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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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10 hours ago, clietas said:

Morons. Suburban housewife wasn't and isn’t the offensive part of his tweet. It was the part about needing to save the suburbs from low income housing. We all know the MAGA crowd will never see it because they think they're the ones really being oppressed. 

I suspect the "housewife" part is another offensive aspect. I wonder how many women in the 21st Century like being referred to as a "housewife." It's kind of a dated term that implies that their entire role is taking care of the house and children, that they are barefoot and pregnant. Given how many women are in the modern workforce and are highly educated contributors, I'm not sure that they really want their identity summed up as "housewife."

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1 hour ago, mistertim said:


Why does him thinking women will "get over it" when he says something sexist not surprise me coming from a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting them with impunity?


If they loved what he said, why would they need to "get over it"? This doink can't even go an entire sentence without contradicting himself.

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3 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I suspect the "housewife" part is another offensive aspect. I wonder how many women in the 21st Century like being referred to as a "housewife." It's kind of a dated term that implies that their entire role is taking care of the house and children, that they are barefoot and pregnant. Given how many women are in the modern workforce and are highly educated contributors, I'm not sure that they really want their identity summed up as "housewife."


Yeah that was one of those tweets where there are multiple offensive parts and it somehow manages to make it difficult to choose what the worst part of it is. If it were anyone other than the leader of the free world it would almost be an impressive feat.


To me the implied racism is much worse. The whole "suburban housewives" thing is far from the most sexist thing he's said, but it's just so anachronistic that it really reinforces how completely detached from reality and how other people think/feel he is. Your reference to "barefoot and pregnant" hits the nail on the head.


To be honest though, I think in Trump's mind he probably views it as quite a magnanimous statement because I don't believe he even sees women as actual people. 

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1 hour ago, justice98 said:


I missed Cuomo calling it the "European virus" last night.  Yeah, you can't do that.  If caliing it the "China virus" is an infraction, so is that.

I think he was trying to say that while Trump was closing off China and celebrating his job well done, the virus was brought to the US from Europe and spread around months before the US did anything. 

 But yea, better to say that the virus came from Europe and not “European Virus.” That’s kind of a Trumpian oversimplification. 

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12 minutes ago, TheDoyler23 said:

I think he was trying to say that while Trump was closing off China and celebrating his job well done, the virus was brought to the US from Europe and spread around months before the US did anything. 

 But yea, better to say that the virus came from Europe and not “European Virus.” That’s kind of a Trumpian oversimplification. 

It's the Trump virus.  Future historians will name it after him.


The spanish flu in reality was the American flu, brought over to Europe by our troops. When it got real bad, I think it was in Spain at the time; so the name stuck.  This virus should be named after us. We have the worst of it.

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16 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

When it got real bad, I think it was in Spain at the time; so the name stuck. 

Actually, it got that name because Spain, not being involved in WWI, was the only nation providing honest reports about the outbreak. Every other government, including ours, was censoring info about it to prevent panic among the troops. It only looked worse in Spain because they were not trying to cover it up.

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