fans actually loved Spider-Man.


Also, did anyone except comic fans know about and like Batman and Superman before their extremely popular movie franchises got made?


Captain America is monstrously popular right now because he's a great character.  And it certainly helps that his movies are good and popular.  Ditto for Iron Man and Thor, who were actually peripheral/camp characters prior to getting the Marvel Studios treatment.  Spider-Man would have been the one who was an irrelevant B-Lister if Marvel Studios hadn't gotten a hold of him and revived the franchise.  Same **** that happened to the FF and Silver Surfer and X-Men, who were each at one point the creme de la creme of Marvel.  The founding Avengers ARE Marvel A-Listers now because of the success  of their movies.

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