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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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2 hours ago, Simmsy said:

Once again, I feel that Trump is given too much credit for his "slipperyness". Trump has the strategy of a four year old, just keep lying and deny no matter what. 

True, but his supporters have the intellectual demands of that 6-year-old bully's sycophant we all saw back in elementary school. So he doesn't need much.

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7 hours ago, Simmsy said:

Once again, I feel that Trump is given too much credit for his "slipperyness". Trump has the strategy of a four year old, just keep lying and deny no matter what. It reminds me of those videos parents post of their kids with chocolate all over their faces and ask them if they ate the chocolate. The kid always says no, we all laugh and think its cute. Its not cute or funny with Trump, the GOP are bad parents.


I would agree with you 99% of the time. But on this I disagree. Trump has shown a pointed aptitude for this multiple times in the past and it most likely has to do much more with pure experience over a lifetime of doing it than it does with any sort of strategic or tactical intelligence. It's more of an instinct to him as opposed to foresight. He's very good at saying things without fully saying them in a way that would make him completely culpable. 

Edited by mistertim
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There’s nothing clever or sophisticated about him. He’s a ****ing moron. Yeah, maybe (and almost certainly) he has done things that we don’t know about but there’s a **** load of stuff he’s done that has been exposed pretty easily. The only thing that makes him slippery is people not caring.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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All I'm saying is that at times he's good at leaving himself outs when he says things. It gives him some limited deniability since he'll say "I heard that someone said <x>, I don't know about it, but someone said it" instead of "Yeah I think this person did this". We've seen it many times and it can give him that tiny bit of wiggle room to claim he didn't actually do or say anything wrong. Others have talked about this as well (including Michael Cohen)...when he doesn't want to get himself in trouble he'll make suggestions instead of orders. Everyone knows what he's doing but you can't really prove it. Again, like a mobster as opposed to a business owner. 


And I'm absolutely not saying he's some strategic mastermind in any way (I'm sure by now you know me well enough to know that). Generally he's a complete idiot who owns himself all the time. I believe this is more a tactic that he learned about a long time ago (probably from Roy Cohn) and he's just been doing over and over so many times for his entire life that it's basically an instinct to him. It's pure muscle memory as opposed to any sort of foresight and tactic. But it can be effective in a situation like this when all he has to do is just enough to give supporters a way to yell "SEE? HE DIDN'T EVEN SAY IT!"

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I do recall once hearing a lawyer/talk show host, talking about Iran-Contra, and he made a statement that it was likely something similar to a mobster.  


He said that even if you had a wire, in the meeting, if you had a recording of every word spoken, then you're still in court arguing about:


Did the Godfather say:


We got a problem in Detroit.


or did he say:


We got a problem in Detroit.  Ten days from now, my neice is gonna be 9 years old.  And when I go to her birthday party, I don't want to have a problem in Detroit.  



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43 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:





When somebody attempts to defend themselves by yelling "Who snitched?" . . . . 


They've admitted that it's true.  


Edit:  And when Trump calls the whistleblower a spy?  He's probably right. 


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21 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

So when I'm president and I immediately have Donald Trump taken to jail and railed in the ***, should I make it public television or use it as some sort of pay per view fundraiser? What objects would you like to see used? Sharpies... an umbrella that can't be closed... what else?


Charge $50 to let anyone that wants to  toss an egg at his face or something worse like a urine balloon and you’ll be able to fund Bernie’s entire platform. 


The only good this man might do the world is putting a public toll on his grave so people can go piss on it. Send all proceeds to public education to help prevent such a nightmare from

ever occurring again 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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20 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Charge $50 to let anyone that wants to  toss an egg at his face or something worse like a urine balloon and you’ll be able to fund Bernie’s entire platform. 

That's very disrespectful.







You really think I'm going to pay good money to do something Trump already enjoys?

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Trump's slipperiness has little to nothing to do with him, and 99% to do with a combination of extreme tribalism aka "no way MY GUY did any of that" and right-wing media being united in their messaging.   


Not to mention that the fact that the Biden stuff is even getting the time of day in the media (anywhere outside of Right-Wing bizzaro world realms) is a testament to how fickle corporate media is.  This is how Team Trump works though.  They just say stuff, and by virtue of their crowing, it is deemed newsworthy.  You have Ghoulani on CNN making a fool of himself, but even letting him do that, giving him the air time, it is giving eyes & ears to the nonsense in the first place.  Ghouliani should have long ago been deemed by any respectable news source as an untrustworthy tool who's job is obviously to be sent out to make media rounds to just throw stuff against the wall in order to get it into the media news cycle and waste everyone's time.

Edited by NoCalMike
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16 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:
An entitled rich prick who has no fear of consequences cause he's never had to face them.


The problem here is the electorate that put him in the position of power and the congress who lets him get away with breaking the law. He is exactly who we thought he was. No worse. 

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Donald Trump, on his attempt to use taxpayer funds to bribe a foreign government to aid his election campaign in generating a fake story:  "It's very important to talk about corruption."  


"If you don't talk about crruption, then the person you're bribing might not know what the money is for."  

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Hes doing everything he can to admit this **** and......nothing. 


Honestly if this is true and the Dems do nothing whats the point in voting anymore? Either im voting for a group that wants to break the law and **** me sideways or im voting for a group who wont do anything to stop them. 

1 minute ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Karma will get Trump one day. It won't happen until he's long out of office.


I hope it gets his kids too. And their kids.

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