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16 FA - CT25, Jr., Ribs, Blackmon, LJLP, Colt, Ked, Foster, Nacho re-sign! JOSH NORMAN, Booth, Toler, Vern, Garvin, Bruton, Reyes sign!


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First time since Champ we've been elite at the position. Throw in the rapidly rising Breeland and opposition wideouts heart's just sank. 


I was so envious of Dallas' great first round take Byron Jones last year to go alongside Scandrick. Not any more! Enjoy dealing with THESE apples Dez!


BRILLIANT day to be a Redskin. Mac, you are a living LEG-END!



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**** off


With love course


It's coming around.


Even though I've been up all night about that ****.

First time since Champ we've been elite at the position. Throw in the rapidly rising Breeland and opposition wideouts heart's just sank. 


I was so envious of Dallas' great first round take Byron Jones last year to go alongside Scandrick. Not any more! Enjoy dealing with THESE apples Dez!


BRILLIANT day to be a Redskin. Mac, you are a living LEG-END!




Have to wonder how Bash is going to handle the targets.


Or even how Norman will handle the targets.


****ing Ryan and Junior should be FEASTING.


If we can just get a damn safety.... and maybe a LB, C, and WR. 


DL, too.

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Awesome scoop by our GM.  And for those that are saying we overpaid, please give it a rest.  The CAP dollars are going up next year, we have plenty of cap room for this as we certainly are going to cut Roberts and probably Riley and who knows maybe Cousins signs his long term contract and he is not a hit of 20 million this year.  Anyway you look at it, if Breeland continues to improve we just might have the best pair of CBs in the league next year this coming season.  


And I also think that Hall will be more than a serviceable FS, he didn't do that bad playing there for the last few games and he has the entire off season to get more comfortable.  Don't forget also last year he came back from a nasty injury, now he should be 100%.  Culliver I think should stay, anyway we can't cut him until he passes his physical and that will not happen until the beginning of the season.  If he comes back close to what he was pre injury we will have just a sick secondary period.  


This move was brilliant because we spend the money exactly where we needed to since in our division we have two very very good WRs, we needed to counteract that problem and we did.  Now lets get a couple of stud DLs in this draft and we improved immensely IMO on the D side. Love what is happening with this team man.

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I'm up in NYC this weekend and was speaking to a family member and Giants fan while this was ongoing. I mention they're trying to sign Norman and I get back, "ugh, typical Skins". Meanwhile I mention the Giants questionable FA spending and it's like "well, you know, they need players."

Bottom line is, until we start winning consistently, the narrative isn't going to change.

On my end, I'm always wary about signing a guy who's contract year and best year coincide with each other. I'm hopeful that Normans rep as a very hard worker changes that theme. Consider me cautiously optimistic.

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Embrace the hate.

We are supposed to be surrounded.

They gave them the white hat. Whats left? We took the black one.

Screw the Giants, Cowboys and Eagles fans...let 'em hate...its fear that you hear.

Embrace it

Nope... we stuck with the feathers. ;)
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His contract gives us an out (a somewhat expensive out) after the first 2 years.  It looks like it's only about an $8m cap hit this year, and $20m next year (when DJax and Garcon come off the books).  If we cut bait after 2 years we have a dead cap hit of $9m which is not small but is probably not crippling.  If we hold onto his contract in 2018 it's a $17m cap hit which, if he's performed up to the first 2 years of his contract is probably worth it.  Hard decisions after 2017 but this is not a deal that locks us in forever.  Honestly, I was skeptical when I first heard the numbers but objectively this is a good deal for a corner that can dominate in our scheme.


IMO, I think this means we are going WR in rd 1 to offset the loss of DJax and Garcon next year.

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That 20 Million cap hit next year is pretty brutal. But it shouldnt hinder our ability to sign our guys. Once we lock up Kirk, Reed, Baker and one of the WR's that will be about it for our cap space. So getting Norman this year pretty much kills our chance to land any big free agents next year. And I am fine with that. I think this was a one time thing for Scott. One of the top guys at his position became available and he pounced on the opportunity.

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I think of it like this: we probably just got the team's best player.


Considering level of play and past production at the player's position - who on this team is on Norman's level?


Trent Williams has an argument of being an elite level guy.   But then what?


Reed and D-Jackson if they could find a way to stay healthy would contend for upper talent at their spots.   Kerrigan is not quite on the elite level, and Gallete needs to prove he can get back to that top level - and he may not be in the team's long term plans.


So people may flinch at the money, but I think we had to acquire that type of talent - he's walking in as probably our best player.

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That 20 Million cap hit next year is pretty brutal. But it shouldnt hinder our ability to sign our guys. Once we lock up Kirk, Reed, Baker and one of the WR's that will be about it for our cap space. So getting Norman this year pretty much kills our chance to land any big free agents next year. And I am fine with that. I think this was a one time thing for Scott. One of the top guys at his position became available and he pounced on the opportunity.


True; plus, I'm sure Scot is looking to acquire some comp picks starting next off-season, and is banking on Gallete balling out and being signed by another team for a hefty sum, thereby allowing Preston Smith to take over at ROLB and netting a 3rd round comp pick for 2018.  Signing a player to a huge contract this year instead of next year (when people may think we're only 1 year away, and 1 player away) ensures we still have the opportunity for a high comp pick in 2018.

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So we're basically paying this guy starting QB money? I'm just not so sure that I would put Norman up there with Revis. I had never even heard of Josh Norman until last year. Also is he a product of his environment? Is he a product of the talent on Carolina's defense? No question he is a very good corner, better than anyone we have. I just think we reached a little bit on the contract. We will see if he makes our defense better. I'm just thinking of recent DB signings that sucked...Brandon Browner, Byron Maxwell, Culliver and Carr on Dallas. Although Byrd is a safety, that one wasn't real good either. Just seems to me that when these players leave their original teams and go to another, there seems to be a drop off in play.

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That 20 Million cap hit next year is pretty brutal. But it shouldnt hinder our ability to sign our guys. Once we lock up Kirk, Reed, Baker and one of the WR's that will be about it for our cap space. So getting Norman this year pretty much kills our chance to land any big free agents next year. And I am fine with that. I think this was a one time thing for Scott. One of the top guys at his position became available and he pounced on the opportunity.

Which is exactly where we want to be next year. We don't want to be in the market for any expensive FAs next year. It should exclusively be about re-signing our own guys and choosing to let whomever walk to net as many comp picks in 2018 as possible.

The 2015 draft class will be going into their third year as pros, while this year's draft class will be going into their second. That should be the core of the team, as well the guys we hit on in 2013/14 we decide to extend/retain (Breeland, Reed, Long, Moses, Murphy, Grant, etc...)

Between all the guys we have coming off the books next season we should be joining the comp pick club by 2018. We definitely shouldn't be pinning our hopes on having cap space to bring in expensive outsiders.

That's why I love this move right now. Obvious position of weakness, potentially elite player, essentially a two year deal with options afterward, and doesn't affect our ability to net solid comp picks moving forward as our own core under Scot's drafts begin to take root (we may have lost a seventh for next year, but whoopdy-doo).

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That's why I love this move right now. Obvious position of weakness, potentially elite player, essentially a two year deal with options afterward, and doesn't affect our ability to net solid comp picks moving forward as our own core under Scot's drafts begin to take root (we may have lost a seventh for next year, but whoopdy-doo).


I'm so excited for next weekend.  We're going to get some contributors to a pretty good team.  I hope we can find a way to add a couple of picks.  I'd lose my mind.

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I'm so excited for next weekend.  We're going to get some contributors to a pretty good team.  I hope we can find a way to add a couple of picks.  I'd lose my mind.

Out of likes AGAIN.  I can't wait.  The Josh addition just cubed it.  You are right....we are seeing something being built, right in front of our eyes, or it sure seems that way.  I am uberexcited.  Hail

Hide yo wives.

No likes left, but that **** was funny.  Hail

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