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The Politics Sexual Assault Thread

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12 hours ago, Predicto said:

Zguy, I love you man, and I do not doubt your sincerity.


But right now, the Christian evangelical community has a deep sickness within it.  Politics and tribalism have overcome genuine faith for a huge percentage of the flock.  The leadership is no longer Billy Graham - it is Jerry Falwell Jr., Tony Perkins, Bryan Fischer, James Dobson, Ralph Reed, David Barton, Louis Sheldon, Tim LaHaye....  


The sheep may be good, or at least have the potential to be good if led wisely, but the shephards they follow are rotten to the core and have passed on their rottenness to a huge percentage of the sheep.  I don't know how the evangelical community can fix itself, but my disdain for that community (as a whole) is not unfair - it has been fully earned. 


I hear you. However, there are a lot more "Evangelicals" who don't follow that lead than you think. You just don't see them on media outlets. Guys like Russell Moore, Al Mohler, John Piper and myself. You only see the wrong-headed one's like Falwell, Vines, and Dobson and the those who mistakenly follow them. But it is frustrating how many have more allegiance to the conservative politics than they do to Jesus. AsburySkinsFan is right though about the term Evangelical. It has lost its true meaning.


Here is an article from Russell Moore in 2016 where he expresses the same sentiment. He gets lots of flack from the Trump supporters in the SBC.





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7 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

I hear you. However, there are a lot more "Evangelicals" who don't follow that lead than do. You just don't see them on media outlets. Guys like Russell Moore, Al Mohler, John Piper. You only see the wrong-headed one's like Falwell, Vines, and Dobson. But it is frustrating how many have more allegiance to the conservative politics than they do to Jesus. AsburySkinsFan is right though about the term Evangelical. It has lost its true meaning.


Here is an article from Russell Moore in 2016 where he expresses the same sentiment. He gets lots of flack from the Trump supporters in the SBC.






Got anything from these folks from November 2017?  You know, maybe expressing some disagreement with the Roy Moore situation?


Edit:  I found this:  https://www.christianpost.com/news/russell-moore-roy-moore-scandal-christians-condemn-adults-creeping-teenage-girls-206539/#.Wgs8CloNBEQ.twitter


Two whole tweets taking the courageous stand "that adults creeping on teenage girls is wrong."  :o

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I work in local news, and we occasionally have a story about a person caught with child porn or worse.

In almost EVERY instance, the comments are nothing but violent,, hang him, castrate him, shoot him, etc. Never are there any comments about trials, innocent until proven guilty. A gym teacher in Charles County was accused last year and acquitted.. people still want him dead. the story of his acquittal had the same comments as the story of his arrest. Kill him, shoot him, every vile thing you can imagine. Found Not Guilty, and nothing changed.


Except once.

Last year a low level Trump delegate was busted in Charles County with a large collection of kiddie porn.

Not a volunteer, or a person with a sign in the yard, a delegate. Way down the ladder, but on the ladder. It's part of the story,, not a big part, but a part just the same.


And of course in those comments we're a liberal rag, a bunch of liars, WE should be hanged, owned by the Washington Post, and all sorts of things.

Facts: Of our writers, ONE of them is a liberal, and she did not work here at the time. 

Our owner and publisher is local, (heavily right leaning) and so is everyone who works for us. (We're the true conservative's model.. a small business that not only carved out a niche, but n our wake there are now 3 other competitors who have started up. we drive local economy, create competition, and hire ONLY local people. Everyone who works for us lives in the region we cover.)
Our writers at the time, and practically everyone who work here are registered republicans. (except me, I am unaffiliated, and will remain so forever.)

Fact is, we report news with no bias. Our people are good at what they do, politics stay on the sidelines. (Except in opinion pieces, obviously, which are clearly marked.)


But the second you mention one of the right's heroes, you're every worst thing imaginable, and the crimes of a guy who preys on kids are forgotten in the zeal to slander the source of the story about his crimes.


There's a bad sickness on the right. If you STILL identify with these people, even in name of your party, you are enabling it.

Might be a hard pill to swallow, but you need to objectively look at what you're supporting, and what these people do knowing they have your undying fealty.

And they know it, make no mistake. They use you like Roy Moore uses a tissue when thinking about your 14 year old daughter.


Wake the **** up.



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It's endemic, a lot of males feel entitled to grope women without consent. Even make it into a (not funny) joke. 


I want to hear an apology from Franken. Straight up.


This reminds me of gay men who grab Lesbians breasts and straight women who grab gay men's genitals.

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12 minutes ago, visionary said:

Franken: So does he resign and get replaced immediately, with an election to come?  The Senate’s going to be a mess now.  And there’s probably a lot more who will be exposed in the future.


Oh yea, this is going to be sick. What I want to see is what Trump is going to say about this one. Easy target for him. Bad guy Democrat that is no fan of his. He should be salivating right now. 


I think he should resign 

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I LOVE it!


Give her the credit due, respect her accusations and investigate it. This ought to be a matter of days at most. If/when proven true, he gets the boot. Period. Do not pass go, do not collect $200 dollars, do not drag it out to finish the term, gone.


Let Jackie Speier tear his insignia and epaulets off on the stairs out front


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That was just locker room talk. No need to investigate.


Franken should step down though. This is a flaw we shouldn't be willing to overlook. I wish more people come out with names. I'm tried of reading about harassment that happen in Congress but the harasser remains unnamed and at large.

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Looks like what Franken did was a pretty ****ty thing. I rank pedophilia as being worse, but I won't make excuses for him. I've thought Franken has served ably and well. I like how he handles hearings. He seems studied and serious. This does diminish him.



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