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BGR: Apple has enough cash to buy every major sports team in the world


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Apple has enough cash to buy every major sports team in the world


Though Wall St. didn’t seem terribly impressed, Apple last week delivered yet another stellar earnings report. Riding on the back of strong iPhone sales, Apple posted revenue of $51.5 billion and a quarterly profit of $11.1 billion. As Tim Cook noted, “fiscal 2015 was Apple’s most successful year ever.”


By the time Apple’s October quarter came to a close, the company found itself sitting on a cash hoard worth $206 billion, a figure that’s higher than the GDP of many countries. With $206 billion, Apple could theoretically afford to give every single person in the United States (assuming a population of 318.8 million) $646, effectively the cost of a brand new iPhone.


Even more interesting is that Apple has enough cash to buy every single team from every major sports league in the world. Here’s how the calculations all break down.





Adding everything together, Apple has enough cash to purchase every major sports team in the world and still have $59.7 billion in cash left over to play with.


While the values of every soccer team in all of the top leagues aren’t publicly available, there’s more than enough evidence to suggest that Apple could easily purchase every single team in the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NHL along with every team from La Liga, the English Premier League, and the Bundesliga.


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Been trying to understand why they would hold so much cash. Seems like about 90% of it is overseas due to foreign sales and they don't want to repatriate it and take a major tax hit. Interesting that they have so much cash and yet basically can't use it. 

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Been trying to understand why they would hold so much cash. Seems like about 90% of it is overseas due to foreign sales and they don't want to repatriate it and take a major tax hit. Interesting that they have so much cash and yet basically can't use it. 


Or give it back to investors. 


It makes sense. They're basically printing money and it may be just waiting for something to invest in. Their visionary recently passed away, who knows if they know what direction they are really taking their products. Seems like they are. Apple Car would be interesting.

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1997: Microsoft rescues one-time and future nemesis Apple with a $150 million investment that breathes new life into a struggling Silicon Alley icon.

In a remarkable feat of negotiating legerdemain, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs got needed cash — in return for non-voting shares — and an assurance that Microsoft would support Office for the Mac for five years. Apple agreed to drop a long-running lawsuit in which they alleged Microsoft copied the look and feel of the Mac OS for Windows and to make Internet Explorer the default browser on its computers — but not the only choice.

Microsoft got to look like a noble competitor, for a change, for what amounted to a rounding error on their annual revenues. Timing mattered: The company was in the midst of an image-tarnishing antitrust fight over its heavy-handed promotion of IE during the height of the browser wars with Netscape.

1997: Microsoft rescues one-time and future nemesis Apple with a $150 million investment that breathes new life into a struggling Silicon Alley icon.

In a remarkable feat of negotiating legerdemain, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs got needed cash — in return for non-voting shares — and an assurance that Microsoft would support Office for the Mac for five years. Apple agreed to drop a long-running lawsuit in which they alleged Microsoft copied the look and feel of the Mac OS for Windows and to make Internet Explorer the default browser on its computers — but not the only choice.

Microsoft got to look like a noble competitor, for a change, for what amounted to a rounding error on their annual revenues. Timing mattered: The company was in the midst of an image-tarnishing antitrust fight over its heavy-handed promotion of IE during the height of the browser wars with Netscape.

The Apple faithful had already been conditioned to expect the unexpected when Jobs was in the house. But this surprise announcement, at Macworld in Boston, was pure Jobs theater. And it came with an oddly juxtaposed (satellite!) video feed of then-Microsoft CEO Bill Gates piped into the auditorium, dwarfing Jobs on stage.

The imagery may have been unintentional but the metaphor was entirely accurate: Apple had a tiny share of the desktop computer market, had not yet revolutionized the music industry with the iPod and couldn’t possibly dare to dream it would disrupt the smartphone market with the iPhone — because there was no such thing as a smartphone.

Basically, as I understand it, Microsoft gave Apple the money it needed to save its busines... which was a small drop in the bucket for Microsoft. If I recall correctly, Bill Gates appeared on stage with Steve Jobs during an Apple keynote speech after this infusion of Microsoft cash.

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it would be funny if they did buy every major sporting franchise.


there's a lot of people i'm picturing that hate sports that i would enjoy watching justify their new found love for sports, after apple bought them all and threw its logo everywhere.


i don't understand why they're stocking up so much cash. i'm curious what the actual plan is there. maybe they're truly planning some sort of take over of the world and they just need a little more money....

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i don't understand why they're stocking up so much cash. i'm curious what the actual plan is there. maybe they're truly planning some sort of take over of the world and they just need a little more money....

My guess is that a lot of it is offshore and if brought back to the US would be taxed. 

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There is an actual pit of bankruptcy? 66% of NFL players are in there after four years of playing their last game.

Yes, its a place that Apple fan peoples do not believe in. But I assure you exists. :P


What? Bill Gates?????   Are you confusing him with Steve Jobs?


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I had the idea back during the lockout (when players were legally free to sign with another professional football team) that Bill Gates should just sweep in and form a nonprofit (that actually gives it's money to charity) professional football league. Pay the same (or better) salaries to the players and staff but no owners and no ridiculous pay for the commissioner.

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Basically, as I understand it, Microsoft gave Apple the money it needed to save its busines... which was a small drop in the bucket for Microsoft. If I recall correctly, Bill Gates appeared on stage with Steve Jobs during an Apple keynote speech after this infusion of Microsoft cash.

Actually, Bill Gates appeared on a huge screen and Jobs stood off to the side. I believe Jobs said later that he regretted that set-up since it made him look small compared to Gates.

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In the Steve Jobs biography by Isaacson, they talk about this incident to which Gates agreed was an accurate representation of events. 


-Jobs came back to Apple when it was in shambles from poor leadership

-at the time, Apple was suing Microsoft over patent infringements of Apple's GUI

-Jobs talked to Gates and outlined the situation, in a few years Apple could realistically win a billion dollars from a big patent infringement case against MS, but he also admitted to Gates that Apple may not be around in a few years. (Gates agreed to this premise).

-So the deal was a cash infusion from MS (mentioned above) and a promise to keep developing software (Excel and Word) for the Mac.

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