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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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13 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I hope the TX driver's license places remain open. I need to get mine.


Checked the location near me and it will most likely remain open.


They recently closed the one near me, now I gotta drive 10 minutes

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6 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:



The election board took less than a minute to reject the GOP proposal to close them.


Would have been far easier, and taken the same amount of time for deliberation, if the GOP had simply written "We request that darkies to not be able to vote" on a used McDonalds napkin and submitted it.

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My boss told me to pick 5 campaigns to donate to for the house, he's going to pick 5, we pick 5 together, and donate $25 to each. Slow Friday, I spent a little chunk of the day trying to figure out tight races to target. I went with the 3 in VA, one in NC, and Rouda going against Rohrbacher, just because that jackass needs to go. 


Harley Rouda (Rohrbacher) CA-48

Dan McCready (Pittenger) NC-09

Elaine Luria (Taylor) VA-02

Abigail Spanberger (Brat) VA-07

Jennifer Wexton (Comstock) VA-10


Here's the bigger list I came up with. There are more tight races out there, but I couldn't mess around the entire day:


Clarke Tucker (French Hill) AR-02

Ann Kirkpatrick (Martha McSally) AZ-02

Josh Harder (Jeff Denham) CA-10

Katie Hill (Steve Knight) CA-25

Andrew Janz (Nunes) CA-22—Not a close race. Nunes is almost surely going to win, from what I've read

Gil Cisneros (Kim) CA-39

Katie Porter (Walters) CA-45

Harley Rouda (Rohrbacher) CA-48

Mike Levin (Harkey-Issa’a old seat) CA-49

Jason Crow (Coffman) CO-06

FL-27 (Primary Aug 28th)

Lucy McBath (Handel) GA-06

Abby Finknauer (Blum) IA-01

Cindy Axne (Young) IA-03

Sean Casten (Roskam) IL-06

Brendan Kelly (Bost) IL-12

Paul Davis (Watkins) KS-02

Dan McCready (Pittenger) NC-09

Jeff Van Drew (Grossman) NJ-02

Andy Kim (MacArthur) NJ-03

Tom Malinowski (Lance) NJ-07

Antonio Delgado (Faso) NY-19

Anthony Brindisi (Tenney) NY-22

Gina Ortiz Jones (Hurd) TX-23

Elaine Luria (Taylor) VA-02

Abigail Spanberger (Brat) VA-07

Jennifer Wexton (Comstock) VA-10

Carolyn Long (Beutler) WA-03

Kim Schrier (Rossi) WA-08

Randy Bryce (Ryan’s seat) WI-01


Used these sites for quick research, mostly:





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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

My reaction to that tweet was “kelli Ward is a ****ing doctor?  Bull****!”  So i googled it and she got it from my ****ing alma mater. 


My night is ruined. 



you know she's got one of the neonazi figurehead guys on the bus with them, right? and when she was asked why she said "he has an audience we want to reach"


this is the gop...they've been headed this way a long time and they are finally arrived and the minions are out of the closet...to the horror of the non-bent 20% who thought they had their whacko hordes under control...and that they'd never sufficiently organize and function or be able to be manipulated as one mega-herd other than under the gop umbrella writ large...which was true to the end......it's like moron-cylons, baby...humans lose!



(this is part of a pilot script for a sci-fi series i'm writing for amazon prime)

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I'd say his first two wives are decent, not sure about Melanie. 



i'm pretty sure i am, as of now, though i'd rather it were different.


i don't really lessen the culpability of her, ivanaka, or lara, from the "bad" of all things trump very much. related antics trying to cast them as "not as bad as the others" or "trying to do what they can, even if it's not much"  are worth zero to me because they have indeed been meaningless and mainly self-serving afaic.


their supposed concerns for others that they say they wish to help from their new positions seem to result in little, if anything,  despite all their words,  fanfare, and coverage.


but their very active and much more secretive work in promoting their self-interest, using those positions to further amass wealth and influence, planning to line the pockets of generations of trumps, seems to be working very well to date---just in the gains from china and middle east shenanigans  alone.


were trump and a passel of his major cronies to end up on the receiving end of dire consequences for deeds done, i think it would be appropriate if much of any suffering extended to all three of the ladies.




every negative thing the gifted warbled incessantly about re: hillpill-bill-barack are actually being done, and at a much higher level, by this crew. 


her security issues. her pay to play. cronyism. swamp. under investigation her whole term. her and all the lying. her foreign policy would be a disaster.  we don't want a sexual abuser (bill) in the WH again.  we'd have chelsea (compared to ivanka and the douche boys). governing by exec orders is terrible. they'd add huge to the deficit. 



mree mree mree







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7 hours ago, visionary said:






Ward wrote on Facebook that "I think they wanted to have a particular narrative that they hope is negative to me."

Her comment was made under a Facebook post by one of her campaign staffers, who questioned if it was "just a coincidence" that the McCain family released the statement the same day that Ward was kicking off her campaign bus tour, "or if it was a plan to take media attention off her campaign?"

"I'm not saying it was on purpose but it's quite interesting," Jonathan Williams wrote.



Oh wonderful. The old cowardly "I'm not saying this happened, just saying it's an interesting coincidence, that's all" playbook. 


Classy, classy people.

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