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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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i'm sure some of you remember that well before he won, i was posting that i figured trump could run into hot water over his finances as i believed he had been well but not exclusively supported by russian $$$ for many years...much detail on his numerous business failures and how they benefited him, how he had to go abroad to seek money for loans, and actual russian connections as well as known russian activity in such areas as american real estate were being complied in the public record all along....we pause for another reflection on how inexcusably uninformed, forget other cognitive shortcomings, many american voters might be......so yeah, investigating how russian money has been a part of his world a very long time is sure as **** on point and i think that is just one thing that will bite him hard no matter what else happens...


i don't however overlook the very real possibility that he manages to get away with everything---if he is guilty---given the behaviors of the gop side of the gov so far (the barr appt gets stickier and stinkier and whitaker is beyond a farce...disgusting, really)...the gop should be permanently discredited and discarded, unfortunately....the 25-30% of the gop who does bemoan what's happened but understandably are not ok with just switching to voting for whatever dems run (and it's not a reasonable expectation of them) should rebrand themselves (pie in the sky 'wishing', not realistic)

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Earlier today we got the news that’s been a long time coming: the newly Democratic-controlled House Intelligence Committee is investigating its own former Republican Chairman, Devin Nunes, for having used his position to obstruct justice on Donald Trump’s behalf. Nunes isn’t the brightest bulb in the factory, but his response was rather dumbfounding even by his standards.



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Since I'm partial to the actual source documents and I've never heard of the Palmer Report, here is that actual letter from Adam Schiff:





“Consistent with its jurisdiction, investigative responsibilities, and building on substantial work undertaken during the last Congress, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (“Committee”) will conduct a rigorous investigation into efforts by Russia and other foreign entities to influence the U.S. political process during and since the 2016 U.S. election.  In addition, the Committee will investigate the counterintelligence threat arising from any links or coordination between U.S. persons and the Russian government and/or other foreign entities, including any financial or other leverage such foreign actors may possess.



“Unfortunately, these and numerous other avenues of inquiry were not completed during the last Congress.  Now, in the 116th Congress, the Committee’s investigation will focus principally on five interconnected lines of inquiry, beginning with these incomplete or unexamined investigative threads:

  1. The scope and scale of the Russian government’s operations to influence the U.S. political process, and the U.S. government’s response, during and since the 2016 election;
  2. The extent of any links and/or coordination between the Russian government, or related foreign actors, and individuals associated with Donald Trump’s campaign, transition, administration, or business interests, in furtherance of the Russian government’s interests;
  3.  Whether any foreign actor has sought to compromise or holds leverage, financial or otherwise, over Donald Trump, his family, his business, or his associates;
  4.  Whether President Trump, his family, or his associates are or were at any time at heightened risk of, or vulnerable to, foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, or coercion, or have sought to influence U.S. government policy in service of foreign interests; and
  5. Whether any actors – foreign or domestic – sought or are seeking to impede, obstruct, and/or mislead authorized investigations into these matters, including those in the Congress.

“The Committee may pursue additional lines of inquiry regarding matters that arise from the investigation, and it intends to cooperate with other congressional committees, as needed, on matters of overlapping interest.  The Committee also plans to develop legislation and policy reforms to ensure the U.S. government is better positioned to counter future efforts to undermine our political process and national security. 


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I guess Trump forgot about White Water -------> Monica Lewinsky.     


Also, what exactly has any of these investigations stopped Trump from doing?  How can he claim on one hand to have accomplished the "greatest first 2 years of any President in the history of the country" but then investigations are handcuffing him.    


Besides sitting around watching cable news and tweeting during his daily "executive time" what time out of his day are these investigations taking?  Perhaps maybe besides crying on the phone to someone.


Also, how can Adam Schiff have found collusion with Russia if he isn't the one running the investigation?  Does Trump not understand the difference between the FBI running an investigation and Congress investigating ethics violations, or is he just purposely trying to conflate an investigation run by a Republican-lead FBI and what congress is doing?

Edited by NoCalMike
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28 minutes ago, visionary said:


How many times before has the President fired the head of the FBI, for failing to promise that he would keep the President's staff out of the national security investigation which he was initiating?  


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now trump's enraged and tweeting cuz they believe schiff has also hired (and are interviewing) former admin/wh nsc people, and perhaps some from other positions, to assist their investigations....a terribly unfair thing to do :806:....of course, not only is that a stupid premise at face value, but it's also just what nunes did with don's help---ask who would be the best available trump insider on staff at that time for devin to put on his staff as the most useful co-conspirator to cover trump's rotten crooked ass, and he hired a couple of 'em


the dems so far aren't confirming or denying, other than saying hiring such folks for such positions is normal anytime, but reading the leaves i'd go with "yup, we're doing that"

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he is all that, @visionary, and very smart, and pretty honest/straight shooter as far as that can go with humans, let alone politicians...but he comes off to many as camera-hungry, self-serving, and opportunistic, and not real in touch with much of the dem constituency...no real identity on issues other than wants to get trump with russia/365-24-7/end story....not that there should be anything wrong with that :806:


he's standard decent fare to me, character wise, but pretty competent in his field and as a legislator...his 'persona' kinda wears on me...nice but smarmy, annoying



but i'd like to hear  llevron's and any other dems' critiques of him to see what they are



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14 minutes ago, visionary said:

Why do you dislike Schiff?  I think he’s one of the best, at least when it comes to the Russia stuff in Congress.  He always comes off as very smart and knowledgeable about the subject whenever I see him.


I’m not going to lie or BS you and pretend I have a reason to dislike him. I dunno. Sometimes the answers to his questions just seem so weak to me when I see him on MSNBC and it frustrates me that he isn’t tougher on this stuff up until now. 


I fully acknowledge that sounds like bs but the honest answer is that I don’t have a good answer. It’s one of those gut feelings that Trump talks about so much, which would tell me something >_>


edit: all that Jumbo wrote sounds better. But reality is I just get a bad feeling about him and I’m having a hard time telling you exactly why. 

Edited by Llevron
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3 minutes ago, visionary said:

Fair enough, I don’t watch MSNBC, nor am I a Democrat, and I’ve only been going off of what he’s said in hearings, on twitter, or the few interviews I’ve seen.



yeah, i knew, like me, you weren't a dem and didn't watch much msnbc either (i do watch select cnn regularly tho and scan them all), but i think i remembered you were oldschool moderate republican, not that any of that matters anymore :ols:


i would have no idea of what's up in the twitterverse if it wasn't for you, smerconish, and cnn :806:

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Whitaker already implicated himself in a very subtle way.  It was a tell, kind of a statement his feeble mind considers a throwaway statement.  During his latest press conference he talked about things he might have known/said before taking the acting AG job vs after.  He is trying to plant the seeds for the argument that "well hey, before I was the acting AG I didn't know the rules of what information I could or couldn't tell the President, so nothing I said should count"


Dude is toast.

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