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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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Uvalde Suspends Its Entire School Police Force


The school district in Uvalde, Texas, said on Friday that it had suspended the operations of its Police Department amid ongoing questions about its officers’ response to the May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School and a sustained protest by victims’ parents.


The district had previously fired the chief of the department, Pete Arredondo, who state officials have said was the incident commander during the shooting and bore responsibility for delaying a confrontation with the gunman for over an hour after the shooting began. The gunman killed 19 children and two teachers.


On Friday, the school district said in a statement that it had placed the officer who took over for Mr. Arredondo, Lt. Miguel Hernandez, and another district employee, Ken Mueller, on administrative leave. Mr. Mueller, the director of student services, had decided to retire, the statement said.


“Recent developments have uncovered additional concerns with department operations,” the district said in explaining its decision.


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Callaway County sheriff arrested on suspicion of DWI


Callaway County Sheriff Clay Chism was arrested Thursday night in Moberly on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, according to Randolph County Sheriff Aaron Wilson.


Wilson confirmed to KOMU 8 News Friday that Chism was arrested by Moberly Police, after officers were called to an Arby's around 8 p.m. for a report of property damage.


Wilson said Chism allegedly crashed into a concrete barrier in the lot. Chism was taken in custody for a 12-hour hold and released Friday morning on a $2,000 bond, Wilson said.


No charges have been filed as of Friday evening.



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Police officer arrests a man for rolling his car window up and pepper spray his father for filming the arrest, as another officer tackles the man to the ground [VIDEO]


In Texas, a couple of police officers have gone viral for their actions, a year ago. There was a young man who was apparently driving his car. When the video begins, a cop can be heard questioning the young man. The cop asks the man why he rolled up the window to his vehicle. In addition, the cop tells the young man that he rode for miles with it down, only putting it up when he saw him.


While the officer maintains that this was a routine traffic stop, things quickly escalated. The man begins acting nervously, because of how out of hand police violence has gotten. When the cop asked him why he was acting funny, the man admitted to being nervous. After that, the cop placed him under arrest. As a result, the man’s father arrived, and tried to defend his son. Nevertheless, the cops told him to leave, or he would get arrested.


Seeing his son being wrongfully arrested, the father did not leave. Instead, the father parked his truck, and then began filming the arrest. After all, the entire situation began because his son rolled up the driver’s window on his vehicle, when the cop approached him. The cop told the young man he did not have the right to roll his window up. In addition, the cop accused the son of acting suspiciously, when he admitted to being nervous. While arresting the young man, another officer noticed the father filming the situation. As a result, they tried to take the father’s phone, they tackled him to the ground, and pepper sprayed him. Since then, the officers involved have been terminated, and the father was awarded $200,000.


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2 minutes ago, China said:

Police officer arrests a man for rolling his car window up and pepper spray his father for filming the arrest, as another officer tackles the man to the ground [VIDEO]


In Texas, a couple of police officers have gone viral for their actions, a year ago. There was a young man who was apparently driving his car. When the video begins, a cop can be heard questioning the young man. The cop asks the man why he rolled up the window to his vehicle. In addition, the cop tells the young man that he rode for miles with it down, only putting it up when he saw him.


While the officer maintains that this was a routine traffic stop, things quickly escalated. The man begins acting nervously, because of how out of hand police violence has gotten. When the cop asked him why he was acting funny, the man admitted to being nervous. After that, the cop placed him under arrest. As a result, the man’s father arrived, and tried to defend his son. Nevertheless, the cops told him to leave, or he would get arrested.


Seeing his son being wrongfully arrested, the father did not leave. Instead, the father parked his truck, and then began filming the arrest. After all, the entire situation began because his son rolled up the driver’s window on his vehicle, when the cop approached him. The cop told the young man he did not have the right to roll his window up. In addition, the cop accused the son of acting suspiciously, when he admitted to being nervous. While arresting the young man, another officer noticed the father filming the situation. As a result, they tried to take the father’s phone, they tackled him to the ground, and pepper sprayed him. Since then, the officers involved have been terminated, and the father was awarded $200,000.


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**** this asshole in particular.

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KCPD Said Missing Black Women Reports In KC Were “Completely Unfounded.” Less Than A Month Later, One Escaped After Being Kidnapped From Prospect & Tortured in a Basement For Over A Month


A bombshell multi-county investigation began last Friday when a 22-year old Black woman escaped bondage after being kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and held captive in the basement of an Excelsior Springs, Missouri man’s home. The man is identified as Timothy Haslett Jr., a white 39-year old male.


The woman was discovered around 8 a.m. last Friday, October 7th, when reports of a woman banging on doors and crying for help reportedly reached the police.


“She made the comment about her friends. That they didn’t make it and that he had killed them,” Tharp said. “I’m really hoping that they find evidence about her friends. If anything, she can have closure about her friends. I just hope they can find everything they need to.”


According to the Clay County Prosecutor Probable Cause Statement, T.J. reported that “Timothy had kept her in a small room in the basement that he had built. He kept her restrained in handcuffs on her wrists and ankles.” In addition, Haslett “whipped her while she was restrained…there were injuries on her back that were consistent with this description.” Court documents further say, “she was able to get free when he left to take his child to school.”


The official court documents also read: “Upon the [police] officer’s arrival at the residence, they found T.J. She was wearing latex lingerie and had a metal collar around her neck with a padlock, and duct tape around her neck. T.J. advised that a man by the name of Timothy picked her up on Prospect in Kansas City at the beginning of September 2022.”


In mid-to-late September, The Kansas City Defender published a video of Bishop Tony Caldwell, a local Kansas City community leader who was one of many in the Black Kansas City community who made reports of numerous murdered and missing Black women. In the video, Bishop Caldwell specifically identified that the women who were missing were being taken from an area on Prospect Avenue in Kansas City.


The Kansas City Police Department made a statement addressing the community testimonies and called them “completely unfounded rumors,” dismissing the concerns. Local news outlets followed suit, in essence, silencing any ongoing community voices which maintained concern of the missing Black women.


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CSPD bodycam footage draws rebuke from mayor; accusations of 'dangerous culture of hostility'


A social justice group has released police body camera footage showing Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) officers speaking derisively of protesters before any engagement with them.


The footage, released by the nonprofit Chinook Center, shows officers preparing to respond to a July 2021 demonstration by citizens over affordable housing staged during the city's sesquicentennial celebration.


The officers discuss the protesters being "stoned to death" and authorities "collecting bodies," the release said. The body cam footage was captured while officers sat in a cruiser unaware the camera was running.


"Shortly after these jokes," the release said, "CSPD aggressively arrested several peaceful protesters," several of whom were injured.


The videos drew a sharp rebuke from Mayor John Suthers, a career law enforcement official who's served as district attorney, U.S. Attorney, Attorney General and head of the Colorado Department of Corrections.


Despite his longtime support of law enforcement, he called he saw on the videos "wholly unprofessional." His statement follows:


"In the last week, I have been made aware, for the first time, of wholly unacceptable statements made by law enforcement officers during a protest outside the Police Operation Center in 2020 and in a separate instance in July 2021.


"While local law enforcement was under considerable duress related to protests during those times, the statements are wholly unprofessional and, if they can be attributed to specific CSPD officers, should be fully investigated and be the subject of potential discipline.


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Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Goes Completely Rogue, Blocks Inspector General’s Access To Files, Facilities


The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department has been problematic pretty much ever since its inception. Its prior iteration — headed up by Sheriff Lee Baca — was an abhorrent mess. The LASD was (and still is!) home to gangs formed by deputies — cliques that encouraged members to violate rights and abuse those incarcerated in the county jail. Baca’s department became infamous for its internal corruption, something manifested by its obstruction of federal investigations and rogue jailhouse informant program.

Enter Sheriff Alex Villanueva. Elected after promising to clean up the troubled department, Villanueva soon showed he was more interested in shielding his officers from public scrutiny and ignoring the internal rot that had turned the agency into a menace to Los Angeles society.

The new sheriff created a handpicked “Public Integrity Unit,” an entity whose name seemed to indicate Villanueva would be cleaning up the department. Shortly thereafter it became apparent the unit was far more interested in targeting the department’s critics in the Los Angeles government.

Villanueva only amped things from there. He threatened county leaders with defamation suits for continuing to (accurately) portraying the department as infested with cliques of rogue deputies. He also sent his officers out to raid the homes of two prominent critics involved in civilian oversight of the department under the pretense the LASD was investigating fraudulent acquisition of county contracts.

With members of the county’s civilian oversight sufficiently cowed by legal threats, non-compliance, and seizure of their electronic devices, the sheriff has moved on to shutting down the internal remnants of LASD accountability, as Alene Tchekmedyian reports for the Los Angeles Times.

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Woman on the job wrongfully assaulted while handcuffed in Fayetteville, will have body cam video released


A woman who said Fayetteville police officers were overly aggressive with her has filed a lawsuit against the department because of the early September incident.


Ja’Lana Dunlap’s cellphone caught part of her interaction with Fayetteville police on Sept. 6.


The 22-year-old’s civil rights attorneys said she was assaulted while handcuffed after she refused to show them her I.D.


Dunlap was parked in a vacant lot that is owned by her employer. She said she was taking pictures of illegal trash dumped on the property for her employer when officers approached her. When questioned why she was in the area, Dunlap said she answered officer’s questions, but they still demanded an I.D.


“This is a case where she is in a vacant lot owned by her employer and she’s doing her job,” Carnell Johnson, Dunlap’s attorney said.


Fayetteville Police Chief Gina Hawkins previously said in a statement that her officers thought Dunlap could have been involved in the getaway of a “potentially violent suspect” a half mile away.


“I firmly believe that if she was a different color, this would never [have] happened,” Harry Daniels, another one of Dunlap’s attorneys said.


Tuesday, a North Carolina Superior Court Judge granted the chief’s petition to release the officer’s bodycam video.


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Salinas police: Off-duty officer cleaning gun mistakenly shoots self, kills bystander


An off-duty officer accidentally shot through his own hand and then hit and killed a 20-year-old man last week, according to the Salinas Police Department.


Santa Cruz officer Francisco Villicana was cleaning his personal gun Friday around 5:45 p.m. near the 1500 block of Antelope Drive when he mistakenly fired the single round that killed Luis Alfredo Ferro-Sanchez, police said.


When officers arrived to the scene they found Villicana with a gunshot wound to his hand, and Ferro-Sanchez to his upper torso. Both were taken to the hospital, where Ferro-Sanchez died. 


"This tragic incident is devastating for everyone involved, and we acknowledge many people are grieving," said Santa Cruz Police Chief Bernie Escalante. 


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Philly deputy caught selling guns and meth — including guns used in high school ambush


A Philadelphia sheriff's deputy has been caught selling guns illegally, and it included those used in the ambush at Roxbrough High School in September.


According to NBCPhiladelphia, Samir Ahmad was caught selling meth and weapons. He was a sheriff's deputy that was hired prior to current Sheriff Rochelle Bilal's term.


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Louisiana Cops Sued After Dash Cam Video Showed They Lied About Why They Performed A Pretextual Stop


Courts have continually said pretextual stops are a cool way to engage in law enforcement fishing expeditions. But there are a few caveats.


First, there needs to be a reason to stop the person, even if that reason exists largely in the imaginative readings of local statutes by police officers. Second, the stop cannot be unreasonably extended past the point of its objective. When you hand out a citation or tell someone they’re free to go, they’re free to go. You can’t keep them detained while trying to find other ways to talk them into warrantless searches.


Finally, when you’re asked to defend your actions in court, your pretext had better hold up. And you had damn well better make sure you’re not recording evidence that contradicts your claims. That’s a fatal error, and one that appears to have been committed by two Louisiana cops now being sued by the people they pulled over, with the assistance of the Institute for Justice.


Mario Rosales and his girlfriend were driving through Alexandria, Louisiana when cops decided to pull them over. Prior to this stop, Rosales had stopped at a red light, signaled his intent to make a left hand turn, and made a legal left hand turn (with his blinker on) when the light turned green. All of this was dispassionately observed by the dash cam in Officer Samuel Terrell’s SUV.


This is what happened next, as recounted in Rosales’ lawsuit [PDF]:



About 10 seconds after that, the light turned green. With his left turn signal blinking, Mario legally turned left through the intersection, onto Dorchester Drive. The police SUV followed. While the SUV was in the middle of the intersection, the officers activated its lights and pulled Mario and Gracie over.


Contradicted by clear video evidence, the officers would later claim to have pulled the car over for failure to signal.


Mario immediately pulled over and waited in his car. Gracie likewise remained buckled in the car.


Officer Samuel Terrell got out of the SUV and stood at the front of the police vehicle. He told Mario to get out of the car and come to him.


Over the next 20 minutes, two police officers searched Mario and interrogated him and his girlfriend—not just about where they live and work, but also about a litany of drugs, past interactions with police, and their feelings about the U.S. Constitution. All without a single reason to believe Mario or Gracie were dangerous or involved in drugs or that either committed any crime whatsoever. 


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8 hours ago, China said:

Louisiana Cops Sued After Dash Cam Video Showed They Lied About Why They Performed A Pretextual Stop


Courts have continually said pretextual stops are a cool way to engage in law enforcement fishing expeditions. But there are a few caveats.


First, there needs to be a reason to stop the person, even if that reason exists largely in the imaginative readings of local statutes by police officers. Second, the stop cannot be unreasonably extended past the point of its objective. When you hand out a citation or tell someone they’re free to go, they’re free to go. You can’t keep them detained while trying to find other ways to talk them into warrantless searches.


Finally, when you’re asked to defend your actions in court, your pretext had better hold up. And you had damn well better make sure you’re not recording evidence that contradicts your claims. That’s a fatal error, and one that appears to have been committed by two Louisiana cops now being sued by the people they pulled over, with the assistance of the Institute for Justice.


Mario Rosales and his girlfriend were driving through Alexandria, Louisiana when cops decided to pull them over. Prior to this stop, Rosales had stopped at a red light, signaled his intent to make a left hand turn, and made a legal left hand turn (with his blinker on) when the light turned green. All of this was dispassionately observed by the dash cam in Officer Samuel Terrell’s SUV.


This is what happened next, as recounted in Rosales’ lawsuit [PDF]:



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Cool. Cops will get QI, the city (aka taxpayers) will foot the bill with no dent in the officer's bank accounts or the police budget next year, cops will get a paid vacation, maybe a token firing only to be rehired in a few months or hired quickly 1 district over, wash rinse repeat. Just a couple more bad apples that nobody will really try too hard to remove from the rest of the barrel, move along citizens nothing to see here.

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Justice Department Launches Investigation Into Massachusetts Police Department


The feds are targeting yet another U.S. police department with an investigation into whether it systemically discriminates against the people it’s sworn to protect on the basis of race and gender.


This time it’s the Worcester Police Department in central Massachusetts in the crosshairs of a so-called “pattern or practice” investigation under the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.


Worcester (pronounced “Woo-Stuh” if you’re a native New Englander), is a city of about 200,000 people situated along the Massachusetts Turnpike about an hour west of Boston. Despite being a third the size of its neighbor to the east, Worcester’s population skews significantly whiter at 67.7% white and 13 percent Black; Boston is 52.1 percent white and about a quarter Black.


It’s unclear whether a specific incident, or group of incidents, led to the investigation. In a statement, the DOJ said only that it was conducting the probe, ironically, under the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Better known colloquially as the “crime bill,” this legislation has been generally blamed for contributing to mass incarceration and law enforcement excesses, but it also allows the feds to use civil lawsuits to force law enforcement to address systemic bias in policing.


“The purpose of this civil investigation is to determine – through objective and thorough examination – whether or not there is an overall pattern or practice of conduct that violates the Constitution or federal law,” Rachael S. Rollins, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said in the statement. “This is the beginning of the process. We will go where the facts take us. You will hear from me at the end of the investigation, irrespective of outcome.”


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New Aurora PD Chief: History of Misconduct and InfoWars Visits


Aurora’s new interim police chief with Alex Jones.

Aurora’s newly appointed interim police chief, Art Acevedo, in addition to recently being fired by the city of Miami, has a history of misconduct and was a frequent guest on InfoWars, founded by conspiracist Alex Jones, who was ordered by a Connecticut court last month to pay hundreds of millions to Sandy Hook families for falsely saying the 2012 school massacre was a hoax.


Acevedo began his career in law enforcement as part of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). In 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported that Acevedo “has been investigated recently for allegedly showing nude photographs of a fellow CHP officer to other high-ranking officers while on duty. Assistant Chief Art Acevedo is the subject of a $5-million civil claim involving the woman with whom he allegedly had an affair in 1995.”


According to the Times, claims filed with three state agencies alleged that Acevedo kept sexually explicit Polaroid photographs of the woman in the glove box of his state-issued car and showed them to other supervisors after the affair ended. Two CHP captains allegedly said Acevedo showed them the pictures, including one in which the woman is performing a sexual act on him. Acevedo denied showing the photos to other officers to the Sacramento Bee.


In 2007, Acevedo was hired as chief of the Austin Police Department. In 2016, the Austin American Statesman reported that Acevedo was “reprimanded, stripped of five days’ pay and warned his job is in jeopardy after his boss said he didn’t follow orders to stop discussing the controversial police shooting of an unarmed teen in February. At the center of the penalty against the chief, City Manager Marc Ott said Acevedo had been insubordinate.”


While serving as the Austin PD chief, Acevedo was a regular guest on Alex Jones’ InfoWars program. In October, Jones was ordered to pay nearly $1 billion in damages to families of victims of the Sandy Hook School shooting, for falsely claiming they were actors who staged the shooting as part of a government plot to seize Americans’ guns. Jones was recently ordered to pay an additional $473 million in punitive damages.

In November, 2016, Acevedo was hired as chief of the Houston Police Department. In January, 2019, Houston police executed a no-knock raid and killed two homeowners, Regina Nicholas and Dennis Tuttle. The raid was based on false information that the individuals were heroin dealers. Acevedo initially refused to publicly release an audit of the Houston PD’s narcotics division which “found policy violations due to ‘administrative errors committed by Narcotics case agents and supervisors,’ and found that officers didn’t follow policies related to ‘warrant services, operations planning, and handling of confidential informants,’” according to reporting from the Houston Chronicle.


Acevedo was hired by the Miami Police Department in March, 2021, but then fired in October, after claiming the “Cuban mafia” was running the police department.


Acevedo has been consulting with Aurora Police Department on its consent decree when the city asked if he would apply for the interim position. Aurora PD has come under scrutiny for a number of scandals, including multiple DUIs involving officers, both on- and off-duty, and claims of racist policing and inappropriate use of force. Last year, three Aurora PD officers were arrested for the 2019 death of Elijah McClain.


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A county owned BBQing vehicle?


Alameda Co. deputy arrested on suspicion of DUI after totaling BBQ truck


An Alameda County sheriff's deputy has been arrested on suspicion of driving a county-owned BBQ-ing vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.


Deputy Michael Ziller was then released to the hospital to be treated for his injuries, stemming from a crash in Livermore, according to the California Highway Patrol.


The CHP said that Ziller was driving a Ford F-450 truck at about 6:40 p.m. on Nov. 10 on westbound Interstate 580, west of Greenville Road, when he rear-ended a tractor-trailer.


CHP Officer Tyler Hahn said the crash caused major damage to the Ford. The CHP said the other driver wasn't injured. The CHP did not provide the full incident report, only a synopsis. 


Ziller was taken to Eden Hospital, where an officer determined he had been driving drunk. Ziller's injuries were described as moderate. 


Sources inside the department said the Ford is part of what's known as the "BRU Unit," which stands for the "BBQ Response Unit."


Duties include cooking BBQ for events, as well as being called out to fix fences, build sheds and other ancillary duties.


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