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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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18 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

It's kind of head spinning to consider the contradictions between Trump's "nobody knows" if Russia hacked, the notion that he then wouldn't accept Vlad's denial, and the blame cast on Obama for "doing nothing".


He covers all the bases with lies, diversions, obfuscations, and just a tiny bit of fact.  Good luck finding that fact, though. It's like sifting through a septic tank to find a dime. 

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Trump meeting Putin alone is a disaster. One is a highly skilled KGB operative and shrewd political despot, the other is a self interested bsbbling toddler with zero awareness of the gravity of the information given to him daily. It's basically one of the most cunning leaders in the world against the average Fox & Friends viewer.


I don't trust Putin because I think he really is evil.

I don't trust Trump because I think he's an incompetent.

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The fact that they met for so long tells me that Vlad was probably doing a very effective job at sprinkling in compliments to Trump and making him feel important and that they had a "bond". We already know that Cheeto Benito <3 authoritarian strongmen and desperately wants to be like Putin. The only way to keep his attention for more than a few minutes is apparently to make it all about him and to compliment him...to keep him enthralled for an hour and a half is rather impressive, I must admit. Then again, Putin was a KGB agent so that sort of thing isn't new to him.

Edited by mistertim
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1 hour ago, Dan T. said:


He covers all the bases with lies, diversions, obfuscations, and just a tiny bit of fact.  Good luck finding that fact, though. It's like sifting through a septic tank to find a dime. 

It reminds me of this piece about Jim Jones (Jonestown Kool-Aid fame)  that was on NPR last spring.  I am not saying Trump is as crazy as Jones but I think the phenomenon described in this excerpt of the transcript applies to the way Trump tries to have it all ways, his answers on Russia at the Polish news conference being a prime example.

GROSS: Did he believe in Jesus? I mean, did he preach Jesus? Did he preach, like, the Christian faith or just, like, himself as the savior, not a representative of the savior, but the savior?

GUINN: Jones and Peoples Temple pretty much taped his various sermons. And when you listen to those sermons, you really can't understand what's going on at first because he will yammer on for three or four hours. And within that overall framework, at some point he will quote the Bible. He will talk about and here's God's word and he said this. Twenty minutes later, he may be throwing the bible down on the stage and stomping his foot on it and saying there is no God.

In the next breath, he may claim that he is the spirit of Jesus in this generation. And not long after that, he might say, well, actually I'm the reincarnation of Lenin. He would say all these different things, all these contradictory things in any one sermon. But then after you listen to enough of them, you realize Jones knows his audience is not all wanting to hear one thing.

Some are in Peoples Temple because they deeply believe in God and the Bible, that Jones maybe isn't Jesus but he's a prophet. Then you've got atheists, quite a few of them in Peoples Temple, who don't care about the God thing at all. And they feel Jim doesn't believe it either, he's just using it to bring people in so that they can work together as socialists to bring about a better world.

So Jones never preaches just one thing. In every sermon, no matter what you may think Jim Jones believes, you're going to hear something that you think agrees with that, that's proof that you are right and that you are one of the very special people who understand what Jim Jones is about. He contradicted himself all the time. And it didn't bother him. And as far as his followers were concerned, at some point if Jim said one thing that they could tie into that they could agree with, then that meant everything else they could accept.


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43 minutes ago, mistertim said:

The fact that they met for so long tells me that Vlad was probably doing a very effective job at sprinkling in compliments to Trump and making him feel important and that they had a "bond". We already know that Cheeto Benito <3 authoritarian strongmen and desperately wants to be like Putin. The only way to keep his attention for more than a few minutes is apparently to make it all about him and to compliment him...to keep him enthralled for an hour and a half is rather impressive, I must admit. Then again, Putin was a KGB agent so that sort of thing isn't new to him.

I couldn't agree more. 

Nail...meet hammer...scythe, sickle, stars, stripes, whatever. 

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1 minute ago, LD0506 said:


So pretty much exactly what everyone expected, right?



Hard to know from reading just tweets and blurbs, but it seems that way, doesn't it?


Tillerson's accounting is the strange one unless I've misread it. It sounds like he's saying... Trump did address Russian election interference and gave him what for. Then, as a solution, we decided that we should cooperate on election cyber security. I mean gee what could go wrong if we let them come in the front door and give them the run of the place instead of having to find back doors?


Then, Tillerson went on to present an outline of Russia's wishlist as potential agreements... especially Syria stuff. 


The era of American influence and importance is at least on hiatus.

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Come on Trumpster-Divers defend ya boi, we librawls are all wrong and so easily defeated, surely you can destroy our criticisms. After all your heroes apparently do it every day on Faux & Friends and Hannity....oh wait this place isn't prescripted and we don't tolerate your long list of logical fallicies and you can't cut us off with a convenient commerical break or topic change. 

I know you're out there still supporting your Tangerine titan, lets hear ya. Or you can duck back into your dumpster and watch Faux News whoring for the Tangerine Toddler.

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5 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

"Damn people won't stop complaining about crimes committed..


Maybe the illegal immigrants should use the same argument.


If there was no proof that the person was here illegally, I would be for stopping their deportation.

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4 minutes ago, Weganator said:


If there was no proof that the person was here illegally, I would be for stopping their deportation.

If you think there's a way to get through a 1-mile radius of my home and deport damn near everyone, I'll give you the challenge...because maybe a third are legal...That is absolutely, positively no exaggeration.

It can't be done logistically, even with the fleet of Trump airlines..."homeboy" better foot the bill, too...I ain't payin' for that.  I'd rather have roads/bridges I can drive on, my tax dollars can be used more wisely...by a wise set of folks.  Not children who can't/won't follow printed rules right in front of their friggin' faces.:rolleyes:


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