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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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So Carson lies, Huckabee lies about his lies, the spox lies about the lying and then denies the lies and somehow, mystically, magically it's the MEDIA'S fault! And the Morlock minions just lap it up




At this point I am actually starting to root for TheDonald to be even worse than people think, just to offer up enough suffering for all the goddam dumbasses out there, biblical plague level ****, hail of frogs, rivers turning to blood, bring it on

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57 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

At this point I am actually starting to root for TheDonald to be even worse than people think, just to offer up enough suffering for all the goddam dumbasses out there, biblical plague level ****, hail of frogs, rivers turning to blood, bring it on


1)  The problem with that is, it's bad for the country.  


2)  And cheering for the country to suck, because you think the other Party will get the blame for it?  The Republicans already claimed that position.  


3)  And, even if it happens?  The vast majority of his followers will deny it, anyway.  


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What we needed following a trump election was every republican that ever existed to go before a microphone and stroke his ego (tiny ego man) about how much they want to be in his administration


He'll be good and riled up come inauguration 


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9 hours ago, Larry said:


1)  The problem with that is, it's bad for the country.  


2)  And cheering for the country to suck, because you think the other Party will get the blame for it?  The Republicans already claimed that position.  


3)  And, even if it happens?  The vast majority of his followers will deny it, anyway.  



Yeah,  I hear ya but the nauseating reality is that it IS going to happen, the country is already far worse than it was a year ago and the momentum is increasing. No one cares about "bad for the country" anymore, even though the trogs love to wrap themselves in the flag at every opportunity as they march us towards the cliff. That whole spineless "we need to come together" mantra is crap, it's a lie, there is no together or even space for it. The lines have been clearly drawn and the chorus from the fringe is "get over it, we won"? Really? Won? Won the chance to gut the Constitution? Won the right to get rid of public education? Crash the economy? Disrupt world trade and safety? Say the most vile **** to minorities, and then call it a hate crime when someone disagrees? And ME not marching down der strasse mit dem is what's bad for the country??!?


It has already gone too far, vast numbers have committed to this, the machinery has been set in motion and that dark cloud on the horizon that so many thought was just a bad storm is actually locusts that will lay waste to the nation. We are already on the cusp of something biblical, Old Testament vengeful God biblical, pretending that somehow everything's gonna be ok is facile, just willful ignorance in the face of this disaster.


I know I am really not the one to be railing about this, as an old white guy the hammer won't fall on me first or worst, hell, I could blend right in and probably take advantage of it if I was willing to flush my soul down the drain and get a lobotomy, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon.


Our country........... America.............I see us as the owners and inheritors of something more than just the stars n bars and a stable currency, call me naive but I like to think that all those fine words about America, those ideals enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights actually mean something. That the peace and freedom we have enjoyed for so long are a direct result of those ideals and not just a lucky accident. That no matter our differences we have something higher to aspire to, to bind us as a counter to the petty tribalism that scourges life elsewhere, that we ARE a people and not just a collection of warring factions and that we are all in this together, we all go on or no one does. But now it appears I will have to take all of that and pack it away, carefully, lovingly hide it from harm and hunker down to wait for the day when the lash of history wears thin, when the viral rage of greed and ignorance runs its course and people that believe these things are safe to come out of hiding again.

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7 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


. . .  the country is already far worse than it was a year ago and the momentum is increasing.


I would not jump to that conclusion.  (Or most of the other . . . excessively colorful . . . . analogies that you tried to draw.) 


I agree with you, that there are things that those of more . . . preachy demeanor? . . . might choose to call signs, and point at.  but such things don;t always come to pass.  


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53 minutes ago, LD0506 said:



It has already gone too far, vast numbers have committed to this, the machinery has been set in motion and that dark cloud on the horizon that so many thought was just a bad storm is actually locusts that will lay waste to the nation. We are already on the cusp of something biblical, Old Testament vengeful God biblical, pretending that somehow everything's gonna be ok is facile, just willful ignorance in the face of this disaster.


I've done gone lost my mind.  Can't believe that the ranting, raving thing with the POTUS on the front of the podium is what WE wanted...because it wasn't, by about 2.5 million votes.

Seriously.  This is not what ALL the people wanted. 

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From CNBC, Trump voters have the most to lose when ACA is repealed. Tom Price, Trump's choice for Sec. of HHS, on board for repeal.


Not a well thought out vote on the Trump voters part. They believed Trump's lies about replacing ACA with something better, although neither Trump nor the Republicans have any definite plan, and haven't ever since the ACA was passed and the Republicans have tried to repeal it.


Travesty, but I don't feel sorry for those voters who cast their vote based on lies. I feel sorry for people who will either lose coverage or pay a lot more in costs including premiums through no fault of their own.




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3 hours ago, Larry said:


I would not jump to that conclusion.  (Or most of the other . . . excessively colorful . . . . analogies that you tried to draw.) 


I agree with you, that there are things that those of more . . . preachy demeanor? . . . might choose to call signs, and point at.  but such things don;t always come to pass.  



Overt vilifying hate speech on display, people reveling in their baseness, trying to outdo each other in the race to the bottom in the way they treat one another, and IMO even worse, teaching their children that this is how things are done.

A candidate for Attorney General that exemplifies utterly callous and unapologetic racism in a manner that would make Jefferson Davis beam with pride.

A pick for Sec. of Education whose avowed mission is to disassemble public education and replace it with a voucher scheme that will leave millions of children without.

A National Security advisor that is just a raving lunatic, spouting unbelievable tripe from the bowels of the internet's most fervid conspiracy delusions. Oh yeah, and his son may actually be worse.

The degradation of media and reporting as nothing more than poor sports, "snowflakes" who need to nut up and get with the program, all pointed out by the bully that is still ten, he just has 60 years experience at it, lying on a cosmic scale for his Twitterverse.

Etc., etc. and so on.............


Jumping to conclusions? Wrong, sorry to point it out so baldly but wrong, I just pay attention to what is actually going on instead of trying to console myself with some fantasies about how it might not be that bad, they didn't really mean it that way, that they will grow and mature once in power. I am not the one floating ideas about "tweaking" the First Amendment, or conversion therapy, or ignoring international policy, or stop and frisk, or the dozens of other loony, loopy things we've heard uttered lately. This is right from the horses mouth (although there's a very good chance it is the other end). These things are from their own public statements and supporters, the transition team that is ostensibly working on seizing control of the White House and using it for their own profit. Nakedly, openly, gleefully! There IS no conflict of interest! There ARE no facts anymore! WE won the popular vote 'cuz numbers ain't numbers anymore!


Colorful analogies? really? This **** is way off the map, I couldn't even imagine one tenth of the **** they crow about in public and I am known for having a particularly lurid imagination.

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