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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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This election is not only about the future and what progress may come, but defending and acknowledging the history that got us to this point. I know it's hard to try and discuss all the major issues in play while 1/4 of the country still hasn't been potty trained, but whatchagunnado? Soldier on, stay connected, fight on the side of good, because as I've said before, this is as pure an example of good vs evil as any of us will face in our lifetimes.


The election, the right to vote, the ability to vote that is taken for granted so often by so many is shown now to be a fragile thing, valuable and worth protecting, worth fighting for. Give a thought to all those who have fought for it already.


For Black women, the 19th Amendment didn’t end their fight to vote



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I watched the whole convention last night and thought it was pretty good. Nice mixture of people looking like all of the U.S.population. It was well organized without too many hiccups. One thing that threw me was the people clapping. I hope it wasn't "canned" and pre-recorded. If it was pre-recorded, I hope the people clapping had actually seen the recorded segments.

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34 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I watched the whole convention last night and thought it was pretty good. Nice mixture of people looking like all of the U.S.population. It was well organized without too many hiccups. One thing that threw me was the people clapping. I hope it wasn't "canned" and pre-recorded. If it was pre-recorded, I hope the people clapping had actually seen the recorded segments.

They said earlier in the evening on MSNBC that they had live cameras placed for live reactions. 

I actually like it better virtually, no applause every 10 seconds interrupting the sobriety of the moment. 

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2 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:



Im talking about those tweets directly above. I may be confused (wouldn’t be the first time) but that seems to point directly to Stones actions taken with the help of Wikileaks (who we know was working with Russian government) with the direct purpose of helping Trump win the election. That’s like collusion 101 

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9 hours ago, visionary said:



Why does him thinking women will "get over it" when he says something sexist not surprise me coming from a guy who bragged about sexually assaulting them with impunity?


1 hour ago, visionary said:



:ols:  Good lord. Check out all the Trump snowflakes in that Twitter thread talking about how "unclassy" it was for her to say something like that.


It boggles the mind that a human brain could take that level of cognitive dissonance and still (ostensibly) survive.

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