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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2015 #Redskins at Jets Final


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I do look forward to who Fat Gruden throws under the bus in the press conference in defense of Kirk. Should be fun.

Doubt he does that. I smell at least one "he'd like to have a couple of those throws back, I think he'll tell you that".

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It's going to be quite interesting to see the two scenarios presenting themselves.

A. Skins beat TB to go 3-4, which is frankly better than what most people predicted at the start of the year.

B. Skins loss to  TB to go 2-5 which will probably bring RG3 off the bench. 16 million dollar gamble worth a lost season?

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Hey all:


This was my first gameday thread and I gotta admit, I had a lot of fun.  Everyone's perspective is important, and in such a thread where emotions can get the best of people, I feel like everyone did well.  We are all Redskins fans in the end..


Thanks for the fun day/discussion.  Even if it's a loss, it's good to share the misery. 


See y'all next week.  

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I work in analysis for a living.  With no data, how do you determine what is good/bad?  I'm honestly asking.  


When you analyze Kirk, you are subconsciously comparing him to others because you know the "data."  Without it, you have no clue what is good or bad.  


Again, Kirk needs to be better.  I, too, am very unhappy we are 2-4 brotha.  


I look at games by themselves.  I don't care about any history because I'm only ever talking about, in a game thread, this particular game.  I don't care about stats for any other game.  I don't need a data set to know that a pass behind a receiver is a bad throw, that a pass to a defender is a bad throw.  I don't need to see the clubs, diamonds, and hearts in order to call a spade a spade, you know?


And as someone in my field, I know that this is coming off as pretentious and like I'm being a dick, but I promise that I'm not.  I just want to be able to look at a game at a time, so as a scientist, please read the denotation and not connotation behind all of this. :)

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I knew this was a rebuild, but there's still a TON of work to do. 


Plus side: O-line looks good. Backup O-line looks good. Lots of depth. Might be the best we've had in as long as I can remember

Breeland looking like the next D-Hall. Could be a pereniall Probowler

Crowder still improving. Steal of the draft. 


Negative: MORE injuries

Dline is absolute garbage considering how much money and draft picks invested here. 

Cousins is a back up at best. 

Jay is not a good couch.


Lots of work to do the next couple years. 


Why do some teams get a 1 year turnaround (like the jets)? Can't we just get lucky and get that quick fix? Why is it that we're always in like year 2 of a 5 year rebuild? 


Where did you try him out. Does Lazy Boy carry the Gruden model couch?

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Did anyone really expect us to win on any given day, or have we just been conditioned to hope for improvement year after year while Danny Boy continues to count his millions? Dan Snyder makes Al Davis look good and I put all this teams failures on him.

I have no idea who you are but I think this post is the epitome of what's wrong with this fan base. Always falling back on Snyder bashing when there are perfectly reasonable criticisms to be made about the team you just watched get violated in NY. He hired a GM and stepped back, now direct your ire where it belongs--towards the FO, towards the coaching staff, towards the players. People who immediately curse the owner after a game like this are usually morons. Don't be a moron. It's like when people curse the heavens after a guy rear-ends them in traffic. Dude, the perpetrator is right there, no need to look for someone higher on the chain of command to blame.

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True, but I think that happens here because there are way too many who are ready to pile on Kirk, bad game or not, and focus so intensely on it that it makes you wonder if they watch any other QB play in the league. 


Annoyance goes both ways. 

No annoyance, in any direction, but Kirk simply must play better.  He's been horrible.  Multiple picks, repeatedly.  He is just...bad. Hail.

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Really wanted to sit down and bring back the observation thread this week. (I was holding off the first 4 to see how we looked with a stable QB, better players, new staff et all. Then through a combination of weddings, other sporting commitments and other things it got delayed further.). 


Now I really don't want to. 



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Hey all:


This was my first gameday thread and I gotta admit, I had a lot of fun.  Everyone's perspective is important, and in such a thread where emotions can get the best of people, I feel like everyone did well.  We are all Redskins fans in the end..


Thanks for the fun day/discussion.  Even if it's a loss, it's good to share the misery. 


See y'all next week.

Agreed, pretty good experience and discussion today. Much less turdery today. Mods are doing a good job culling the idiots.

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I have no idea who you are but I think this post is the epitome of what's wrong with this fan base. Always falling back on Snyder bashing when there are perfectly reasonable criticisms to be made about the team you just watched get violated in NY. He hired a GM and stepped back, now direct your ire where it belongs--towards the FO, towards the coaching staff, towards the players. People who immediately curse the owner after a game like this are usually morons. Don't be a moron. It's like when people curse the heavens after a guy rear-ends them in traffic. Dude, the perpetrator is right there, no need to look for someone higher on the chain of command to blame.

Conn chill bro...people are just venting. We all have the same goal. Better to vent in words than kick the dog smash the tv or beat the kids

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I don't think, ironically, that there is a baseline for "piling on."  He was awful today.  He's done very well at times in the past, and I've posted that when it happens.  Why can't every game be analyzed by itself when in a game thread?


Because it's the usual suspects and they do it in the game day thread as well as elsewhere all over the board?


I wasn't just talking about the game day thread and I wasn't directing it at anything you did, I was answering a general question about why people are quick to point at other QBs. Not difficult, man.      

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