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Kirk Cousins, halfway through 2017: your new fun stop for wild spasmodic gyrating and posting excitement!---M.E.T.


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Ross Tucker offered nothing in the article and was of no more value than Irvin’s “off the top” negative comments. A Simple copy and paste article from Tucker, IMO. I must admit though, I rarely find much value in these kind of articles and often “try” to avoid them, except when plastered on my favorite thread daily lol


There’s clear bias from @Skinsinparadiselol Is this not clear at this point? 


I just dont think there are many better options than the Skins can offer Kirk. Sure, there are few organizations that set the standard, but they represent the exception.


For example, Zach Brown is in the middle of contract negotiations to resign, Trent, Kerrigan, Moses, D hall, Thompson etc.. have all decided to sign with the Skins...


but for Kirk he shouldn’t and would be dumb to? 


I get it though, I was crushed as a fan when Scott was let go, took a lot out this year for me, but turnover in the league is the norm, IMO. 




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14 minutes ago, wit33 said:



Ross Tucker offered nothing in the article and was of no more value than Irvin’s “off the top” negative comments. A Simple copy and paste article from Tucker, IMO. I must admit though, I rarely find much value in these kind of articles and often “try” to avoid them, except when plastered on my favorite thread daily

I'm not sure how what Irvin said vs. what Tucker wrote is in any way the same. Irvin was just blabbing about Kirk not being a winner.  Tucker was talking about how stupid the FO is, which isn't debatable.  No matter how you feel about Kirk, the FO has totally screwed the situation up.

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Has it always been this bad? I was a fan in the 80s and 90s too but with no internet it was more a case of listening to the games on the radio or watching them when they were occasionally on TV. We (the Brits I mean) didn't get access to the politics and the internal dealings. The article earlier about Rypien was fascinating and sounds like, based purely on that one example, that the Skins were badly run back then too, but is that really the case?


(Speaking of coincidences between Rypien and Cousins; Rypien was the other Redskins QB to play at Wembley)

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1 hour ago, wit33 said:



There’s clear bias from @Skinsinparadiselol Is this not clear at this point? 



Not sure what this point is supposed to mean?   Every thing I said about Polian is true.  The RG3 drill, the head coaching search complement.  Google it.  I used to use Polian's take on RG3 on another thread years ago so I recall it very well.   


 My "clear bias" is for the Redskins to be a winning franchise.  I am not married to any one player on that count.  i am also not married to sticking to a point even when information piles up on the other side -- just so it looks like my initial impression was correct.  My positions can change when more information enters the equation that makes me think.    For example, my positions have changed on RG3, Shanny, and Jay.  And I don't hide it when it happens.  


So as for Kirk, if the dude laid an egg this season.  My position on him would have changed.  But he excelled.  So my position on Kirk if anything is more hardcore.  As for Bruce, I got nothing personal against him.  I said in the off season after he fired Scot -- I will have his back if he operated like typical "winning" organizations do -- so if he wanted to get rid of Scot then fine but hire someone else of that ilk and stick to a normal FO structure.   He didn't do it.   Then, I had Bruce's back for the most part on the Kirk contract (saying it will get done) all off season until it didn't go down.  He didn't do it.  Then he followed it up with that asinine press release.  So now I land hard in not caring for Bruce.    More information swayed my opinon.


Ultimately, as more information comes in and it points to a specific direction -- then I land hard in that direction.  You can call it bias but I call it simple informational processing. ;)


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Perhaps the Redskins social media team missed the memo on still needing to see more down the stretch.  They just posted a 3 minute Kirk for the Pro Bowl video of his highlights, coupled with several teammates singing his praises. I'm assuming none of those guys: Crowder, Grant, Vernon, Norman, Swearinger among others, weren't the guys "who don't like him".

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1 hour ago, UK Skins said:

Has it always been this bad? I was a fan in the 80s and 90s too but with no internet it was more a case of listening to the games on the radio or watching them when they were occasionally on TV. We (the Brits I mean) didn't get access to the politics and the internal dealings. The article earlier about Rypien was fascinating and sounds like, based purely on that one example, that the Skins were badly run back then too, but is that really the case?


(Speaking of coincidences between Rypien and Cousins; Rypien was the other Redskins QB to play at Wembley)




The Redskins were essentially what the Steelers are today. Jack Kent Cooke was an old kook, but they were well run and had one of the best personnel men in the business. 

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3 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Perhaps the Redskins social media team missed the memo on still needing to see more down the stretch.  They just posted a 3 minute Kirk for the Pro Bowl video of his highlights, coupled with several teammates singing his praises. I'm assuming none of those guys: Crowder, Grant, Vernon, Norman, Swearinger among others, weren't the guys "who don't like him".


There is so much that has been said about Kirk and the FO and 99% of it cannot be validated as factual and never will be until he's gone.


Just like with RG3, we heard rumors about players not caring for his antics but we didn't get any real validation of that until Santa Moss came out this year and discussed it.

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6 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

There is so much that has been said about Kirk and the FO and 99% of it cannot be validated as factual and never will be until he's gone.


Just like with RG3, we heard rumors about players not caring for his antics but we didn't get any real validation of that until Santa Moss came out this year and discussed it.


I was among those that though RG3 could still get it together so I wasn't an anti-RG3 guy.  But even then the idea that teammates didn't like him never struck me far fetched -- we heard that from multiple corners.  And the idea that the dude was a diva was easy to see.   It didn't take much imagination.  


It takes a lot of imagination to paint Kirk as a dude who rubs teammates the wrong way -- let alone factoring all the pro Kirk testimonials we heard from so many players for years running.  You never know but it strikes me a stretch.

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Just now, Skinsinparadise said:


I was among those that though RG3 could still get it together so I wasn't an anti-RG3 guy.  But even then the idea that teammates didn't like him never struck me far fetched -- we heard that from multiple corners.  And the idea that the dude was a diva was easy to see.   It didn't take much imagination.  


It takes a lot of imagination to paint Kirk as a dude who rubs teammates the wrong way -- let alone all the pro Kirk testimonials we heard from so many players for two years running.  You never know but it strikes me a stretch.

I agree with you that the leak sounds like BS, Kirk is a legit nice guy but we have seen the animal come out in him when he gets fired up.  I guess its possible he has unleashed on his WR's because he's tired of them making him look bad, I doubt it but its possible.



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16 minutes ago, jschuck12001 said:

I agree with you that the leak sounds like BS, Kirk is a legit nice guy but we have seen the animal come out in him when he gets fired up.  I guess its possible he has unleashed on his WR's because he's tired of them making him look bad, I doubt it but its possible.




I doubt it but the one I could see is Pryor.  Pryor has been nice publicly but his decision to come to DC has clearly backfired as to his career.  I was at the game versus SF when I saw Kirk yell at Pryor for loafing his way into the huddle when he was trying to hurry into a play after the refs gave the Redskins a questionable first down. Pryor moving slow on that play gave SF time to challenge it and they won the challenge and Kirk looked livid.  

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2 hours ago, UK Skins said:

Has it always been this bad? I was a fan in the 80s and 90s too but with no internet it was more a case of listening to the games on the radio or watching them when they were occasionally on TV. We (the Brits I mean) didn't get access to the politics and the internal dealings. The article earlier about Rypien was fascinating and sounds like, based purely on that one example, that the Skins were badly run back then too, but is that really the case?


(Speaking of coincidences between Rypien and Cousins; Rypien was the other Redskins QB to play at Wembley)

Its hard to compare. Because this was before Free Agency.  

So the skins (and other teams) were able to play hardball more.  Because the player had 2 choices -Give up football, or sign a contract.

Jeris white was a 9 year veteran, starting CB for the skins for 3 years, and lead the team in INT when they won their 1st Super Bowl...

He held out with the Redskins and the Redskins refused to negotiate - That was NEVER resolved and he never played football again....

The skins replaced him with a Rookie....Fortunately - that Rookie was Darrell Green...Imagine what the KC situation would look like if we could pay KC anything - and his choice was to take it, or not play football....


Free agency didn't come to the NFL until what? 1993?  We had the Defensive lineman hold out the entire year after we franchised him  (Sean Gilbert - had to look up his name).  So prob mishandled that.  But Snyder took over in 1999 - so hard to tell if we have always been like this. 



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14 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Oh come on you guys lol. 


What about him do you believe teammates wouldn't like? 


The dude is almost too perfect in how he handles himself, never throws guys under the bus, passes praise, accepts the criticism.  There are times where I actually wish he would just take a dump on some guys deservingly and he won't do it.

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24 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


What about him do you believe teammates wouldn't like? 


The dude is almost too perfect in how he handles himself, never throws guys under the bus, passes praise, accepts the criticism.  There are times where I actually wish he would just take a dump on some guys deservingly and he won't do it.


Ima be honest with you I dont even know how to respond. I was trolling before I shouldn't have been. Disregard 

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52 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


What about him do you believe teammates wouldn't like? 


The dude is almost too perfect in how he handles himself, never throws guys under the bus, passes praise, accepts the criticism.  There are times where I actually wish he would just take a dump on some guys deservingly and he won't do it.




My response was directed at a post about Kirk specifically in the context of RG3 -- about how we found out later about RG3 rubbing teammates the wrong way as if it was a surprise.  There was nothing surprising to me about it and I liked the dude.  Kirk and his predecessor are night and day different cats personality wise.   So yeah I would be surprised if that's the narrative about him. 


But frankly even if we learn something like that about Kirk -- I don't care.    I didn't care about the RG3 stories either (they didn't all come after he was gone).  I just care about a QB who wins.  But yeah its tough sell to me that Kirk all of a sudden is a Jeff George jerk type.  It seems actually ridiculous. But even if it were true, I wouldn't care.


Hey if these stories are indeed coming from the FO about Kirk -- heck I am taking the bait!  We are actually talking about now whether Kirk is a bad guy or not in the locker room.   Maybe some of us are underestimating Bruce.   Bruce incompetent or evil genus?



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