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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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45 minutes ago, twa said:



You run into problems with the meant part in most cases


Nah.  I'm sure he attempted at least five times to get a subordinate to do something that would have been completely legal, if he'd done it himself, because Mueller once said something bad about putting ketchup on steak.  


I believe their fourth version of a story about the Trump Tower meeting, which now consists of "Well, our campaign intentionally attempted to collude with Russia, but them nasty Ruskies wouldn't do it.", too    

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3 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

He has more of you that usual chasing your tails in circles. 


All this quoting cheats the usually well working ignore function. 

You can make it so it ignores quotes too, I think.  I haven't used that function myself, though I've been tempted to many many times lately.

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44 minutes ago, Larry said:



.... he said, ignoring the inconvenient fact that he's been told otherwise, multiple times, in this very thread.  


It's kind of like the untrue talking point that receiving things from a foreign government, to help your political campaign, is perfectly legal as long as there's no crime as long as there's "no collusion".  


Ya'll tell me a lot of things  , did Mueller find your last claim?

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5 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

Every box is checked. Those quotes still are visible. But, join me. It's glorious (usually). 

Hmmm,  (looking over the ignore options) I guess there isn't a feature that lets you ignore quotes of someone's posts.  I could have sworn there was.  Maybe I got mixed up with mentions a while back.



By the way, I find this back and forth stuff kind of distracting (which is sometimes the point)

I wish people could focus more on discussing the issues and important news items and with people actually open to discussion and less on never-ending arguments that don't go anywhere.

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9 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

He has more of you that usual chasing your tails in circles. 


Honestly its enjoyable to see what they will come up with next. Then I hate myself for it. Its a super conflicting emotional roller coaster. 

Just now, visionary said:

Hmmm,  (looking over the ignore options) I guess there isn't a feature that lets you ignore quotes of someone's posts.  I could have sworn there was.  Maybe I got mixed up with mentions a while back.


Thats what it is. You can ignore mentions from people. Its why I can never get Jumbos attention anymore. 

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3 hours ago, visionary said:

I wish people could focus more on discussing the issues and important news items and with people actually open to discussion and less on never-ending arguments that don't go anywhere.


You new around here?

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4 hours ago, Llevron said:

Then I hate myself for it. Its a super conflicting emotional roller coaster. 

Yes but the satisfaction of realizing, at the end, you succeeded in not getting roped in this time is so worth it

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8 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

The first step in fixing a problem is to admit you have a problem. Donald Trump is exposing a lot of problems.


The bike thief stealing bikes in my neighborhood deserves credit for exposing that the neighborhood has a problem with bicycle thefts.

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15 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

The first step in fixing a problem is to admit you have a problem. Donald Trump is exposing a lot of problems.

The first step is being smart enough to know what a "problem" is when you can't blame it on someone else. The GOP's entire propaganda plan is to blame everything on liberals. Everything. The president is a traitor and a criminal. But it's the fault of angry democrats .. not his.. and certainly not the laws he breaks on a daily basis...  he clearly thinks himself above the law, and you peasants agree.


None of you show the ability to do any self reflection. At all. And your masters know it,, which is why they spend every second of every day lying right to your face and fighting AGAINST the rule of law, and demanding you support it,, and you do. The incorrigible 33% backs it all, without fail. 

As far as I'm concerned, everyone who didn't realize this problem several YEARS before Trump are too stupid to ever figure it out.

Trump is the end result of your problem. And now, all of you are everyone's problem.


What you have allowed in your inability to WANT to see ANY problem is unforgivable. 
People have been begging you clowns to shut your yaps and listen for years. Smarter people, people who can see what is happening, who hear evidence and see facts. (And as much as you pinheads want to cry about educated elites..  it doesn't take any sort of scholar to know what any of this is. But it takes a real class-A moron to ignore it..  or someone who enthusiastically supports it..)


The best first step any of you could take in solving the problem you have created through your ignorance and hubris would be in front of a bus,, or off a ledge. Self reflection,, looking inward at actual problems,   that won't ever happen. Ever. the incorrigible 33% are completely devoid of the traits that allow for it. Humility. Shame. Compassion. 
It's burned out of those who are left,, if they ever had any of it in the first place.

The party doesn't want it.. there is no room for a person who thinks for themselves and holds their leaders accountable. You are a drone, and they like you angry, fearful, stupid and pliable.  in fact, no one left in the GOP wants to ever change a thing. Drones only know how to be drones. Every single lie, you believe it. Every single unbelievable lie...  you eat it like hog slop.

If you did, then comments like "the democrats should fight harder" when faced with criminal behavior from actual traitors would be recognized for the shocking depth of depravity it shows. Right and wrong are non-existent when "right and left" are used to define the terms.



frankly, if the intelligence exists for any self reflection,  the lack of respect your overlords have for it would be enough to send anyone with enough brains into fits of rage. Daily lies. Daily fights to prevent justice and the rule of law. Blocking every attempt to answer any questions about the extremely shady nature of everything they do...  anyone with any self respect would realize what that means.


But, anyone with any self respect would have abandoned this nest of snakes long ago. Defending the indefensible at this stage deserves nothing but spit in the eye.



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I’ve explained this many times, just because trump is responsible for raising awareness of these problems, doesn’t mean he deserves credit. You get credit for solving problems, not exposing them.  Russian interference was a problem before trump took office, he just magnified it. Racism was a problem before trump took office, trump gave the idiots a mouthpiece and in turn exposed them. Sexual misconduct was a problem before trump took office, but bragging about grabbing a woman’s privates helped launch an entire movement. Police brutality was a problem before trump took office, but his badgering of activists voting against it gave them a larger stage. When you have the president of the united states claiming that windmills cause cancer, you have wonder what is really motivating people against renewable energy sources and it at least gives the companies and supporters of renewable energy a stage for exposing false narratives. 


Because Trump has zero credibility.


The guy stealing the bike doesn’t raise awareness because he’s no one special. When the president steels a bike, says there’s nothing wrong with it, the issue is exposed ten fold because people and the media talk about it. Movements are started to fight the bike theives, ect.


There is a huge difference between a common criminal and a criminal president.  The criminal president can’t hide in the shadows.


Democrats should fight harder.  Obama should have sanctioned russia for crimes and election interfence in 2014. Pelosi should have mueller testify and impeach trump for obstruction. Breaking the law isn’t fighting harder. I’ve said all of this before. Several other people on this board- further left on the spectrum that most on this board - have always said the democrats should fight harder. @BangWhen you look at the results of the last several elections, even the last one where they couldn’t take control of the senate (as is traditionally the case during midterms) i’m not sure how you can look at the results and say they don’t need to work harder.  Is your suggestion that democrats don’t need to work harder, republicans need to be more honest? Control what you can control.


@Bang I dont get why you think i don’t want to hold trump accountable for his actions, I absolutely do.

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@CousinsCowgirl84 Ok, so you say.. I imagine you spend a lot of time arguing from a devil's advocate standpoint?


either way.. as it goes for the rest of the people who still have not burned their GOP membership card...  

do you REALLY think there is any way to force any of them to see any of this as a problem? Trump isn't exposing problems to them. he's doing exactly what they want. They want a bully, a gangster, they want a TV tough guy who doesn't take any ****, and the law be damnd...   they wanted Dirty Harry, and they elected Donald ****ing TRUMP... and they believe this lying fat draft dodging new york silver spoon elite who would just as soon piss on every one of them..  IS THAT.

dead serious..   listen to the rank and file GOP fox drone complain and he is EXACTLY THE TYPE THEY HATE. Everything. it's not hidden. He is what they hate and they are SO far gone that they can't even bring themselves to admit that even his daily festivals of lying are wrong...  that directing his staff to obstruct justice is wrong (They ignored him, so it's all good! they say.)..  
You think they will say "Say,, that Sarah sanders sure does lie a lot, and so does the President, and now he's telling people to not assist the police.. and i thought we were all about law enforcement?..   gosh,, something seems wrong here."
(U can bet if that ever popped into their heads it was quickly filled with "It's Obama's fault")
Does that sort of self reflection ever seem likely given what you have watched happen in this country in the last ten years?


Historically speaking, the only way people who support a regime like this ever see the light of day is when it is shining through a hole in their head, and there has been a war.

I know folks think i dwell too often on the worst possible scenario.. but every day takes us further down that road. Every day this president and the ENTIRETY of the GOP prove themselves to be the exact sort of people that require "the worst possible scenario" to stop.



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8 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

As we again, apparently now on a daily basis, trot out the tired “Trump happened because the Dems failed/don’t blame me” schtick let me just remind the board....TRUMP LAID WASTE TO 17 GOP CONTENDERS WITH A PATHETIC SMATTERING OF DICK JOKES AND CATCH PHRASES.


What percentage of Americans do you reckon votes in the republican primaries?

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