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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

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1 hour ago, SkinsHokieFan said:

Seriously what the **** has happened to our country that we have such a low bar for the President


We are arguing if he technically committed a crime or not. Let that sink in for a minute

It depends on what the definition of the word is...is.

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9 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

I really would like to see how you define obstruction of justice when an executive applies pressure on law enforcement when the LEOs are investigating members of that executive's inner circle. If this was a hack mayor in some pissant town pressuring a sheriff to back of an investigation into the mayor's kid he'd be charged with obstruction. But somehow the rules all change because he's the President?! Hell no! It means that it's THAT much mors important to apply the rule of law! Not pretend he did nothing wrong. It's clear from Comey that Trump was trying to coerce him into dropping the incestigation.

THAT is obstruction. 

No no no. It would only have been obstruction of justice if Comey had done what Trump asked him to do. Since he didn't, it was merely ATTEMPTED obstruction of justice which is totally fine. And of course, he was right to fire Comey for not obstructing justice like he asked him to.

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2 minutes ago, visionary said:





Are they looking into Trump for something else now?

Well he's always had a thing for Ivanka, and it seems like he screwed her on the Paris Accord and environmental policy.

2 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

No no no. It would only have been obstruction of justice if Comey had done what he asked. Since he didn't, it was merely ATTEMPTED obstruction of justice which is totally fine. And of course, he was right to fire Comey for not obstructing justice like he asked him to.

Right! I only attempted to murder that guy! I didn't succeed so I'm innocent.

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4 hours ago, Popeman38 said:

I am not a Trump defender. In fact I am quite a vocal critic. But I refuse to believe that mob justice is going to help ANYTHING. 


Its hilarious that every statement of fact must be qualified nowadays.


I was labeled "GOP to the core" in another thread.  At least twa caught it.  This is the level of goddamn idiocy that has taken over the tailgate

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5 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

A person who "corruptly or by threats of force, or by threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice" is guilty of the crime of obstruction of justice.


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Trump wants to hang his hat on the confirmation that he was told he was under investigation, but act like everything else Comy said is false.

5 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

No no no. It would only have been obstruction of justice if Comey had done what Trump asked him to do. Since he didn't, it was merely ATTEMPTED obstruction of justice which is totally fine. And of course, he was right to fire Comey for not obstructing justice like he asked him to.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but in the event that you're serious, attempted obstruction is still obstruction and not "totally fine".

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20 minutes ago, SkinsHokieFan said:

Seriously what the **** has happened to our country that we have such a low bar for the President


We are arguing if he technically committed a crime or not. Let that sink in for a minute

I dont see how arguing that he may not have commited a crime is a low bar. Saying that is not the same as supporting him in any way. I cant stand him, didnt vote for him, never would vote for him, and called this being a disaster waiting to happen from the beginning.


But just because i think that doesnt mean I overlook the lack of hard evidence because I dont want him as President.

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As I've said repeatedly in other threads, the big picture issue is the partisanship.

The fact that there are people that are ok with all of this is scary to me. On the flip side, if it was a dem president, you'd have the same thing.  

You can't even have a conversation without snowflake or nazi being thrown around.  We've crossed the breaking point as a civilization and there's no going back.

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Highly unlikely anything happens to Trump immediately beyond further erosion of his support in Congress and elsewhere from Corey's testimony. But it will keep the issue alive easily until the 2018 election, and he better pray the Rs hold the House, because if BENGHAZI!!! was good for 4 years this could go for eight (God help us).

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5 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

A person who "corruptly or by threats of force, or by threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice" is guilty of the crime of obstruction of justice.

Unless more comes out from what is in Comeys opening statement Trump will not be impeached or charged with anything. Additionally, if Comey was obstructed in anyway his duty is to report it when it happens. The fact that he didnt reinforces that there wasnt enough there to constitute obstruction.


Enough to be innappropriate? To show he has no idea what he is doing? Enough that you could say maybe he was hinting at stuff? Yes. I just unfortunately dont see anything coming from this.

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6 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I really like that movie. The main character and the antagonist are brothers in real life. Pretty sure the main character wrote and / or directed that bad boy.


You stealing my jokes now? You wanna go?!?!?!?!


Missed that, my bad.

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19 minutes ago, MisterPinstripe said:

Unless more comes out from what is in Comeys opening statement Trump will not be impeached or charged with anything. Additionally, if Comey was obstructed in anyway his duty is to report it when it happens. The fact that he didnt reinforces that there wasnt enough there to constitute obstruction.


Enough to be innappropriate? To show he has no idea what he is doing? Enough that you could say maybe he was hinting at stuff? Yes. I just unfortunately dont see anything coming from this.

Comey did voice his concerns to Boente multiple times.  


Also remember that Trump wasn't just asking things randomly. It was a pattern of trying to manipulate, control, and interfere with the investigation and it's public  perception with multiple people and various methods.


 And when he asks someone to do something it isn't the same as some random person with no personal context involving the case, or previous attempts to interfere, or power over Comey and the ability to fire him or punish him for not doing what he wants.


If some random person on the street asks someone to do something for them, it's not quite the same as if the 'suggestion' comes from that person's boss at work, or a known influential mobster in a bar they both frequent.  Especially so if there have been other comments along that line and it's known that they do not take kindly to being disobeyed.

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2 minutes ago, visionary said:

Comey did voice his concerns to Boente multiple times.  


Also remember that Trump wasn't just asking things randomly. It was a pattern of trying to manipulate, control, and interfere with the investigation and it's public  perception with multiple people and various methods.


 And when he asks someone to do something it isn't the same as some random person with no personal context involving the case, or previous attempts to interfere, or power over Comey and the ability to fire him or punish him for not doing with he wants.


If some random person on the street asks someone to do something for them, it's not quite the same as if the 'suggestion' comes from that person's boss at work, or a known influential mobster in a bar they both frequent.  Especially so if there'

The only thing in the statement I saw was that he told Boente he shouldnt meet with Trump by himself without the AG, that it wasnt appropriate. Different from actually going to the AG and saying that there has been possible obstruction that should be looked into.


Anything that he said can very easily be explained away as conversation. For example, saying Flynn is a nice guy and I hope you can find your way to letting it go can easily be explained. He things Flynn is a nice guy, hope that over the course of the investigation they find that they find that nothing happened and can drop the investigation. I dont see any evidence anywhere unfortunately. Trump never asked Comey based on what is written to actually drop the investigation of Flynn. People could definitely take what he said that way, but it can also easily be taken the way I outlined above.


What did Trump actually say and ask Comey to do that was illegal?

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You've got to be kidding me. It's exactly what it appears to be. "I hope you can let this go." What does that sound like to you?  Don't twist yourselves up trying to excuse it when you know, most certainly, what he was asking for there.


Not to mention that he went to several other agencies and asked the same thing and then fired the guy over it. And yes, all of this is obstruction of justice.

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Reading the new posts in this thread, I think some folks are missing that this is only an opening statement. This is not the questions he will answer later. So the opening statement is not a nothing burger whatever side of the aisle you fall under. Lots of legal eagles that read this statement is saying this is damning and falls under obstruction of justice.

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21 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

You've got to be kidding me. It's exactly what it appears to be. "I hope you can let this go." What does that sound like to you?  Don't twist yourselves up trying to excuse it when you know, most certainly, what he was asking for there.


Not to mention that he went to several other agencies and asked the same thing and then fired the guy over it. And yes, all of this is obstruction of justice.

What exactly am I trying to excuse? Why is it that anyone who thinks there isnt evidence is just excusing something and is a Trump supporter?


The issue is saying I hope you can let this go can be spun either way which is why it isnt evidence.

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