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Election 2018 Thread (An Adult Finally Has the Gavel)


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8 hours ago, Jumbo said:

i think the trumpsters and never-dems (future former never-trumper gopers) will still match or exceed dem turnout in 2018


i think it will come down to how many vote rigging operations are successful or not

The more Trump complains of a "rigged" election against him the more positive that he and his cronies are rigging the election. Be it with unconstitutional redistricting plans, voter suppression efforts, or attempts to actually hack and change the votes.

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1 minute ago, TryTheBeal! said:




Bombshell, bro.


 millions if you read the article, the 600K was just the final push.


but him and steyer are altruistic I'm sure

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37 minutes ago, Burgold said:

The more Trump complains of a "rigged" election against him the more positive that he and his cronies are rigging the election. Be it with unconstitutional redistricting plans, voter suppression efforts, or attempts to actually hack and change the votes.


See, I admit it, I am WAY more cynical/skeptical/paranoid then you. I don't see them doing that much work, going to those lengths, spending all their ill-booten gotty to try and directly alter the voting results. I've had a couple of nasty ideas on how they might get the results they want so much easier, ie. prevent any actual changes to secure voting, give a green light to those that are already screwing around with elections and then grandly, greatly, very loudly "discover" it after the midterms. "Hey, something's not right, our guys, I mean someone tampered with the election so we are going to have to freeze the results and have an investigation to get to the bottom of it. Of course this will take years, so everyone stay where you are, no one leaves, no one comes in, no seats change hands until we reach a conclusion. <sigh> here we go again, all the crazy lefty loonies are up in arms about the Rooskies and whatever fantastical beasts they can blame for not getting their way, and here we are trying to "do the right thing" and "make voting secure" and they're still not happy. See? Toldya, you can't trust 'em, WE are the law-n-order moral majority on the right hand of God party that is your only chance of salvation."


****, I need to trademark this today so I can make a quick buck off the ideer.............

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25 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Im not sure why this is controversial.  But ok.


It will be a ****show the next 60 days.  Trumpster vs Bernie bro.  I'm surprised we dont have casualties already.


Yeah, there's already been shady things that even I've been aware of. (And I'm pretty clueless). 


Somehow, I don't see things becoming more honest, next month. 

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Meanwhile in VA, the Brat campaign has decided to go with the old “My opponent is an Al-Qaeda sleeper agent” strategy.  Good times for the GOP...and their “cronies”.



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Damn, that is one economically anxious gubernatorial candidate.


So economically anxious.



Also on that Spanberger v. Brat race where the GOP is attempting to paint her as some terrorist sleeper agent, the issues surrounding the Ryan-linked PAC getting her security clearance application are pretty serious and deep.




Basically, one of three things is happening:

1. Someone really screwed up at USPS and broke all kinds of laws releasing the clearance application.

2. Someone from the PAC is lying about how they obtained it.

3. This Application was one that was part of the OPM breach (likely done by the Chinese) and somehow the PAC got it.


2 and 3 aren't mutually exclusive.


And then, of course, there's the fact they are USING that information, which there is no way to properly obtain, against her.  And they clearly got that information from the application, since they basically provided copies.


So someone is doing some highly illegal ****, and lots of other people are doing, at a minimum, a bunch of highly unethical ****.

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