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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Louisiana’s Governor-Elect Wants To Withhold Funds For New Orleans’ Decaying Water Infrastructure Until Women Who Seek Abortions Are Prosecuted


In September, the city of New Orleans and some surrounding parishes in south Louisiana began to prepare for at least three months of sal****er intrusion in the local water supply. President Joe Biden then declared the crisis a federal emergency and authorized funding for FEMA and other state agencies to mitigate the burgeoning crisis.


While months of extreme, record-high heat and lack of rainfall in and around the Crescent City are responsible for the crisis, some are pointing at current Louisiana Attorney General and Louisiana governor-elect Jeff Landry as partially responsible for the city’s ability to address the now circumvented crisis, as well as the decayed state of the city’s entire water infrastructure. Landry personally solicited the Louisiana State Bond Commission last year to withhold millions in funding from the New Orleans Sewage and Water Board due to the city government’s refusal to arrest and prosecute women in the wake of Louisiana’s total ban on abortion. The New Orleans Sewage and Water Board remains in desperate need of funding to tackle necessary repairs to its four water intake structures—one of which that has been inoperable for 34 years.


Despite a race against time to keep sal****er from encroaching from the Gulf of Mexico, there has been no concerted efforts by the state to improve its most populated city’s water infrastructure. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and New Orleans Homeland Security spent weeks unloading daily shipments of 36 million gallons of fresh water into the Mississippi in an attempt to dilute the river enough to prevent any further progression of the sal****er or the growing concern of the intrusion of lead into the city’s water supply. Both Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish are in the process of building two respective pipelines to avoid both sal****er and lead contamination in their drinking water.


This ordeal unfolding during the Louisiana gubernatorial election coupled with the ascent of two Louisiana conservative GOP extremists to the highest offices in the land has sparked conversations and frustration about the fate of a city caught in the crosshairs. With reproductive justice and environmental justice acutely intersecting, Black families are especially vulnerable.


Click on the link for the full article

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10 hours ago, Dan T. said:

I would have introduced this clip differently. Worth the watch.



Does she even know that he's a gay conservative who appears on MSNBC on a very regular basis?!? 

He's one of maybe 5 reasonable (and highly intelligent) folks on the R side to have a discussion with and she couldn't even do that. 

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The lake video

”the people of Arizona know me”

”and they rejected you”


1 hour ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

^Keep pumping that message. Yell it loud and clear! We need to hear exactly what all of these Repubs think. 

I like strategy in politics more than anything else. 

I just cannot figure out where they got the idea this is a good idea


usually, even with the extraordinarily bad ideas, you can see the dots they connected. With this one I can’t. Unless the goal was to torpedo the entire party 😂 

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16 minutes ago, tshile said:

The lake video

”the people of Arizona know me”

”and they rejected you”


I like strategy in politics more than anything else. 

I just cannot figure out where they got the idea this is a good idea


usually, even with the extraordinarily bad ideas, you can see the dots they connected. With this one I can’t. Unless the goal was to torpedo the entire party 😂 

I think that they’ve surrounded themselves with too many like minded people. They’re all white Christian conservatives that are on the extreme side of things. Maybe they think this is what the majority wants even though it couldn’t be farther from the truth. They are all governing (if you want to call it that) with their feelings in one way, but their complete lack of empathy in another. As long as their feelings align with their beliefs, then that’s the correct message to send. 

You would hope that politicians have flexibility as well as critical listening and thinking skills that aligned with the people. But so many of them are just warriors for their own propaganda and don’t really worry too much about what society wants or believes as a whole. Republicans are doing great with the media however. A lot of people are treating them as normal and not extremists. There’s a sense among them that they are looking out for the little guy. 

The Magas believe they’re the party of freedom right now despite invading our bedrooms and libraries and telling us what we can and cannot do with our bodies and minds. 

A lie is not a lie if you are winning them over and they all fall in line behind you. 


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8 hours ago, tshile said:

I like strategy in politics more than anything else. 

I just cannot figure out where they got the idea this is a good idea


usually, even with the extraordinarily bad ideas, you can see the dots they connected. With this one I can’t. Unless the goal was to torpedo the entire party 😂 

The strategy is easy to understand: I don't want to lose my job, so I just need to make sure the base/extremists/true believers/whatever you want to call them don't primary me (especially if I'm in a gerrymandered "safe" district). And if there's one thing the Republican party has learned from Trump, it's to never, EVER admit you were wrong about anything. So abortion can't be a loser, because admitting that would be admitting I was wrong, and then my pro-life base will oust me next primary.


There are a few true "abortion is murder, full-stop" politicians in the Republican party, but they're outnumbered by self-serving career politicians who know to say the right things to save their own asses, even if it damns the party at large. Who cares if the party loses the executive branch (whether the Presidency or governorship) and loses seats in the legislature (again, whether Congress or state level), as long as MY ass get re-elected.


So if you want to blame the non-elected pols, especially the national ones at the RNC, for not getting the message, that's valid. But I think wondering why an elected Republican like this supposedly doesn't have a clue what he's talking about, especially when talking to a crowd like the ****ing Heritage Foundation, is somehow giving him far more credit than he actually deserves.

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Herschel Walker squirmed at Trump's ugly proposed smear against Raphael Warnock: book


Donald Trump urged his hand-picked Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker to slander his opponent, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), but he balked at the advice.


The former president pestered Walker, the former college football and NFL star, to falsely smear Warnock as a "child molester," according to excerpts from ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl's new book, "Tired of Winning," that were published by The Guardian.


“But I got no evidence of that,” Walker said.


Trump, however, was not deterred and repeatedly urged the Republican candidate to make the ugly allegation.


Click on the link for the full article

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'Break Virginia into 2 states': Conservative after GOP loses elections


A right-wing activist is calling for Virginia to be broken in half. Not to be confused with West Virginia.


The concept was flirted with by Mark Meckler, a right-wing activist and president of the Convention of States Foundation, following the GOP setbacks at the ballot box in the Commonwealth. He was disheartened by what he sees as “Washington D.C. spilling out all over northern Virginia."


“If you want my opinion, Virginia should be split into two states," he said during an episode of "The BattleCry: Participate in Project POTUS", and first reported by Right Wing Watch.

"Culturally, geographically, politically, it’s really North Virginia and South Virginia, and I would feel way more at home in South Virginia.”


"I don't think this portends anything for the coming elections in 2024."


The Convention of States Foundation's mandate is "to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs," but it calls for an Article V convention and a reverse of "115 years of progressivism." He argues unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans.


The movement notes that Article V of the U.S. Constitution "gives states the power to call a convention to propose amendments."


It adds: "It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.


"Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, 'limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.'"


Click on the link for the full article

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8 minutes ago, China said:

'Break Virginia into 2 states': Conservative after GOP loses elections


A right-wing activist is calling for Virginia to be broken in half. Not to be confused with West Virginia.


The concept was flirted with by Mark Meckler, a right-wing activist and president of the Convention of States Foundation, following the GOP setbacks at the ballot box in the Commonwealth. He was disheartened by what he sees as “Washington D.C. spilling out all over northern Virginia."


“If you want my opinion, Virginia should be split into two states," he said during an episode of "The BattleCry: Participate in Project POTUS", and first reported by Right Wing Watch.

"Culturally, geographically, politically, it’s really North Virginia and South Virginia, and I would feel way more at home in South Virginia.”


"I don't think this portends anything for the coming elections in 2024."


The Convention of States Foundation's mandate is "to bring power back to the states and the people, where it belongs," but it calls for an Article V convention and a reverse of "115 years of progressivism." He argues unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., shouldn’t be allowed to make sweeping decisions that impact millions of Americans.


The movement notes that Article V of the U.S. Constitution "gives states the power to call a convention to propose amendments."


It adds: "It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed.


"Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, 'limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.'"


Click on the link for the full article



Every time Republicans lose, they'll want to break that part of the state into smaller sections until they actually win lol...


Pretty soon their designated "state" will be like:



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3 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Every time Republicans lose, they'll want to break that part of the state into smaller sections until they actually win lol...

makes sense why they think this. It’s how they ended up with their stupidly disproportionate number of senators from their split up barely populated walmart sized states

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