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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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16 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Pretty surprised this thread is on the second page considering the news at the moment.  And I just heard they are releasing the body came footage tomorrow evening.  Why they hell would they do that going into a weekend?  That sounds like a horrible idea.

Also, building up to it. CNN doing a special sneak peek thing on its website. It’s kind of disgusting. I don’t understand the need for lead up before releasing the video. They should have done it the same time the under chargers were announced.

This just gives time for antagonists to prepare to encourage violence.

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2 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Also, building up to it. CNN doing a special sneak peek thing on its website. It’s kind of disgusting. I don’t understand the need for lead up before releasing the video. They should have done it the same time the under chargers were announced.

This just gives time for antagonists to prepare to encourage violence.


I think they believe that the possible protesters (Young people, minorities) will be distracted on Friday night and not ready to drop plans to go a protest. Same idea behind dropping bad political news on friday nights. 


I think they are wrong. But I guess we will see. 


The build up of it, like its a sporting event, is ****ing nasty though. I hate thats where we are as a country. I also wonder how this would be different if it was 5 white cops. I havent seen "Blue Lives matter" in reference to this **** yet. Kinda bothers me too. 

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I watched a good bit of the press conference? that was held in the church, and I thought Crump did a good job with pointing out that these 5 black officers were quickly fired, and charged by the DA, in an effort for swift justice. That now sets the precedent, he argues, for quick firings, charges, and justice for future incidents of the like involving police. No matter what color, race, ethnicity the offending officers may be.

Edited by Long n Left
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23 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Why they hell would they do that going into a weekend?  That sounds like a horrible idea.

If you can make sure the public response is on a weekend, then all the cops can get plenty of OT for all that weekend skull cracking. What, you expect them to do it M-F on regular hours for regular pay? I don't think so, citizen.

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4 hours ago, Long n Left said:

I watched a good bit of the press conference? that was held in the church, and I thought Crump did a good job with pointing out that these 5 black officers were quickly fired, and charged by the DA, in an effort for swift justice. That now sets the precedent, he argues, for quick firings, charges, and justice for future incidents of the like involving police. No matter what color, race, ethnicity the offending officers may be.

Problem is no one believes that. They will have to prove it consistently. Which means there will have to be more crimes by the police. And even if this one DA means it, that doesn’t mean others across the country will work that way. We know they won’t. 

So, it sounds good. It won’t mean anything. 

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Just a cluster-F from all sides.


-Another crazy use of force against a black guy

-Doubled down by the Police institution absolutely throwing black Cops under the bus in a way they have not done for most White cops. These officers are already fired.



If everyone was held to the level of accountability these Black cops are about to face in the wake of this absolute tragic abuse of authority and power, we wouldn't be having half of the incidents like this.


Horrified after watching that video. Even with warnings that it was gonna be bad, I was not prepared for that

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7 hours ago, Llevron said:


I think they believe that the possible protesters (Young people, minorities) will be distracted on Friday night and not ready to drop plans to go a protest. Same idea behind dropping bad political news on friday nights. 


I think they are wrong. But I guess we will see. 


The build up of it, like its a sporting event, is ****ing nasty though. I hate thats where we are as a country. I also wonder how this would be different if it was 5 white cops. I havent seen "Blue Lives matter" in reference to this **** yet. Kinda bothers me too. 

Yeah, I really hate that about us as a species. Watching it get hyped up like some kind of blockbuster premier has been truly sickening. However, the whole Blue Lives Matter rabble rabble when it’s white 🐷 and crickets and quick criminal charges when it’s black 🐷 has been a thing forever. Maybe blacks on the force should have listened to KRS-1.


6 hours ago, Long n Left said:

I watched a good bit of the press conference? that was held in the church, and I thought Crump did a good job with pointing out that these 5 black officers were quickly fired, and charged by the DA, in an effort for swift justice. That now sets the precedent, he argues, for quick firings, charges, and justice for future incidents of the like involving police. No matter what color, race, ethnicity the offending officers may be.

Don’t hold your breath waiting on that Mr. Crump.


5 hours ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


It's important that we all see it.


No, it’s not. It’s enough to know what happened. I personally stopped watching these legalized lynching snuff pics a long time ago. Everyone has to do their own thing but after having seen this over and over, I don’t think one needs to watch the latest iteration to care about what’s going on.

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Was hoping all the lead up to this was hyperbole. Over-exaggeration or something. Wish I didn’t watch that now don’t know what I was expecting 

1 minute ago, The Sisko said:

No, it’s not. It’s enough to know what happened. I personally stopped watching these legalized lynching snuff pics a long time ago. Everyone has to do their own thing but after having seen this over and over, I don’t think one needs to watch the latest iteration to care about what’s going on.

Yea this is the last one for me. Not that I enjoy them. But I couldn’t help but to look before. I can now. 

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Well, I'll be damned. As a former police officer,  I can give some insight to both sides.


I hate what's going on and the level of violence displayed on both sides. 


Folks often want to just jump on the officers as the "bad men/women" in these cases. My point to this is as an officer you have no way of knowing what the suspect may/may not do.


Let me ask this, what is your response to someone who you don't know, you're stopping for a potential violation of the law, and could be someone who is potentially violent?


Do you want to go home to your family? That's what goes through officers minds. 


I can tell yall this. I have never in 20+ years ever wanted to take a life, regardless of skin color, religion,  ethnicity,  etc. And just so yall know , I hate racism.  Have worked along side black officers that I trusted more than white officers.


However, these idiots that are using lethal force on black victims is absolutely horrible and paints a black eye to those officers who do their jobs without having to injure individuals (regardless of guilt or innocence) to protect themselves or those that are at the scene.


I hate what happened to this black man and don't condone the officers actions.  I just ****ing hate that folks group all of us together.


Trust me, I've been around enough to know we're hated....til you need us.



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3 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Well, I'll be damned. As a former police officer,  I can give some insight to both sides.

Oh cool. Let me ask you a question then: as a former police officer, how man cops do you know broke the law, and how many did you arrest? How many did you either actively assist in a cover up or at the very least turn a blind eye to or pretend to not hear certain things?


Hopefully you never allowed even a single unethical event to transpire without doing your best to enforce the law on your fellow brothers in blue, otherwise you allowed one bad apple to spoil the bunch

3 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Let me ask this, what is your response to someone who you don't know, you're stopping for a potential violation of the law, and could be someone who is potentially violent?


Do you want to go home to your family? That's what goes through officers minds. 

This ****ing "warrior cop"/everybody wants us all dead mentality is exactly the problem that leads to this. Dave Grossman and his bull**** seminars train every cop to think that every single person wants to kill cops in every single interaction.


As someone who has worked in food service, retail, and education in my life, why was I never allowed qualified immunity in any of those jobs? Cops aren't the only ones who have to deal with people who might be crazy or violent on a daily basis, they're just one of a very few allowed to kill people with the justification "I feared for my life!" with no other evidence.


In fact, according to most research (like this https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states), police isn't even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs. In fact, in that study they're tied per-capita with Maintenance workers and just barely ahead of construction workers.


That mentality is a cancer to the very community cops are supposed to protect.

3 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

I can tell yall this. I have never in 20+ years ever wanted to take a life, regardless of skin color, religion,  ethnicity,  etc. And just so yall know , I hate racism.  Have worked along side black officers that I trusted more than white officers.

Please don't play the "I have black friends!" card right now as a justification to cover up any excuses you give to bad cops. Just don't, I'm begging you as a human being.

3 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

However, these idiots that are using lethal force on black victims is absolutely horrible and paints a black eye to those officers who do their jobs without having to injure individuals (regardless of guilt or innocence) to protect themselves or those that are at the scene.


I hate what happened to this black man and don't condone the officers actions.  I just ****ing hate that folks group all of us together.

Then stop trying to hide behind the (former) badge while taking like, 8 sentences to finally condemn these ****s. You're burying the lede trying to #notallcops! before finally getting to the part where you feel justified in calling out these specific guys. Hard to cross that thin blue line without a whole lot of pre-programmed excuses beforehand?

3 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Trust me, I've been around enough to know we're hated....til you need us.

Sure, unless when someone needs a cop they show up and make the situation worse, including killing somebody unjustifiably. That is, if they even show up at all. Just ask those Uvalde kids how lucky they were to have ~400 cops when they needed them.

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8 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Yeah, both sides.


Have you been there?



Been where?

The outrage against all cops is somewhat justified because if there were good cops the bad cops would be called out long before it got to a point where 4 or 5 of them are standing around watching someone get murdered. What we actually see is police unions doing everything they can to stick up for bad cops.


Cops are supposed to be professionals, there should be zero violence from them. As far as the protester violence, what do you expect from people who are powerless and whose sons/brothers/daughters/ect are being stolen from them?


There is a justifiable frustration causing the violence on one side, and incompetence and racism causing it on the other.


I don’t see how the two sides compare, personally.

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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1 minute ago, Llevron said:

including the guy handcuffed getting the life beat out of him. Yes, him too. 

I'm not in the least saying what happened to him was right. In fact, it was an injustice to him to be treated that way by law enforcement who should have been there to make sure ALL parties are protected.


My point was that it is that whole these incidents are plastered all over the news, you rarely see those incidents where the roles are reversed.


Point in check, I worked in a jurisdiction where two white officers were shot to death by a black man.  Want to know what the national coverage of that was? I'll wait.


Personally,  I don't give a rat's ass what your skin color is if you take a life.


I hate seeing a black man killed by officers (regardless of race) but ain't going to pretend it doesn't happen on both sides. Cause it does. You just don't see it in the news the way these incidents are publicized. 


Reckon I'll see myself out now. 



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2 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Personally,  I don't give a rat's ass what your skin color is if you take a life.

I didn’t mention race. 

Don’t run now. Help us understand your people (the blue). I have had multiple friends who are officers tell me they saw some nasty **** while training and they were not comfortable bringing it up because of the us vrs them mentality of the force. Any comment on that? Notice you didn’t mention it at all. Or what about the immensely stupid people allowed to join the force? What about police being really desensitized by the **** they see? No comment on any of that? 

I like posting here. Ima keep that in mind while replying so no need to run now. 

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18 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

Oh cool. Let me ask you a question then: as a former police officer, how man cops do you know broke the law, and how many did you arrest? How many did you either actively assist in a cover up or at the very least turn a blind eye to or pretend to not hear certain things?


Hopefully you never allowed even a single unethical event to transpire without doing your best to enforce the law on your fellow brothers in blue, otherwise you allowed one bad apple to spoil the bunch

This ****ing "warrior cop"/everybody wants us all dead mentality is exactly the problem that leads to this. Dave Grossman and his bull**** seminars train every cop to think that every single person wants to kill cops in every single interaction.


As someone who has worked in food service, retail, and education in my life, why was I never allowed qualified immunity in any of those jobs? Cops aren't the only ones who have to deal with people who might be crazy or violent on a daily basis, they're just one of a very few allowed to kill people with the justification "I feared for my life!" with no other evidence.


In fact, according to most research (like this https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states), police isn't even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs. In fact, in that study they're tied per-capita with Maintenance workers and just barely ahead of construction workers.


That mentality is a cancer to the very community cops are supposed to protect.

Please don't play the "I have black friends!" card right now as a justification to cover up any excuses you give to bad cops. Just don't, I'm begging you as a human being.

Then stop trying to hide behind the (former) badge while taking like, 8 sentences to finally condemn these ****s. You're burying the lede trying to #notallcops! before finally getting to the part where you feel justified in calling out these specific guys. Hard to cross that thin blue line without a whole lot of pre-programmed excuses beforehand?

Sure, unless when someone needs a cop they show up and make the situation worse, including killing somebody unjustifiably. That is, if they even show up at all. Just ask those Uvalde kids how lucky they were to have ~400 cops when they needed them.

Unless you've been there,  don't rush to make calls on **** you have no clue about.


As far as working along side of black officers I trust, I'm still friends with to this day. But hey, talk **** about it if you like to justify your position. I certainly wasn't using it as a justification,  but more as a point to say that some of us are on the right side of things.


My point is not to lump us all in the same boat just cause a few are a bunch of racist ****ed up asshats. Again, I hate what happened to this man and others who have been abused by the system. I never want to see a life taken. Ever.


But think what you wish.



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1 minute ago, skinsfan4128 said:

Unless you've been there,  don't rush to make calls on **** you have no clue about.


As far as working along side of black officers I trust, I'm still friends with to this day. But hey, talk **** about it if you like to justify your position. I certainly wasn't using it as a justification,  but more as a point to say that some of us are on the right side of things.


My point is not to lump us all in the same boat just cause a few are a bunch of racist ****ed up asshats. Again, I hate what happened to this man and others who have been abused by the system. I never want to see a life taken. Ever.


But think what you wish.



You remember two white guys being **** buy a black guy. Do you remember ever seeing a cop do anything morally or ethically ****ed up? Ever reported a guy? 

Notice you avoided that. 

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