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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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4 hours ago, LD0506 said:


If you feel inclined, explain what that is to you. The term gets tossed around so much (usually as a perjorative) that it is many things to many people.


Doesn't scare me though, my inclinations are to look at a man for integrity and depth, the rest can flow from that.


You and I are (seemingly) far apart when scaled politically, but I'd be willing to wager that given the opportunity, we'd find more common ground than you might think. My biggest complaints with politicians are usually not politics, it is that so many are so willing to lie to serve their own ends (left-right-Dem-Rep-whatever), the only integrity you find in Washington is in a dictionary.

 A Neo-con is someone who wants the US to remain the worlds dominant power as they believe the US is a force for good and they are more willing (yes probably too willing) to use that power for moral reasons and/or to support US interests (ie what is good for the US is good for the world).  I'm the boards resident neo-con.

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Why Trumponomics won’t make America great again

The impulsiveness and shallowness of America’s president threaten the economy as well as the rule of law


Mr Trump’s agenda comes with two dangers. The economic assumptions implicit in it are internally inconsistent. And they are based on a picture of America’s economy that is decades out of date.

Contrary to the Trump team’s assertions, there is little evidence that either the global trading system or individual trade deals have been systematically biased against America (see article). Instead, America’s trade deficit—Mr Trump’s main gauge of the unfairness of trade deals—is better understood as the gap between how much Americans save and how much they invest (see article). The fine print of trade deals is all but irrelevant. Textbooks predict that Mr Trump’s plans to boost domestic investment will probably lead to larger trade deficits, as it did in the Reagan boom of the 1980s. If so, Mr Trump will either need to abandon his measure of fair trade or, more damagingly, try to curb deficits by using protectionist tariffs that will hurt growth and sow mistrust around the world.

A deeper problem is that Trumponomics draws on a blinkered view of America’s economy. Mr Trump and his advisers are obsessed with the effect of trade on manufacturing jobs, even though manufacturing employs only 8.5% of America’s workers and accounts for only 12% of GDP. Service industries barely seem to register. This blinds Trumponomics to today’s biggest economic worry: the turbulence being created by new technologies. Yet technology, not trade, is ravaging American retailing, an industry that employs more people than manufacturing (see article). And economic nationalism will speed automation: firms unable to outsource jobs to Mexico will stay competitive by investing in machines at home. Productivity and profits may rise, but this may not help the less-skilled factory workers who Mr Trump claims are his priority.

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52 minutes ago, nonniey said:

 A Neo-con is someone who wants the US to remain the worlds dominant power as they believe the US is a force for good and they are more willing (yes probably too willing) to use that power for moral reasons and/or to support US interests (ie what is good for the US is good for the world).  I'm the boards resident neo-con.


Again thanks, and hey! We're talking! Who woulda thunkit?


Internationally I agree with most of that, but when you get into the weeds of exactly who and what are represented by "America's interests" and what the effect that all has here at home, we'd probably diverge a bit. Or more. Or maybe not, I won't assume that.


But let's address something else here, you said....



they believe the US is a force for good and they are more willing to use that power for moral reasons


Does that apply here? To you and me? To those we ask to represent us and the nation's interests? Because I am having one helluva time even considering anything when I see the rampant, unabashed immorality of these selfish, self-serving liars every damn day. And I find it harder every day to muster any compassion for those that excuse or ignore or enable them.


So feel free to neo-convince me how we fix this.



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For those expecting impeachment anytime soon.


The GOP isn't going to do jack. Their base loves Trump. Even if Trump ends up being the failed President, many think he will be; the Trumpster's will not blame Trump. They will say the Dems, the RINO GOP, the media, the OBama people still in government, etc.. conspired against him. He couldn't succeed. Until the GOPers own jobs are at stake; they won't do a thing. If they are looking at an electoral wipeout in 2018, where the Dems win control of House and minimize the losses in the Senate or somehow win back the Senate; then the GOP will dump Trump.







Too bad noone has the balls to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Trump.  I think you can make a clear case now; that Trump is unfit to carry out the duties of President.  Just by his actions and statements alone; show a man who's severally mentally unbalanced.

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1 hour ago, nonniey said:

 A Neo-con is someone who wants the US to remain the worlds dominant power as they believe the US is a force for good and they are more willing (yes probably too willing) to use that power for moral reasons and/or to support US interests (ie what is good for the US is good for the world).  I'm the boards resident neo-con.

Lipstick on a pig

53 minutes ago, visionary said:







Curious, when it comes out that Trump has/had dementia, does he become a sympathetic figure at all? Wondering if he ultimately goes down as the greatest villain in all of this or will it be an enabler or two. 

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56 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

For those expecting impeachment anytime soon.


The GOP isn't going to do jack. Their base loves Trump. Even if Trump ends up being the failed President, many think he will be; the Trumpster's will not blame Trump. They will say the Dems, the RINO GOP, the media, the OBama people still in government, etc.. conspired against him. He couldn't succeed. Until the GOPers own jobs are at stake; they won't do a thing. If they are looking at an electoral wipeout in 2018, where the Dems win control of House and minimize the losses in the Senate or somehow win back the Senate; then the GOP will dump Trump.







Too bad noone has the balls to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Trump.  I think you can make a clear case now; that Trump is unfit to carry out the duties of President.  Just by his actions and statements alone; show a man who's severally mentally unbalanced.




Pretty much. Any way that this ends. Trump will turn his base on the GOP and everyone else. He will launch a PPV news service and bleed them dry.

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3 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:



Pretty much. Any way that this ends. Trump will turn his base on the GOP and everyone else. He will launch a PPV news service and bleed them dry.


You really think he's going to live long enough to really wreck havoc like that? Personally I'll be surprised if he's still in the public eye 5 years from now. If he's even alive. 

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Does it really count as dementia if the guy was a dumbass to begin with?


Read stories about him from the eighties or nineties, and they describe a guy who never read a book and had the attention span of a grade schooler. If he hadn't been Fred Trump's son, he'd have lots of awards for Car Salesman of the Month.

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3 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:


You really think he's going to live long enough to really wreck havoc like that? Personally I'll be surprised if he's still in the public eye 5 years from now. If he's even alive. 



that's the best outcome for him.For the rest of the world it would be prison and his businesses torn apart.

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1 hour ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:


You really think he's going to live long enough to really wreck havoc like that? Personally I'll be surprised if he's still in the public eye 5 years from now. If he's even alive. 


I tend to agree about his life expectancy, I don't think he's very healthy, he doesn't look it.

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