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St Patrick's Day


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St. Paddys is HUGE on island. Huge parade. People from every island come over here. People come back to island. It's insane and everything is legal.


Last year there was a guy dressed like Santa handing out LSD dosed gummi bears on the boardwalk.


I was on more drugs and drank more whiskey, than most could survive. I didn't sleep for days. Sunrise hotel rooftop party was fun. I got into a fight with a vending machine. Twice.


I remember driving home St Paddys second day, after an all nighter brunch, stopping at the gas station to get more rum and smokes and realizing I wasn't going to keep living if I kept it up.


Been sober since (except for two falls). Nervous about it this year.

One of those days, like New Year's Eve, that professional drinkers refer to as amateur hour.

Not here. It's where the Pros go to compete.

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I think it's great we have a national holiday where we get to emphasize a racial stereotype. Let's hang out and get drunk like we're Irish. We need more of those.

St Moses day - where everyone goes to an expensive restaurant and leaves a 2 dollar tip.

St Louis (or maybe St Petain) day - everyone spits on tourists and then surrenders to the nearest German.

St Abu Bakr day where everyone makes a suicide vest and takes the bus to work.

San Juan day - everyone gets drunk, waves Puerto Rican flags, and then gropes the breasts of passers by.

Saint Antonio day - everyone eats great food, then wanders off to the back to discuss who needs to die next

Saint Malcolm day -everyone starts a riot in the name of justice, then uses the mayhem as a distraction to steal TV sets and sneakers.

St Hermann day - All the Jews in the neighbourhood are rounded up, forced to wear a star on their clothes, and made to work for nothing.

St Slobodan day - same as above, but add in Muslims and Croats.

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It's like Cinco de Mayo for people with European decendants.

I'm actually half Irish, but I don't go out and get drunk on this day. My Maternal Grandfather's last name was Harrigan and his father was from county cork.

I know no less than 7 people with this as their birthday. That's crazy.

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I'm full Irish (last name is Donovan, how could I not be?). Since I recently just acquired a taste for alcohol, I was hoping I'd be able to get super smashed for st Patrick's day, but it appears to be on a Thursday this year (I know I know, thirsty Thursday's), but I have an 11:30 AM class that day, where I'm giving a speech, so...you can all see the dilemma here.

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I'm full Irish (last name is Donovan, how could I not be?). Since I recently just acquired a taste for alcohol, I was hoping I'd be able to get super smashed for st Patrick's day, but it appears to be on a Thursday this year (I know I know, thirsty Thursday's), but I have an 11:30 AM class that day, where I'm giving a speech, so...you can all see the dilemma here.


If your class is at 11:30, whats stopping you from getting smashed when its over.

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If your class is at 11:30, whats stopping you from getting smashed when its over.


Perhaps he means the next day. 

Still, at his age he should be able to make it happen either way. 

I am going out with some friends to catch the MD game tonight...I will likely be a tad bit light. 

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Perhaps he means the next day. 

Still, at his age he should be able to make it happen either way. 

I am going out with some friends to catch the MD game tonight...I will likely be a tad bit light. 


Personally, I'd skip the class, speech or not.  It's college, professors will will understand or they won't.  I barely made it to class every Tuesday at 9:30 am cause every Monday night was $1 draft and 25 cent wing night......


I remember the professor, who was actually the dean of the department I had the class in (was info systems, an elective) asking me if beer and chicken wings were more important than showing up 45 mins to 1 hour late for his class......I said yes. lol


Then I told him I paid his ****ing salary and he's lucky that I even show up.  I made a D.  Still graduated :P

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It's cool how Irish the Caribbean is. They were the first slaves here, so that blood flows through everyone.

And cooley93, we all know what you'll do. Ols

Yea, he's going to go to school.

A real Irishman would down two bottles of Jamison, punch his professor right in the jaw, then go find a smoking hot ginger to bang in a field of green beside a stone fence.

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Yea, he's going to go to school.

A real Irishman would down two bottles of Jamison, punch his professor right in the jaw, then go find a smoking hot ginger to bang in a field of green beside a stone fence.

I think that's a perfectly reasonable bar to set for the kid. Anything less would be pure failure.
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Perhaps he means the next day. 

Still, at his age he should be able to make it happen either way. 

I am going out with some friends to catch the MD game tonight...I will likely be a tad bit light.

Hell, I had a final exam the morning of my 21st birthday. Didn't keep me from getting smashed the preceeding midnight. Still crushed that exam despite waking up in a puddle of my own vomit and the corresponding massive hangover.

Edit: damn, double-posted. Been downing beers since I got off work...

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I used to go out on St Patrick's Day when I was younger just to seek out specials on drinks I wouldn't normally have and see what concoctions different bartenders were able to whip up.   Other then that? It was really the same ol' you know except people were dressed in green. 

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I used to go out on St Patrick's Day when I was younger just to seek out specials on drinks I wouldn't normally have and see what concoctions different bartenders were able to whip up.   Other then that? It was really the same ol' you know except people were dressed in green. 


Cause hot chicks dressed in green come out to play?

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St. Paddys is HUGE on island. Huge parade. People from every island come over here. People come back to island. It's insane and everything is legal.


Last year there was a guy dressed like Santa handing out LSD dosed gummi bears on the boardwalk.


I was on more drugs and drank more whiskey, than most could survive. I didn't sleep for days. Sunrise hotel rooftop party was fun. I got into a fight with a vending machine. Twice.


I remember driving home St Paddys second day, after an all nighter brunch, stopping at the gas station to get more rum and smokes and realizing I wasn't going to keep living if I kept it up.


Been sober since (except for two falls). Nervous about it this year.

Not here. It's where the Pros go to compete.

At least you can remember yours. U win! :P  B)  :ph34r:

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