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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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15 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


Perfect representation of the current state of the red party.



Hey that woman was ATTACKED by those people walking by, wanting nothing to do with them. And she DEFENDED herself by indiscriminately waiving that handgun she had no experience, training or the fundamental understanding of how to operate effectively. That’s what real heroes do! 



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Just now, LadySkinsFan said:

Biden's calmness and assuredness are in great contrast to Trump's histrionics and hyperbole. We've forgotten what real people sound like instead of a failed reality show host.


It isn't the calmness, it is things like the roundtable just not with Eric Garner's mother and the others.  He sounds forced, scripted, and not really inspiring.  And honest, this isn't just Trump hyperbole, Biden doesn't always sound completely together.  But as I said, it won't stop me from pulling the lever, he's still significantly better than the alternative. 

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2 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

This virtual convention is boring.  Cuomo is giving a good speech. 


Let's be honest, outside of the spectacle of Clint Eastwood excoriating an empty chair, most conventions have generally been relatively boring except for when you get a truly next level inspiration orator like Obama. But that's pretty rare. 

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I mean, one thing that gets a little old...I understand that they want to reiterate how badly Trump has failed, but I sorta wish they wouldn't say every single time stuff like "What are you seeing about Trump's failures on the front line?"


I'd rather they just talk about what's going on and let the emotional weight of that do its job. When they add the Trump to the beginning and/or end of every single question/sentence it feels sort of transparently political and cheapens it a little. 

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That live dynamic is sorely missing.


Well, at least this convention will be better than  the RNC's.  That one will be pure adulation of Trump.  At least I assume it will, I don't plan on watching it.


Whatever ratings they are won't be much but Biden's speech should kill's Trump's.




Gretchen, will you be my governor?

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The funniest thing about all of this, is that if Trump actually did the right thing for once, he could easily win the election. Instead, he'd rather cripple the post office and piss off an even bigger demographic than do the right thing. He can't win an election this way, I really don't think he can pull it off.

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