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Avengers Infinity War - HERE BE SPOILERS!


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The day is upon us.


The culmination of Marvel’s work since Iron Man leads up to this one, singular, film.  19 movies, some related and some not, have lead to this point.  They hype is immense.  Can Marvel pull it off?


Release day, the critics have given Infinity War a healthy 87% on Rotten Tomatoes.  Pre sales are through the roof.


I. Can’t.  Wait.

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Leaving work early to go catch it. i'll post my review and thoughts in here. I'll hide spoilers as well. 


This is an event film. We've never seen anything like it even be attempted much less seem to have pulled it of successfully. 


I've been critical of many of the marvel movies but I'm beyond excited for this. 

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Inquiring minds want to know...


9 questions about Avengers: Infinity War you were too embarrassed to ask


9) If the Hulk gets big, how do his pants stay on?

Hulk Yeh, I don’t get how his pants stay on either.  Marvel

The weird conundrum with the Hulk is that when Bruce Banner morphs into the Hulk, he grows in size, causing his shirt to rip — but his pants never do. By this point in the MCU, one would think we’d have seen at least a couple of incredible Hulk wardrobe malfunctions.


But apparently there’s an explanation for it. According to a 2015 report, Disney said the Hulk’s pants are actually made of stretchy microfiber that grows with him. Right. But I guess if a purple-skinned bringer of doom and destruction, literal gods, sorcerers, and a talking raccoon can all coexist in the Marvel Universe, so can the Hulk’s indestructible stretchy pants.


Click on the link for more

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——-Spoiler free thoughts——

so with time to reflect, I still think this movie is a home run. The sheer size of the a-list cast and the spectacle of it all would have sunken any other movie. Infinity War embraces it and thrives. All the characters are well-represented and the team ups from characters we haven’t seen interact together yet is extremely enjoyable. This is comic book porn and a sight to behold.


Its fast paced but never feels rushed. For a 2.5 hour movie it doesn’t feel long and I was actually wishing it had another hour or two. The action starts legit 10 seconds into the movie and from there all the chracter’s arcs are juggled perfectly into their own specific goals. Despite being fast paced, there are still plenty of slower and emotional moments to add weight and gravitas to the story. They all hit home and add a lot of depth to the hero’s and Thanos. 


Speaking of Thanos, he is brilliant. An outstanding villain. Powerful, menacing, terrifying but with enough character and heart to understand his motives. He just dominates every scene he is in also with a sickening sense of dread that you somehow can’t take your eyes off of. Josh Brolin crushes it and the cgi for Thanos is excellent as well, conveying a lot of emotion in Thanos face. He doesn’t feel like cgi at all. 


I was worried thse trailers would give too much away but they didn’t. The story goes in several unexpected places for me. It’s funny, it’s sad, it’s everything I had hoped it would be when you envision a movie with the scale of a decade in the making and 15+ movies all pointing toward this one single moment. And it delivers. Make no mistake, the stakes are real for our hero’s and the universe itself. 


This movie is really unlike anything I’ve seen before just in in what it sets out to do and what it accomplishes. People were standing and cheering at certain parts, thunderous applause at others, literal profanities screamed at others.


It was an experience and one hell of a ride. I felt exhausted at the end 



One thing I loved was the way it constantly kept you on the edge of your seat over who would die. First we felt sure it was Stark when he was impaled. Then Cap takes a punch right to the head and should have been killed. Then it was Thor that seemed certain to die. Nope. They all survive but legit every ****ing body else dies. And it was completely unexpected. Black Panther, Spider-Man, Dr Strange, Vison, Scarlet Witch, Bucky, Falcon, every single Guardian except the raccoon. I mean damn. If I had one flaw it would be that so many damn people and fan favorites died that it almost seems fake. Like they have to fix or retcon this next movie because they can’t actually kill that many people. 


On the other hand, If they wanted to do a hard reset of the universe after the next movie, this would be the way to do it. 


I do love the setup that basically every other character is gone at this point except for the original avengers. They are the last remaining hope. Only technically they’ve already lost. So who knows what the hell will happen. 


Also, **** Starlord. That idiot, it was all his fault. 


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I saw it.  DC needs to stop trying to play catch up.  They'll never catch up, they need to focus on trying to make quality films on their own time frame.


How do we know this?  If you saw the movie, you know exactly how they're going to fix it.  But you're still going to sit on top of somebody to see it.  Marvel is the best at what it does.  Has there ever been anything like this?  It's one thing to have a great film franchise, but a universe with its own franchises inside it that can combine to make a franchise itself?

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@Momma There Goes That Man 



They're going to get the time stone and fix this.  The question is, how far back do they go, and who decides that?


Some of them the Universe can do without, but Spiderman is damn near a universe unto himself, he's coming back.


In general, I agree that they made Thanos a character that as savage as he was had a point.  He's in the same class as Magneto, who is my favorite comic book character period, because as horrible as the things he does, he's so convinced he's doing the right thing that he literally forgets he's a villain sometimes.  



Captain Marvel is not going to be enough to outright beat Thanos, part of me is expecting his regret and guilt to get the best of him, but I don't want them to go too far with it.  It's a really weird catch-22 where that would feel like the only way out of this and a cop out, and that makes me want to see the next one even more to see how they pull that off, because you damn well they will


This isn't a Comic Book Universe, its a Film Dynasty that would rival any other if it isn't already the best (I'm open to hear anyone think of one better, good luck).


Edit:  I don't think a reset it neccesary.  In the comics that was done because there were too many conflicting variations of the characters, timelines, and parallel universes, that's not the case here.  



I'm glad its back down to the original avengers as well.


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I don't want to spoil anything even though what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the plot... lol



I love this movie if not for nothing but the tone throughout. Momma hit it on the head, movie didn't feel like 2.5 hours at all. Perfectly paced... And you would think since it started off so fast that it wouldn't be able to keep that pace throughout... Man, it was incredible. Definitely the new leader in the clubhouse above Winter Soldier for me.


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1 hour ago, CrypticVillain said:

I don't want to spoil anything even though what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the plot... lol


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I love this movie if not for nothing but the tone throughout. Momma hit it on the head, movie didn't feel like 2.5 hours at all. Perfectly paced... And you would think since it started off so fast that it wouldn't be able to keep that pace throughout... Man, it was incredible. Definitely the new leader in the clubhouse above Winter Soldier for me.



It really is impressive how effortlessly they handled the pacing and all the characters. Hats off to whoever put this screenplay together and the Russo brothers for directing. 

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