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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Because up is indeed down, black is actually white, day is night and **** you lib, lookit yer go'ldang face! Hyuk hyuk hyuk! Dang,Bobby,, lookit 'im! He don't know what t'say in this impercable logicalizin' goin' on right'chere!! Hyuk hyuk hyuk!



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2 hours ago, mistertim said:


Dude. It’s your fault you’re not aware the “make it public we’ve been doing business under the table by declaring I’ll no longer do business under the table with you” move. 

John Davenport’s reply - ohhhhhh, so close 



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Wealthy business-person with too much time on their hands.  She inherited a business from her parents, that she and her husband "run".  Of course they will use their idle time and become politically activated for the party that favors the wealthy ie. "cut my taxes".  


I think people don't realize how much government involvement helped out regular folks in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s... now that "countries broke" it feels like free reign for the wealthy to make wealth inequality larger.


Trump as President should be a poster child warning to all citizens about how insane our country is. 


I don't want to be too glum, but I have an example of how money influences.  We homeschool our son.  This week the conservative Young America's Foundation is hosting quite a bit of his "classmates" at an event in Santa Barbara.  $100 for 3 nights in a hotel, food and transportation for events.  So they can groom the next Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens.  There's quite a money machine that works to power a one-sided message.  I joked with my family that it's "funded by Russia."   


Look at me wanting to squash lively debate... oh wait, there is never debate or discussion and everyone is free to bring their own "facts". Maybe I just hate freedom and God. 

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2 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

The grammatical errors are horrible. 

The second "your" should be "you're".

"Thumbs" is plural, so  "thing" should be and "is" should be "are".

How did these people pass high school sophomore English class?  





They didn't, they were just passed on.

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5 minutes ago, Long n Left said:

She actually has a degree from UGA. Doing wonders for their academic integrity.

Lol...just saw a news story here on TV about a former football player suspected of murder. 

I always say that the only use for a UGA degree is as a "handicapped" sticker...no offense meant toward the truly afflicted. 

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Progressive here that wants convicted sex offenders to register. It protects society that a known predator is in their midst. They don't change. Indeed they try to say that, in the case of children, that it's their sexual orientation that shouldn't be penalized. 


On another note, we need transgender sections in jails and prisons. In the case of those that consider themselves "women" and "Lesbian", it's housing them with their chosen prey-women. That's wrong.

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

On another note, we need transgender sections in jails and prisons. In the case of those that consider themselves "women" and "Lesbian", it's housing them with their chosen prey-women. That's wrong.


What’s wrong is your constant attacks on transgenders.  It is no different that the people that claim gays want to prey on children.  You are welcome to have your own opinion regarding trans people but accusing them of having “chosen prey” and essentially calling every trans person a predator is despicable, as are you.  Frankly, a comment like this probably shouldn’t even be allowed on this site but at least it allows us all to you for the bigot that you truly are.    

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14 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


What’s wrong is your constant attacks on transgenders.  It is no different that the people that claim gays want to prey on children.  You are welcome to have your own opinion regarding trans people but accusing them of having “chosen prey” and essentially calling every trans person a predator is despicable, as are you.  Frankly, a comment like this probably shouldn’t even be allowed on this site but at least it allows us all to you for the bigot that you truly are.    


I'm addressing housing criminals with other criminals who are frequently the target (prey) and because of their incarceration can't get away from the predators.  Surely you realize that some male criminals claim to be women because they think it's easier in women's prisons and they do attack women. It's one reason why we house men and women separately. Housing transpersons in their own jails/prisons/sections solves some of these issues.


Being one person who's been targeted by a transperson for a number of years, I think I know something about this subject. I'm against the medical industrial complex that is encouraging people to enter into removal of healthy body parts/organs and lifelong hormonal treatments that may be harmful to them. What other medical service allows people to diagnose themselves and demand treatments and medical professionals go along with this and validates this self-diagnosis? It's becoming a burgeoning industry that's a cash cow. I guess you aren't hearing about the numbers of young women who had their breasts removed and suffered hysterectomies and then detransitioned several years later after realizing their mistake. We in the Lesbian community are hearing about this more and more. Detransitioned women and their stories are supressed because they don't fit into the transition success story. 



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30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I'm addressing housing criminals with other criminals who are frequently the target (prey) and because of their incarceration can't get away from the predators.  Surely you realize that some male criminals claim to be women because they think it's easier in women's prisons and they do attack women. It's one reason why we house men and women separately. Housing transpersons in their own jails/prisons/sections solves some of these issues.

Surely you realize that this isn’t just a trans issue but you decided to make it one.  You could have simply said “we shouldn’t house sexual predators with the same gender that they are accused of targeting.”  What do you think happens more, trans prisoners being targeted because they are trans or trans prisoners doing the targeting?  Do you have any evidence that more prisoners are sexually assaulted by trans prisoners than by their own gender in a pod?  I doubt it.


30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Being one person who's been targeted by a transperson for a number of years, I think I know something about this subject.

And for some reason you equate that to all transgender people being predators?  What color is this person and why don’t you instead relate that to being predators?  Because that doesn’t fit into your preconceived bigotry.  I was once assaulted by a white female pilot.  Should I now assume all white female pilots are predators?

30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

'm against the medical industrial complex that is encouraging people to enter into removal of healthy body parts/organs and lifelong hormonal treatments that may be harmful to them. What other medical service allows people to diagnose themselves and demand treatments and medical professionals go along with this and validates this self-diagnosis?

You think doctors are “encouraging” people to do this?  And you think it is as simple as a person just walks into a doctor and says “cut this stuff off” and that is the end of it?  You obviously have not been close to anyone who has transitioned then.  

30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

I guess you aren't hearing about the numbers of young women who had their breasts removed and suffered hysterectomies and then detransitioned several years later after realizing their mistake. We in the Lesbian community are hearing about this more and more. Detransitioned women and their stories are supressed because they don't fit into the transition success story

Well if we aren’t hearing about it, now is a perfect time for you to bring some actual evidence that this is a widely happening, pervasive issue.  Note that even if this is the case, it still does not absolve you of the obvious bigotry you display towards the trans community.  

Edited by The Almighty Buzz
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Interesting transgender debate.  I read the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shirer on the topic and these are my thoughts:


1.  Gender dysphoria is real and if a person does suffer from gender dysphoria transition is probably the best treatment society can offer.

2.  The younger that people are when they transition, the more risk there is that a person who transitions actually doesn't suffer from gender dysphoria.  The teenager is probably not at risk of being confused about whether they suffer from gender dysphoria (though there are some) but there are groups of young people (say 18 or younger) such as gay people, autistic people, and people with borderline personality who have a higher likelihood of interpreting confusing emotions with gender dysphoria than the general population as a whole.  The book mentions a school with no lesbians but like a dozen female to male transgender students.   Further there is very strong evidence (almost indisputable) transgender students appear in clusters at young ages meaning that friends are highly influencing one another.     

3.  If you transition and do not suffer from gender dysphoria there is a high likelihood you will regret the transition.

4.  Some doctors will give people who want to transition some pushback, but a lot of doctors do not believe it is their role to give pushback.  The process happens in stages, but it tends to have a certain momentum, once people start the process taking puberty blockers there is a high probability there will eventually take hormones.

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Jen Psaki Burns Tom Cotton For Voting Against Providing Aid To Ukraine


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday lambasted GOP Sen. Tom Cotton after the Arkansas Republican argued the U.S. needed to do more for Ukraine despite voting against billions of dollars in aid for the war-torn country last week.


“Tom Cotton had a chance last week to back his words with actions by voting for the security assistance for Ukraine that the President announced yesterday,” Psaki tweeted. “He and 30 of his fellow Senate Republicans voted against that money.”


Psaki was responding to a Cotton tweet from Wednesday in which the senator said: “No more timidity and half measures. It’s time to send Ukraine the weapons needed to end this invasion.”


Click on the link for the full article

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2 hours ago, philibusters said:

Interesting transgender debate.  I read the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shirer on the topic and these are my thoughts:


1.  Gender dysphoria is real and if a person does suffer from gender dysphoria transition is probably the best treatment society can offer.

2.  The younger that people are when they transition, the more risk there is that a person who transitions actually doesn't suffer from gender dysphoria.  The teenager is probably not at risk of being confused about whether they suffer from gender dysphoria (though there are some) but there are groups of young people (say 18 or younger) such as gay people, autistic people, and people with borderline personality who have a higher likelihood of interpreting confusing emotions with gender dysphoria than the general population as a whole.  The book mentions a school with no lesbians but like a dozen female to male transgender students.   Further there is very strong evidence (almost indisputable) transgender students appear in clusters at young ages meaning that friends are highly influencing one another.     

3.  If you transition and do not suffer from gender dysphoria there is a high likelihood you will regret the transition.

4.  Some doctors will give people who want to transition some pushback, but a lot of doctors do not believe it is their role to give pushback.  The process happens in stages, but it tends to have a certain momentum, once people start the process taking puberty blockers there is a high probability there will eventually take hormones.


I appreciate your time to post this. I haven't yet read this book, it's on my list. 


If anyone is interested in further reading which touches on philibusters post here's a site.




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You have to be pretty bad if McCarthy is willing to disavow you publicly:


McCarthy calls out Cawthorn over Zelensky: 'Madison is wrong'


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Friday that one of his members, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (N.C.), is "wrong" for saying that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a "thug."


"Madison is wrong. If there's any thug in this world, it's Putin," McCarthy said at a Capitol press conference when asked about Cawthorn's comments, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


McCarthy cited the recent Russian attacks on a maternity hospital and a theater where civilians were sheltering in Ukraine as examples of brutality against the Ukrainian people by Putin.

"This is atrocious. This is wrong. This is the aggressor. This is the one that needs to end this war. This is the one that everybody should unite against," McCarthy said.


Yet McCarthy confirmed that he still supports Cawthorn's reelection. "Yes," he replied.


Click on the link for the full article


But apparently he's not so bad he shouldn't be re-elected though.  🤦‍♂️

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