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USA Today: Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man


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Depends on the whipping,besides they frown on that **** now

Pistol whipping is going overboard. Unloading a clip point blank in his chest is much less extreme.

Besides, pistol whipping a dude might damage the gun or even cause a concussion, not to mention the damage to the cops wrist and hands.

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If the guy was indeed reaching for a gun then I could see some justification in shooting him. But the position he was in...being pinned to the groud...I dunno. Grab the gun and throw it away.

Just grab the gun and throw it away.

Not sure why he didn't think of that. They ought to put that in the next edition of the police training handbook.

Whatever happened to that cop in South Carolina who shot the guy running away from him? That was the worst cop shooting I've ever seen. He should be charged for sure.

Agreed. No question, dude should be convicted.
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black dude with a ccw, law abiding citizen. did everything you're supposed to when pulled over while carrying concealed. shot to death byby police. that could've been me....

how are black people supposed to feel at this point...

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This Minnesota one is awful. Such a pointless tragedy.

At some point these have to go beyond individual incidents and become a trend - a problem in need of fixing. Come on.



definitely sounds bad. the guy apparently told the cop he had a gun and was reaching for his wallet and the cop shot him? do I have that right?


not good. like was said yesterday, I get the feeling some of these shootings could be avoided with better training.

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black dude with a ccw, law abiding citizen. did everything you're supposed to when pulled over while carrying concealed. shot to death byby police. that could've been me....

how are black people supposed to feel at this point...

You know somebody gonna dig to find out he got detention in the 6th grade or some such thing.

definitely sounds bad. the guy apparently told the cop he had a gun and was reaching for his wallet and the cop shot him? do I have that right?

not good. like was said yesterday, I get the feeling some of these shootings could be avoided with better training.

The officer is frantic and has lost his composure, while the lady in the car is cool, calm, and collected. This is not how it's supposed to work.

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Pistol whipping is going overboard. Unloading a clip point blank in his chest is much less extreme.

Besides, pistol whipping a dude might damage the gun or even cause a concussion, not to mention the damage to the cops wrist and hands.


you do need to think of workman comp claims , but the high and tight position the officer started with the gun is mainly to prevent the suspect from getting control of it....flailing around with it can be hazardous to others.


pretty sure that was less than half a clip, but whatever

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I dont know what the solution is for the nation. My personal solution, honest to God, is (and has been for a long time now) to look as absolutely white as I possibly can. Cargo shorts, flip flops, cheesy ride, no tats, no loud music, so on and so forth. I'm naturally goofy as **** so that helps. 


I go through BP checks all the time, have to to leave town in any direction.  I learned to put on a ball cap, change the Metallica to George Straight and say yessir.  But the two times they tore my vehicle apart were on Sunday nights after a weekend of hard partying (looking ragged) when I didn't follow my own advice.  I'm old and middle class white enough now that I don't have to sweat it anymore.


Appearances have way too much to do with everyone's preconceptions.  Not sure what to do about that but identifying the problem has to be a place to start.

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That MN is heartbreaking

It's exactly the reason I don't carry a firearm. All of the potential dangers outweigh the benefit of having a gun for protection. Mine stays at home, I just figure when I go out into the world I'm vulnerable and therefore prudent

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Oh man, another bright beautiful gunny day here in Gunmerica!

we should just rename every day Gunday.


Seriously, Disney ought to consider buying the rights to "man blasted in car while woman streams".

What an uplifting story for the kids!


It's days like these that just make you glad to be existing at the end of some fine person's trigger finger.


~Bang! bangbangbangbang.

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No lie, I just took the CCW class for Colorado last night (that sounds so convenient, I thought about posting a pic of my certificate just to show i'm not bull****ting LOL).  Buddy of mine's first time, and I was coming up on a 5-year refresher since 2011.  Our instructor noted that, though in Colorado you do not have to let the officer know you're armed when you get pulled over, but said that "it's a good idea."  


He went onto explain.  it's a good idea to let a cop know you're a CCW permit holder, because that instantly lets them know you are NOT a convicted felon, which usually would mean that the cop can take his stress level down a few notches.  He's not dealing with a convicted criminal.


Apparently didn't matter much in MN

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You cant even fully disclose that you're carrying without getting killed apparently.


it will be interesting if he had a body cam or dash cam capture the incident.


disclosing you have a gun does not mean you can ignore the officers orders....which is what the officer claimed


kinda odd

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That MN is heartbreaking

It's exactly the reason I don't carry a firearm. All of the potential dangers outweigh the benefit of having a gun for protection. Mine stays at home, I just figure when I go out into the world I'm vulnerable and therefore prudent


When I'm in the car, I put my pistol under the seat for that very reason.


The guy in MINN had his pistol on his hip, so I guess when he reached for his wallet, the gun showed.  Though the officer was 100% wrong by shooting the guy, the gun peeking out didn't help.

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it will be interesting if he had a body cam or dash cam capture the incident.

disclosing you have a gun does not mean you can ignore the officers orders....which is what the officer claimed

kinda odd

When do they not claim that though?

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What's interesting is that he didn't HAVE to tell the officer he was carrying.  Minnesota is not a duty to inform state.  He only would have been required to tell him if he was directly asked.  Same thing here in Florida.  It is a common discussion in the gun world if you should inform anyways though.  I was always taught that you should inform and keep your hands on the steering wheel.  Ask the officer "how would you like me to proceed?"  Some will take you out of the car and temporarily take the gun.  Some will just let you keep it and say don't reach for it.  Some will ask you to hand it over.  Some say even telling the cop makes things worse.  Some say it makes it better.  I have even asked numerous officers what they prefer.  Some want you to tell them, some don't.  I've heard stories about some cops that ask you about your gun and how you like it.  Some cops that are jerks and will leave it field stripped on the side of the road when they drive off.  Seems like there is no right answer.


EDIT:  One thing everyone agrees on though is do what you can to keep the cop at ease.  Biggest part of that is keeping your hands in clear view until told to retrieve something.  I don't even get my wallet out until the cop is at the car and tells me to. 

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