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Per HuffPost and AP: NBC anchor Brian Williams lies about being in helicopter hit by enemy fire in Iraq


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It's funny how the active military guys and veterans in this thread are less pissed off about this than the rest of us.  I wouldn't have expected that.


I have a friend that was at Inchon, when he gets going he asks is this version better than the last one he told. :P

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Many guys in (or that were in) the military tend to exaggerate their experience far more than those sleazy lying civilians, IME.   :D


And other guys in (or that were in) the military know this.  ;)


Not that it has anything to do with the repugnant nature of Hillary/Brian on this ****.


OTOH, this thread should only be worth about another page or two. 

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It's funny how the active military guys and veterans in this thread are less pissed off about this than the rest of us.  I wouldn't have expected that.


I don't really like Brian Williams for anything other than his slow jamming the news on the Tonight show. 


There really are much bigger things to be upset about than a guy lying about being in a helicopter that was shot.  Hell most of the helicopters that fly in Iraq are shot at (atleast by small arms fire).


And Yes Jumbo is correct.  A lot of military guys tend to exaggerate their experiences.

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i will say that i have NOT followed this very closely at all... but what i am currently taking away is that BW was part of a helicopter convoy (i don;t know if that is the right term?) that came under enemy fire.  A different helicopter in the convoy took damage and was forced into an emergency landing.  over teh years BW's account migrated from "my helicopter was fired upon" to "my helicopter was shot"  


is that right?



if so... i think it is wrong, but not an earth-shaking whopper.   it is hard for me to get too excited over.

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Frankly, it's a stupid thing to do, and he should get suspended for it.. but fired?

Shoot, be real, the guy READS the headlines and introduces the reporter to give a report.

It's not like what he does requires him to be doing a whole lot other than getting makeup and cues.

Anchors aren't reporters. They're readers. he throws it to Richard Engel who's in the middle of some **** somewhere. Williams is the front man. he may write the headlines he reads, but i doubt it, and if he does, they're headlines and an introduction.



I'm not sure about Williams' exact role, but the Network news anchors of the past were all very influential in terms of what stories make it to air and what the actual story was. They're not just a bunch of Ron Burgundys who just read whatever's on the prompter. 



i will say that i have NOT followed this very closely at all... but what i am currently taking away is that BW was part of a helicopter convoy (i don;t know if that is the right term?) that came under enemy fire.  A different helicopter in the convoy took damage and was forced into an emergency landing.  over teh years BW's account migrated from "my helicopter was fired upon" to "my helicopter was shot"  


is that right?


More like, he was on a helicopter once, and another helicopter once got fired upon. He said he was there. He wasn't. 


Now they're apparently saying that he said he saw a body floating by after Katrina, but he was in a part of town that wasn't flooded. I even heard that he apparently may have made up a story about saving a puppy from a fire.


This guy's a piece of work. I'm sure NBC would love to just cut him loose, but he IS their ratings grab for network news. They're in a tough spot. It's easy to hide people on MSNBC. Not so much the evening news casts, which still get good ratings.

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what i am currently taking away is that BW was part of a helicopter convoy (i don;t know if that is the right term?) that came under enemy fire.  A different helicopter in the convoy took damage and was forced into an emergency landing.  over teh years BW's account migrated from "my helicopter was fired upon" to "my helicopter was shot"  


is that right?


Well, that's what BW would like you to believe in his apology, where he explained that he was in a "following" helicopter.


But it turns out his helicopter was "following" the first one by about an hour.  BW's helicopter was never fired upon.

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Well, that's what BW would like you to believe in his apology, where he explained that he was in a "following" helicopter.


But it turns out his helicopter was "following" the first one by about an hour.  BW's helicopter was never fired upon.


well there is certainly some incoming now.


the body thing bugs me more, but I don't listen to him anyway

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This is how I feel.  Who really gives a crap if he lied about being in a helicopter that was shot. 

Atleast he was out there on the front lines trying to report


to report what? 


Shouldn't he be reporting the actions of the troops on the ground, and not boosting his own ego? He disrespected his platform and needs to go. 

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I'm not sure about Williams' exact role, but the Network news anchors of the past were all very influential in terms of what stories make it to air and what the actual story was. They're not just a bunch of Ron Burgundys who just read whatever's on the prompter. 


I'm not sure of his exact role either, but it doesn't change my opinion of the anchor and his/her importance to the entire thing.

I think it's minimal, and only made into something more if a person decides to 'trust' a single news source without ever looking into the details of the stories themselves.



As i said before, no news source is singularly trustworthy.  You and i tend to view from different point on a given spectrum, but i'd gather we both feel the same way about that. Conclusions may be different, but a person is obligated these days to check into things if they want to consider themselves somewhat informed. 


If a person is trusting a single news source for all of their info, they've already swallowed the big lie that all of our 'news' practices these days, and that is to present from limited or even skewed , and in some cases, completely false  and thoroughly propagandist viewpoints.


Now if it turns out the smoke blowing on other possible embellishments has any embers beneath him, then he has to go.

It's one thing to maybe "mis-remember' one ol' war story.   but more than one shows a pattern, and regardless of how affable he may be, that is completely unacceptable.

As someone else said,   Step on up, Lester Holt.



I have no particular love for Williams, my problem is more with the instant FIRE HIM AND RUIN HIS LIFE attitude that is taken for pretty much any slight these days.

We keep those pitchforks and torches by the door and ready to roll at a moment's notice.

People are unable to make mistakes. No one can be perfect, ever. And now, a lack of perfection is instant grounds for the death penalty.

and it's not just matters of public trust. Give a bad waitress the tip she deserves, she instagrams your signature out and the whole world is clamoring for your job, your house and your firstborn for penance.



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His Hurricane Katrina experiece may be BS too:






Others in the business have been summarily fired for much lesser.


I can think of another well-known guy whose memories of Katrina were less than honest.  Didn't seem to bother too many people.

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Why does it matter if he embellished? Everyone embellishes. 


Yes, there's some sort of standard that you're expected to live up to as a media man, and eventually all the memes will die out. He'll be back. 


While he's on suspension everyone should watch Scott Pelley and CBS News instead. 

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In other news, FOX tells a dozen lies per day and no one raises an eyebrow.

Really? How many threads have been made bashing Fox? How many posters get clubbed for linking to Fox? The face of NBC News has been caught lying about Iraq and Katrina. That's not worthy of a thread? Child please..
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Really? How many threads have been made bashing Fox? How many posters get clubbed for linking to Fox? The face of NBC News has been caught lying about Iraq and Katrina. That's not worthy of a thread? Child please..

I'm pretty sure he's not referring to ES justice.

The fabrication that goes on is unparalleled at Fox News. Brian Williams was supposed to be one of the good guys, and he was. It's a shame he went the route of shameless self promotion.

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I'm pretty sure he's not referring to ES justice.

The fabrication that goes on is unparalleled at Fox News. Brian Williams was supposed to be one of the good guys, and he was. It's a shame he went the route of shameless self promotion.

It's not network TV. And people attribute Fox to the same place as they attribute MSNBC

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