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ESPN: Colin Kaepernick protests anthem due to treatment of minorities


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3 minutes ago, justice98 said:

He hadnt been practicing for much of the offseason and camp. You cant beat out a guy if you're not practicing or playing. Gabbert got the job by default really.

It's really less of a headache than it should be.  If the man wants to sit quietly on the bench, let him sit.    

He lost the job to Gabbert last year when he was healthy. He hasn't been able to get the job back in an open competition. He's awful. 


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6 minutes ago, Taylor703 said:

He lost the job to Gabbert last year when he was healthy. He hasn't been able to get the job back in an open competition. He's awful. 


There's a lot more awful QBs than him.  The league isnt deep enough at the position to be turning down QBs. He should be on a roster. 

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1 minute ago, justice98 said:

There's a lot more awful QBs than him.  The league isnt deep enough at the position to be turning down QBs. He should be on a roster. 

While yes, there are worse QB's than him on NFL rosters, is he *that much* better than those guys that he's worth the baggage? 

If I'm an NFL coach, I don't want to be answering questions about my backup QB's grievances with America.

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14 hours ago, tshile said:


Yup, white athletes/stars are immune to criticism when they do things like this


See anywhere in my post where I say white athletes are immune to criticism like this? 

Or do we have to acknowledge the plight of white athletes whenever we talk about minorities? Would that be sufficient?

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So, what are we saying Kap did wrong here? Is it that he is unpatriotic for the protest? Or are we saying,were we him, we would do something more or different? Or is he a fool for basically saying the same thing the DOJ has said multiple times this year already?

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16 minutes ago, Llevron said:

So, what are we saying Kap did wrong here? Is it that he is unpatriotic for the protest? Or are we saying,were we him, we would do something more or different? Or is he a fool for basically saying the same thing the DOJ has said multiple times this year already?

He's an idiot for taking a stand in that manner

- doesn't help any root issues

- insults 100s of thousands that died for our country

- He is a man of amazing life circumstance, so it's ironic at best coming from him

- when you have the influence and the means that he does, you could do so much more than not stand during the National Athem. Others have said read his twitter... A) I dont read twitter except what people post on here, b. tweeting is not helping anything, DO something about the problem


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12 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


There's nothing about our culture that celebrates low graduation rates.  I agree there are more then enough videos that show people that I wish would just sit the ****.  Does that mean they deserve to die?


Our police are too quick to use deadly force, and we need to change our approach to these situations.  The system is supposed to be law enforcement and rehabilitation.  For many that's not the perception nor the reality.


use of deadly force has been a point of contention in these discussions. obviously, nobody 'deserves' to die for something like resisting arrest. but there is another perspective that I think gets overlooked, or isn't understood at all.

DC9 can speak to this a little bit, I'm sure.

this excerpt is from a sam harris podcast on the subject. heres his basic premise- "when you put your hands on a cop....you are very likely to get shot ...because there is a gun out in the open, and any physical struggle has to be perceived by him as a fight for the gun"


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58 minutes ago, Llevron said:

So, what are we saying Kap did wrong here? Is it that he is unpatriotic for the protest? Or are we saying,were we him, we would do something more or different? Or is he a fool for basically saying the same thing the DOJ has said multiple times this year already?

Where Kaep went wrong was playing the QB position very poorly.  Due to the fact that he's a bum, this looks more like a me, me, me moment than it does taking a stand for what he believes is right.  What he did seemed like a last ditch effort to have people talk about him.

There's a long list of things he could do with his $ and what's left of his celebrity status to help the cause.  Not standing for the anthem isn't one of them.

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:


See anywhere in my post where I say white athletes are immune to criticism like this? 

Or do we have to acknowledge the plight of white athletes whenever we talk about minorities? Would that be sufficient?

I quoted it.

You don't have to acknowledge it, just not make it seem like that's the obvious situation. Like you did.

"every time a prominent minority takes a stand..."


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6 minutes ago, tshile said:

I quoted it.

You don't have to acknowledge it, just not make it seem like that's the obvious situation. Like you did.

"every time a prominent minority takes a stand..."



You should reread what you quoted. Because nothing in there takes away from the plight of the white athlete.

Of course, you seem to have your sensitivities hurt that I made that omission. So here, I'll make your day better: White athletes also face criticism from morons when they take controversial stands. Happy? Good, move on with your day.

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6 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


You should reread what you quoted. Because nothing in there takes away from the plight of the white athlete.

Of course, you seem to have your sensitivities hurt that I made that omission. So here, I'll make your day better: White athletes also face criticism from morons when they take controversial stands. Happy? Good, move on with your day.

You didn't make an omission. You made a statement that carried a heavy and obvious implication with it, and you got called out for your bull****.

Try to make this about my sensitives all you want, you did it knowingly and on purpose.

(And judging by your reaction, maybe you're projecting on the sensitives part.)


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15 minutes ago, tshile said:

You didn't make an omission. You made a statement that carried a heavy and obvious implication with it, and you got called out for your bull****.

Heavy and obvious implication? That minorities, especially those with wealth and influence, get shouted down whenever they take public stands? And from that you deduce that by this, I must be implying that white people are never shouted down for taking stands on civic issues?

I usually like what you have to say, but you have days where you post some totally crazy ****. Take a moment, and reread what I posted. If you think any of it was slighted to disregard white people and their struggles, then I don't know what to tell you. Feel free to read into things as much as you like.

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3 hours ago, Inigo Montoya said:

He's an idiot for taking a stand in that manner

- doesn't help any root issues

- insults 100s of thousands that died for our country

- He is a man of amazing life circumstance, so it's ironic at best coming from him

- when you have the influence and the means that he does, you could do so much more than not stand during the National Athem. Others have said read his twitter... A) I dont read twitter except what people post on here, b. tweeting is not helping anything, DO something about the problem


It's not ironic, it's powerful.  Poor and/or oppressed people are ignored on a regular basis. Him using his platform got people talking about an issue that usually takes somebody getting killed on camera for people to even notice, let alone care about.  And even then, if it's not happening on our block, we're only as involved as the news cycle, which will move on.  He brought it back, in case people forgot.

3 hours ago, Llevron said:

So, what are we saying Kap did wrong here? Is it that he is unpatriotic for the protest? Or are we saying,were we him, we would do something more or different? Or is he a fool for basically saying the same thing the DOJ has said multiple times this year already?

The news cycle has moved on, you're not supposed to care about this anymore.  

It's just funny how people get more bent outta shape about him sitting than the conditons he's actually protesting.

3 hours ago, Boss_Hogg said:

That's his right. If he wants to sit down and act like a fool during the national anthem then so be it. Tens of thousands of white, black, brown, Americans died so he can have that choice. 

One guy in a stadium of 40k people (or however many are at these preseason games) sitting down quietly is "acting a fool"?

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8 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

He And from that you deduce that by this, I must be implying that white people are never shouted down for taking stands on civic issues?

No, you're implying that they're being shouted down because they're minorities, speaking about an issue that only impacts minorities, and all the white people just don't want to hear about it.

As if were it a white person that refused to stand for the national anthem (for any reason, much less this), they wouldn't receive just as much criticism from the very same people.

As if the actual issue here is that white people are annoyed by 'another minority' making white people think about, or participate in, a conversation they don't care about, don't want to deal with, are unaffected by, or any of the other nonsense you and others spew every time something like this happens.

As if one cannot possibly take issue with the fact that he didn't stand for the anthem, without in some way also saying **** you to minorities and their issues.

You and others take every opportunity to blast the "white people hate people of color" bull**** every chance you get. Kaepernick is receiving criticism for one thing and one thing only - choosing the national anthem as his opportunity to protest about an issue. The issue is irrelevant. The fact it's him is irrelevant. His skin color, up bringing, or culture he subscribes to is irrelevant.

If he was white he'd receive the same criticism.

But keep playing this game where your implication doesn't exist and what you were called out for is made up and so on.

You're not as clever as you think you are.

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3 hours ago, Taylor703 said:

He lost the job to Gabbert last year when he was healthy. He hasn't been able to get the job back in an open competition. He's awful. 


Again, he hasnt been playing.  It hasnt been much of a competition since only one guy has physically been able to compete.  Last year is last year, this year is this year.  New system and all that.

2 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

While yes, there are worse QB's than him on NFL rosters, is he *that much* better than those guys that he's worth the baggage? 

If I'm an NFL coach, I don't want to be answering questions about my backup QB's grievances with America.

I really wish the Giants needed a QB, because they have no problem answering questions about their kicker and his propensity for domestic violence.  If somebody can deal with that, which is a worse transgression than remaining seated, somebody can deal with Kap.

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and for what it's worth, i've refrained from really forming an opinion on what Kaepernick said outside of what I said in my first post - that doing so is more likely to make conversation what it has become, due to people who are overly patriotic, current military or vets, or have lost someone in a war (or just seen someone injured in a serious way.)

i otherwise don't really care. if he wants to sit during the anthem and piss of a ton of people that's fine by me. he doesn't play for my team.

just really tired of the constant nonsense that if you would prefer your sports not be infected by the complete and utter horse **** that political discourse has become, it's because you don't like/don't care about/don't want to hear about the problem that non-white people face.

from what I heard this morning on my drive in it does sound like he sat for 20 minutes and did a Q&A with reporters and did a very good job. so maybe he'll actually do something meaning about the issue. or maybe he'll just sit during the anthem. isn't that what he said? he wouldn't stand until something significant changed?

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2 minutes ago, tshile said:

No, you're implying that they're being shouted down because they're minorities, speaking about an issue that only impacts minorities, and all the white people just don't want to hear about it.


"All the white people just don't want to hear about it"

You know, I really don't care what kind of mindless drivel people post on this board and I usually let it go. But you are truly out of your ****ing mind today. No where in my post were "all white people" even mentioned, no where did I write a scathing review of "all white people" and how they react, yet you just wrote an essay addressing a strawman you seem intent on propping up.

I'm going to pretend that you're having a bad day, a bad week or something along the lines. Because like I said, I usually like what you have to say. But it seems like you have an axe to grind on this issue and something in my post triggered some sensitive hot button. 

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2 minutes ago, tshile said:

I shot my best game of golf yesterday and had a beer for lunch. 3 day weekend coming up.

I'm having a pretty good day/week so far :)



Welp, I'm clearly not as good at cyber mind reading into people's intentions as you are then. Enjoy your week and make good use of your newfound powers of digital mind reading. 

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1 hour ago, justice98 said:

One guy in a stadium of 40k people (or however many are at these preseason games) sitting down quietly is "acting a fool"?

IMO it's foolish because it doesn't solve the problem(s). But he has every right to do what he did. 

Sound quality if horrible, but it's pretty interesting. Acknowledges the fact that tens of thousandths of people fave died for his right to protest. 


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17 minutes ago, Boss_Hogg said:

IMO it's foolish because it doesn't solve the problem(s). But he has every right to do what he did. 

Sound quality if horrible, but it's pretty interesting. Acknowledges the fact that tens of thousandths of people fave died for his right to protest. 


Whether something individually solves the problem isnt and shouldn't be the barometer for whether it should be done. 

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1 hour ago, justice98 said:

It's not ironic, it's powerful.  Poor and/or oppressed people are ignored on a regular basis. Him using his platform got people talking about an issue that usually takes somebody getting killed on camera for people to even notice, let alone care about.  And even then, if it's not happening on our block, we're only as involved as the news cycle, which will move on.  He brought it back, in case people forgot.

It's ironic at best... you're right it's powerful, powerfully stupid. 

Poor and oppressed are regularly ignored is true and instead of address the root causes of the issues leading up to "dead bodies in the streets", we're ****ing about the intentions of officers whose lives are put in danger daily for a salary barely above the poverty line. And he chose to put his foot down by sitting on his ass and by disrespecting the very people that fought for his ability to have freedom of speech. Talk about biting the hand that feeds. 

Poverty leads to crime - fix it, do anything to fix it and stop the cycle and he's making real change. Here he made the news, nothing happened but you and I arguing on a message board. You are right about one thing, thankfully it didnt take another incident to start this convo back up. 

If he wanted to start a conversation, why not just have your agent call ESPN and say I want to talk about this issue, or  a magazine cover or any other way of normal discourse that doesnt include ****ting on the country that has provided a fairy tale life for him? 

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