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HawkbloggerThe Titanic Wake of Scot Mccloughan


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Ok, I know I posted this link in another thread, and I genuinely am careful not to generate a multitude of duplicate threads, but this article is so poignant I felt it deserved its own space. If this was presumptuous of me, I will crawl back under my rock whilst I receive the inevitable criticism and recriminations.


The Seattle Seahawks and San Francisco 49ers face off this week in a battle that almost nobody cares about. Just two years removed from staging one of the best NFC Championship games in history, both can point to the departure of one man, the same man, as the start of their descent. Seth Wickersham of ESPN called Scot McCloughan, "the NFL's best talent scout," in a feature story earlier this year. McCloughan was self-employed at the time, and has since been hired by the Washington Redskins to be their General Manager. If history serves as a guide, Redskins fans should expect a Super Bowl run in the coming years, and a crash thereafter if McCloughan leaves.

The Midas Touch

Teams that have McCloughan on the payroll go to the Super Bowl. People can debate how much he had to do with it, but the fact itself is indisputable.


Seattle Seahawks (2000-2004)

Holmgren left the Packers in 1999 to become GM and Head Coach of the Seahawks. He tried to keep the existing front office mostly in place, and it led to a horrible draft that included DE Lamar King in the first round and WR Karsten Bailey in the third. Holmgren talks about how that was one of his first learning experiences as top dog, and corrected it the next year by bringing in "his guys," which included McCloughan as Director of College Scouting.

The Seahawks drafts while McCloughan were there included:

RB Shaun Alexander

WR Darrell Jackson

WR Koren Robinson

G Steve Hutchinson

CB Ken Lucas

FB Heath Evans

G/T Floyd Womack

TE Jerramy Stevens

RB Maurice MorrisTE Ryan Hannam

CB Marcus Trufant

S Ken Hamlin

DT Marcus Tubbs

S Michael Boulware

T Sean Locklear

WR D.J. Hackett

DT Craig Terrill

Many of those players would play pivotal roles on the first Seahawks team to ever reach the Super Bowl in 2005.

more at link.

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He seems to have the goods and history to put together a talented roster. My biggest concern this offseason and now is not knowing if all parties are on the same page: owner, GM and coach. I hope the season ends well and a future of working together in support of one another comes to be.

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He seems to have the goods and history to put together a talented roster. My biggest concern this offseason and now is not knowing if all parties are on the same page: owner, GM and coach. I hope the season ends well and a future of working together in support of one another comes to be.


Well, the most important part is that both Gruden and McCloughan are on the same page.

Owner? If both starts winning on the field, he'll be happy and won't complain about it. Heck, he had some crappy team for quite some times, some teams that were the joke of the NFL, now, in less than a year, he have the beginning of a competitive team. Why would he complain?

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The alcohol thing is the biggest concern. When a guy has an eye for talent like he does, turns crappy teams into almost overnight contenders and still gets fired twice...and by a friend no less in Seattle, I would say that his alcohol issues are a major concern. I don't know how well he has that problem under control, but I would think at least currently he does. That said, with any kind of addiction, it will always be there and hopefully he can keep it in check. I really think this is the guy we've been waiting for to turn our Skins around and if he keeps any alcohol problems he has under control our future looks good. 

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By no means do I intend to disparage or question another man's personal choices, but it does seem like his approach to his problem has been a bit unconventional, in the context of most recovering alcoholics.  The ESPN article that preceded his hiring did include anectodes about him having some beer every now and again.  All of the recovering alcoholics I've known would consider that a very slippery slope. 


I don't neccessarily think that the 12-step model is the only acceptable form of confronting a substance abuse problem, but I would say that my optimism about his recovery and continued success in the GM role is measured.  He's such an incredible team builder... it would be devastating if he were to lose control on his personal issues.  Hoping for the best for him and, by proxy, the team.  If he can stay helathy and focused, we will be contending in no time.

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However long his tenure is, without question we'll be better placed for success.

Succession planning....we should be placing individuals in the organisation who can learn from Scot Mc day in day out. Some people have special talents that can't be replicated, but when you get your hands on a good one the more people that interact with him the better.

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The one thing I have noticed this year as opposed to so many other recent ones is that we are playing a lot of young guys! We have four rookies getting significant playing time.





Jarett (who's played well enough to push Hall to safety)


Not only are they playing, but they are making contributions. They aren't playing by necessity,but because they are better than the vets ahead of them.


That's a welcome change!






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You guys blow up the drinking excessively. Who hasn't imbibed too much in their life? Who hasn't done something in excess or needed to install personal discipline? All of us.

Let him do his job and evaluate him on his performance. He was good enough to get the job so let him do it. Have you heard anything since? No. So let it be. Support the guy for Christ's sake.

He's the best thing to happen to this team in 20+ years. I'm all in...

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You guys blow up the drinking excessively. Who hasn't imbibed too much in their life? Who hasn't done something in excess or needed to install personal discipline? All of us.

Let him do his job and evaluate him on his performance. He was good enough to get the job so let him do it. Have you heard anything since? No. So let it be. Support the guy for Christ's sake.

yeah, when it gets you fired twice, you need to look at it.


being an alcoholic is not "imbibing too much" once in a while.

its a major problem that wrecks careers and lives.

He built two super bowl teams and the booze got him fired from both of them.


If you've ever been around anyone with a substance abuse problem, you hav to realize that support only goes so far, and in most cases you can't help them. But you better keep an eye on them or they will drag you into the pit with them. (and our support as fans means nothing, really.)


we're fans. Obviously we support him so long as he does good things for our team. we don't have to make the day to day decisions, and we have no influence in them, and we have no idea what goes on beyond what we're given.


Hoping he has the alcoholism under control is supporting him, it's all we can do. Worrying what can happen if he does not is a very real concern.



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Snyder has to help him with his personal demons and also give him complete control of the team. Whatever Scot wants, Scot gets. If Scot wants to dump player A and pay player B, Snyder needs to let him do it regardless of his feelings for said players. I want Scot to retire here due to old age not due to meddling or his substance abuse issues.

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However long his tenure is, without question we'll be better placed for success.

Succession planning....we should be placing individuals in the organisation who can learn from Scot Mc day in day out. Some people have special talents that can't be replicated, but when you get your hands on a good one the more people that interact with him the better.

Yeah, this is a great point. I hope they trust McGlouhan to groom some of the scouts and rely on these guys if SM ever leaves, rather than just turn to the next shiny thing that comes around.

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So far I am happy with what McGlouhan has done. Some of his moves have not panned out so far as well. Those are really just in free agency though. Culliver and his D line pick ups have been underwheling. His first draft seems to be excellent. I would like to see Jones hold on to the ball a little better (last week he was incredible). I would also like to see something from Preston Smith at some point. He had a good first game and really has done nothing since.


Some credit should go to Snyder here as well. He seems to be letting his football guy do his job so far. I know some are convinced the RG3 is still on this roster because of Snyder. I am one who disagrees with that. Scott had to pick up RG3's option in case he had turned the corner. And once they did pick that option up his trade value was gone. No point in cutting the guy when you wont save any cap space this season by doing so. Snyder has a very good front office now. With maybe the best talent evaluator in the league. And Allen who is an expert at working the cap and getting fair deals for the franchise. The future seems bright.

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I'm a big 'adversity presents opportunity' guy, as I am sure a lot of fans here are.  I hope that Scot can keep himself sober more for his family than anything else.  Alcoholism is a very real disease, and I'm sure it has personally affected the lives of many on this board.  


I just can't help but think of the positive impact our organization and Scot can potentially have on each other.  We needed him.  He needed us.  Hopefully we can drag each other out of the depths and become stronger together.  

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This all sounds about right. Lock him up, lifelong contract. Bring the pride back to our Skins. We already all have complete faith in him for his draft picks this year and the coaches he brought in. Just imagine if Galette was out there with 7+ sacks right now for vet min. Can't wait to see that guy play for us next year. 

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Snyder has to help him with his personal demons


LOL, I'm sorry, but if Snyder is trying to help anyone with their "demons," that person is in some serious, serious trouble. 


The alcohol past is certainly a concern, and the Russini recent past (I personally believe that "fling" or whatever it was really happened) speaks poorly of the man as well, but you can't deny how much better this team has been this year. He knows what he's doing when it comes to football, and I'm really glad he's here. Just hope he can keep himself together, for his sake and our team's. 

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As long as he builds a roster here like he did in San Fran and Seattle, I really don't care what he does in his personal time. Just don't let it affect his job, which it doesn't seem to.


I think he's gotten over his personal demons though. I can't wait to see how he builds this team over the next few years.

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