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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Not lunacy. Calculated, coordinated, lying. 


And of course they're going to go after the dossier. That lie is older than "no collusion" - the narrative that


1). The dossier was a deliberate fiction. 

2). Written on Hillary's orders. 

3). With Russian collusion. (The only collusion which actually happened). 

4). Which was the sole basis for all subsequent investigation. 

5). (And therefore, everything they found must be ignored.)

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Kind of funny that Barr is holding a press conference when the media will have not seen or read the report so they can only ask questions based on the info Barr is relaying to him.  Chances he ever holds another press conference on this issue again after the report goes public?

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31 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Kind of funny that Barr is holding a press conference when the media will have not seen or read the report so they can only ask questions based on the info Barr is relaying to him.  Chances he ever holds another press conference on this issue again after the report goes public?

After this the next press conference will be about Democrats colluding with the Russians.

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39 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

I still want to know how Steele knew about the Rosneft sale 6mo+ before it happened (which btw happened immediately after Trump was elected). 


I’ve posted this before and I’ll keep posting it forever until we know what happened. 


Steele was an intelligence agent, and him including the sale information in the dossier means it was being looked at for a while in intelligence communities. 

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Suppose I should have expected this from a Trump administration. 


Mueller issues a report. 


Barr leaps forward, and puts out a counter-narrative. (While hiding the report.)


And now it's "well, I'm almost ready to release the version of the report that I've spent weeks modifying. But before I do, I need to release a revised counter-narrative. (Still, without letting you see the report I've modified.)"


This team can't even stick with the same lie, when they're the only ones talking. 

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Weren't foreign intelligence agencies warning the Obama admin and our intelligence agencies of something suspicious going on between Trump's campaign & Russia as well?   


Even if the Mueller report is released in full and claims Trump is 100% innocent of everything, to pretend there was not a sound foundation for why the investigation started in the first place is pretty asinine.. 

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5 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

to pretend there was not a sound foundation for why the investigation started in the first place is pretty asinine.. 


I look forward to the IG's report on that matter....less speculation and more facts are welcome

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People are so wound up, screaming like children denied candy. So far Barr, a painfully compromised apparatchik, has hidden the report, lied and re-lied about what it says several times, huddled with the WH to massage the message and then is "releasing" it in this comical reality show way...............


Let 'em


I would bet two american dollars that there are copies of the complete report squirreled away on thumb drives, tiny ticking time bombs waiting to go off, but they need to go off at the right time! We absolutely need to see Barr's version, it needs to be out there, beyond re-re-restating before the actual info surfaces to show how criminally corrupted their version is.


Take a breath, let this play out. 

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Barr should be impeached for his conduct here.


All the OTHER stuff was/is bad enough, but to have briefed the White House with sufficient specificity such that they could fully write a counter-report before Congress and the public got to see it in ANY form?  That is so out of line with the duties of his office that the only reasonable recourse is removal.


Not to mention, telling the WH his plan to have a press conference before announcing it publicly?


The process should be as follows:

1. Barr is immediately subpoena'd to Congress and ask every tough question they can think of

2. When he starts playing coy and not giving straight answers (because he won't tell the truth and knows outright lying to Congress is a crime), hold him in contempt of Congress, to be released only upon answering the questions of Congress.

3. While he's sitting in Congress jail for contempt, impeach him.

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51 minutes ago, Mooka said:

The Mueller report will now somehow implicate Democrats, Hillary Clinton and her campaign. 


100% guaranteed. 

My guess is the press conference will turn somehow into Barr justifying a new investigation into Clinton et. al. Or at least inferring there needs to be one, whatever it takes to define the news cycle.  Dems need to get their **** together - the committees should have dropped every subpoena they had last night or this morning.  The house is on fire and folks are discussing sticking towels under the doors rather than calling the fire department. 

Edited by Isifhan
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