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Phil Robertsons Eloquent Morality Argument


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Hey Look, another eloquent argument by Phil Robertson.




Excerpt from his actual speech:

“I’ll make a bet with you, Two guys break into an atheist’s home. He has a little atheist wife and two little atheist daughters. Two guys break into his home and tie him up in a chair and gag him.”


“Then they take his two daughters in front of him and rape both of them and then shoot them, and they take his wife and then decapitate her head off in front of him,” Robertson continued, “and then they can look at him and say, ‘Isn’t it great that I don’t have to worry about being judged? Isn’t it great that there’s nothing wrong with this? There’s no right or wrong, now, is it dude?’”


“Then you take a sharp knife and take his manhood and hold it in front of him and say, ‘Wouldn’t it be something if [there] was something wrong with this?’” Robertson said. “’But you’re the one who says there is no God, there’s no right, there’s no wrong, so we’re just having fun. We’re sick in the head, have a nice day.’”

“If it happened to them, they probably would say, ‘Something about this just ain’t right,’”




and the religious folks wonder why the numbers of non-religous are growing. Likely because on top of easier access to information, there are whack-jobs like this who get a ton of support from other bible-belt whackos.

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Hey Look, another eloquent argument by Phil Robertson.




Excerpt from his actual speech:



and the religious folks wonder why the numbers of non-religous are growing. Likely because on top of easier access to information, there are whack-jobs like this who get a ton of support from other bible-belt whackos.


so... you are asserting that THIS defines what "religious folks" belief system is....?   


as expressed by a reality TV  professional hunter ?



the guy is a maroon.  The fact that he also calls himself a christian doesn't seem to me to be the well-source of his maroonitude 

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I have never understood the argument from some in the pro-religion crowd that without religion, there can't be right or wrong. 


I am atheist, and have very strong beliefs about right and wrong.  I don't think that morality needs external validation.  To me, the idea that morality can only come from a book and can't be inherent to being human is infantalizing and insulting. 

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so... you are asserting that THIS defines what "religious folks" belief system is....?   


as expressed by a reality TV  professional hunter ?



the guy is a maroon.  The fact that he also calls himself a christian doesn't seem to me to be the well-source of his maroonitude 

If you get down into his argument, it is basically the Morality argument. I'd be willing to guess conservatively that 50%+ of christians would say without God they don't think there would be a morality. In more specific sense, that there is an Objective Morality that was given to us by God.


Either way, a lot of his hatred and bigotry is based on his religion, we can debate that all day if you'd like and I can give you examples. While he may not BELIEVE exactly as you do, his religion is one of the major reasons he is saying a lot of what he says.


if you'd rather I quote some priests and pastors, or theologians on the subject I can to prove he isn't alone, not by a long shot. 

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In more specific sense, that there is an Objective Morality that was given to us by God.

I believe in an objective morality that was given to us by God.

That doesn't make me want crazy people to break into anyone's home and torture their family nor do I think it makes atheists unmoored beasts with no sense of moral code or kindness.

You seem to have progressed very quickly from Robertson is insane to blaming religion as a whole.

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I have never understood the argument from some in the pro-religion crowd that without religion, there can't be right or wrong. 


I am atheist, and have very strong beliefs about right and wrong.  I don't think that morality needs external validation.  To me, the idea that morality can only come from a book and can't be inherent to being human is infantalizing and insulting. 


About a year ago, I took my first Southwest flight and didn't realize you had to check in 24 hours before hand to assure not getting a crappy seat.  I checked in at BWI and was in group C999 or something terrible like that.  I'm pretty much the last guy to board the plane and as I walk to the back I identify one lonely middle seat left.  To my right was a regular looking, unassuming man.


The moment I sit down he strikes conversation with me.  Where am I from, Why am I going to San Antonio, the usual.  He lets me know that he's a preacher and proceeds to tell me what feels like his entire life story.  From being "out of control" as a teenager smoking marijuana and listening to Led Zeppelin to the "moment of truth" when his brother came home one day with a bible and they spent the entire evening in the attic reading it.  "Unbelievable" things occurred that night.  They could feel the power of jesus take over their minds, bodies and souls.  Like a jolt went thru the both of them, they were saved.  They knew from that moment on that they would serve god, yadda yadda. 


I'm trying my hardest not to judge, smirk, etc. the entire time.  He kept prying me, trying to get me to divulge more about me and what I believed in.  I kept the conversation to my career, family/son, coaching sports, playing golf, etc.  I went into how I've always known the difference between right and wrong based on the way I was brought up and that we never truly attended a church in my upbringing.  He literally sat there, perplexed at how I could end up "appearing to be" such a great man with great values, without having given my life to god and my Sundays to the church.  He truthfully couldn't wrap his head around how I could listen to music other than Christian music, watch violent films with foul language, yet be an engaged and loving father/husband that coaches his kids sports and doesn't treat people poorly.  This conversation went on for atleast 2 hours of the 4 hour flight before I had to advise him that I really needed to catch some rest as I had meetings the moment we touched down.  It was the longest 2 hours of my life but it really woke me up to how "out there" some people are in regards to religion, its as if without being a god fearing man you just rape, kill and destroy everything in your path. 

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It was the longest 2 hours of my life but it really woke me up to how "out there" some people are in regards to religion, its as if without being a god fearing man you just rape, kill and destroy everything in your path. 


I can only reconcile it as people's brains are wired very differently. For folks like Phil their wiring is clearly faulty in significant ways.


The objective morality given by God to the hundreds of thousands (or is it millions) of ISIS followers is not one I'm on board with.

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I believe in an objective morality that was given to us by God.

That doesn't make me want crazy people to break into anyone's home and torture their family nor do I think it makes atheists unmoored beasts with no sense of moral code or kindness.

You seem to have progressed very quickly from Robertson is insane to blaming religion as a whole.

You seemed to have read way too far into what I wrote as I have not said all Christians believe this. In fact I said specifically 50% or more (which isn't 100%) would agree about Objective Morality. I never once said that they'd all act exactly as he does because of religion. Don't misconstrue my points, makes debate useless. 

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I have never understood the argument from some in the pro-religion crowd that without religion, there can't be right or wrong. 


I am atheist, and have very strong beliefs about right and wrong.  I don't think that morality needs external validation.  To me, the idea that morality can only come from a book and can't be inherent to being human is infantalizing and insulting. 


It is not religion to them, since he believes everything came from God the rejection of God is a rejection of morality.


I believe morality comes from God, but the atheists are free to see the value in that morality w/o belief in God.


Free will

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So, the atheist in this story is raising a family, seemingly has a good job to pay for a house worth breaking into, a loving wife (that he would grieve for), etc. and the Christians are the ones coming in raping, decapitating, slicing off manhood while lecturing about morality?


Is that what I'm supposed to understand here? Worst moral/sermon I've heard in a long, long time.

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You seemed to have read way too far into what I wrote as I have not said all Christians believe this. In fact I said specifically 50% or more (which isn't 100%) would agree about Objective Morality. I never once said that they'd all act exactly as he does because of religion. Don't misconstrue my points, makes debate useless.

You argued that his argument was basically coming from the belief in objective morality. That's what I understood. If that's incorrect, feel free to clarify why you keep mentioning it.

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Whether or not God handed down the moral codes that form the basis of what is good and bad isn't really relevant anymore.

Whether or not people used a threat of a God who would punish you forever if you did not conform to this morality is not really relevant anymore.

The relevant thing is that this morality does exist now, and we've all somewhat agreed that this is how human beings should behave toward one another.

I am an atheist, and the truth as ive experienced it is that the most intolerance and lack of guidance i've experienced or witnessed has come from people i know are believers.


it is simple. Whether you believe or not, you know what is expected as right and wrong in today's modern society. (not legal and illegal.. right and wrong. It is wrong to kill, to rob, to cheat. These things transcend laws and are common throughout humanity.)

Making excuses for bad behavior over the existence or non-existence of God is a complete cop-out.


You make your choices. Whether you believe God is in your life or not, ultimately what causes you to do the right thing over the wrong thing comes from within, and nothing will stop your changing that but you.


The notion that some people like this bearded clown believe that without the threat of God punishing you that you can't make the right choices and be a decent human being is insulting.




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He literally sat there, perplexed at how I could end up "appearing to be" such a great man with great values, without having given my life to god and my Sundays to the church.  He truthfully couldn't wrap his head around how I could listen to music other than Christian music, watch violent films with foul language, yet be an engaged and loving father/husband that coaches his kids sports and doesn't treat people poorly.

You at least severed his manhood I hope. Are we going to have to kick you out of the atheists club?

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