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All time low for this franchise?


Is this the all time low for this franchise?  

173 members have voted

  1. 1. All time low?

    • Yes. No question...
    • No. Shockingly we've had worst.....

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This is the lowest point, period because we know well and truly that there is no hope. Not until Snyder dies or sells the team. We traded 3 high picks for the Sean Taylor of quarterbacks - literally everything needed to succeed except a lack of pro-style experience, a factor many QBs have overcome to be successful, and he looks set to fail spectacularly. We fired Vinny who we assumed was the problem, but the combined Shanny/Vinny era is, excepting 2012, looking even worse than the Vinny era. We're drafting better but still pretty bad, The organizational structure looks better on paper but we've refused to fire people who have connections or personal ties in favor of better players. We still play players like Riley and Chester who we know suck.


The organization is broken and it's not going to get fixed with Snyder running it, because Snyder doesn't know how to build an organization or lead people. He's a used car salesman who got lucky, nothing more.

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I agree.  At least with the end of the Vinny era there was a sign of hope.  Now things are just cloudy.  I think most agree with what needs to be done.  Hire a real GM.  Someone who's committed to building a tough, physical football team with an identity and let him call the shots on personnel.  Right now the Skins are about plugging holes and hoping RGIII comes around and takes over.  


Sorry to break it to you but there's no such thing as a "real GM". Under Vinny, everybody was convinced that we just needed a GM and so we were elated to hand the reigns over to Allen. Now Allen's resume/results aren't enough and he's even being called Vinny 2.0. What's going to be the flaw with the next guy? Will it be somebody who has too much of an ego? Or somebody who can't manage a cap? Or somebody who goes to the other extreme and ignores FA? Every GM is going to have their flaws. I'm just convinced that its just not our time.


Maybe one day the parts will fall into place like they did when every team in the league passed on Tom Brady to let him go to NE pissed off at the world, or when half the league (including us) passed on Rodgers and let him to go GB to back up Brett. Maybe our time will come soon enough.


But I won't hold my breath. 

This is the lowest point, period because we know well and truly that there is no hope. Not until Snyder dies or sells the team. We traded 3 high picks for the Sean Taylor of quarterbacks - literally everything needed to succeed except a lack of pro-style experience, a factor many QBs have overcome to be successful, and he looks set to fail spectacularly. We fired Vinny who we assumed was the problem, but the combined Shanny/Vinny era is, excepting 2012, looking even worse than the Vinny era. We're drafting better but still pretty bad, The organizational structure looks better on paper but we've refused to fire people who have connections or personal ties in favor of better players. We still play players like Riley and Chester who we know suck.


The organization is broken and it's not going to get fixed with Snyder running it, because Snyder doesn't know how to build an organization or lead people. He's a used car salesman who got lucky, nothing more.


The problem isn't even Snyder any more than it was Abe Pollin with the Bullets. Sure Abe made some bad coaching / GM hires, but Abe didn't rig the lottery and the teams throughout the 90s so that we'd keep missing out on player after player after player. Then the guys we'd get would get injured. I mean whose fault is it in Cleveland or Jacksonville? They're just unlucky teams. And that's where we are.


Hopefully, if anything comes out of this, its that after 2 seasons of being not just bottom of the NFC East, but bottom of the league, we can finally commit and say OUR TEAM SUCKS and gut it and start over. We haven't really done that since Norv took over. 

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The person we hoped would be our franchise QB having serious struggles, drama every day in some leak, players about explode,etc. I know we've had bad times but this feels like maybe the worst. No hope and all drama.

I think you have fallen victim to "current events are the worst ever" syndrome.  Hopefully, you are not watching the news or paying attention to politics.  If you are, you may be toast.

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How soon we forget. This was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen a professional football team do. 


And you know... if the Giants didn't call time out I think swinging gate would work.  Because the long snapper is an eligible reciever on the play.


If the Giants don't call time out, you see the LS (can't tell if that's Yoder or Albright) waits and then releases but the Giants have someone covering him.


I garuntee you if the Giants don't call timeout dude is WIDE open.  But they called timeout and he is obviously covered... kick the FG, lol.

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We lost a game in 1993, in RFK, to the Bruce Coslet Jets.  


The score was 3-0.


It moved us to 3-10 for the year.


It was two years after we were the greatest team of all time.  I was in the building.


And that was all she wrote.


Enjoy the box score, if you dare.



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I'm pretty apathetic at this point. I frequent ES mainly just to talk to you guys lol.


I don't get upset at games. I watch and laugh mainly. Sometimes I yell when guys are just being stupid but mostly I'm calm. 


2009 really killed my fan hood. That was awful. 2012 nearly brought me back but that playoff game assured me that this team is just a cursed snakebite franchise like the Cards, Lions, etc.


I honestly have no hope they'll ever be good consistently but I'll keep watching


Ugh... that post almost makes me want to root for Arsenal if we're out of it.



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Losing to the Turds in their 1-15 campaign was gross.


I don't think Sunday was an all time low, but it's certainly on the list.  The overall level of stink in that game was as bad as any I can remember.  Most of the time, in these all time stinkers, I'm thinking we're gonna probably lose anyway.  I figured we'd at least be in the game on Sunday.  It was over in 3 plays.

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The possible implosion of our long-term, high-cost franchise QB "solution" and the mortgaged future it took to get him is bad ... really, really bad but it will pass one way or another.  Worst case it bumps the rebuilding process by 4 years  


Worst ... The Vinnie Cerrato run Redskins was far and away the worst ... Cerrato killed the roster and left it with a radioactive half-life that will take a decade or more to recover from.  He did the same thing at San Fran.  They climbed out of the hole eventually ... but it took some excellent leadership and new management to get it done.

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We lost a game in 1993, in RFK, to the Bruce Coslet Jets.  


The score was 3-0.


It moved us to 3-10 for the year.


It was two years after we were the greatest team of all time.  I was in the building.


And that was all she wrote.


Enjoy the box score, if you dare.




I was at that game. Several Redskins fans in our section where taunting Boomer Esiason after the game. One disgusting fatso was saying horrible things like he hopes Boomer's children die a slow and painful death, it was disgusting.  


Then three years later Boomer comes back with the Arizona Cardinals and drops 530 yards on the Ron Lynn defense. 


I love my team but damn we have some special fans. I guess that goes with the territory, the lousy product on the field produces a lousy product in the stands. 

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For people who feel this is an all time low don't remember 2003 and 2009. That was much worse. 2009 improved dramatically when Vinny was fired though.

This offseason we will have a new defensive coordinator and will know a bit more on the rg3 front as well.

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For anyone saying, "we've been see this garbage for 15+ years now," your frames of reference are completely off.  We are definitely at the 2nd-worst low in franchise history right now.


Most of the 90s and 2000s seemed horrible because we were comparing those teams to the Super Bowl teams of the 80s and early 90s, but go back and look at the actual records.  They rebuilt for a couple of seasons (93 and 94), but from 1995 to 2008 they were basically a middle-of-the-pack team (all 6- to 10-win seasons, with a couple of 5-win seasons); nothing special by any means, but the Redskins were a competitive NFL franchise. (I will give you the fact that the team basically gave the season away before they reached 6 wins in '98). The Redskins averaged 7.5 wins per season in that timeframe.


Since 2009 the team has found a new level of mediocrity.  2012 was a huge outlier-- the other 4 seasons have fallen in the 3-6 win range, and this season is heading that way.  Not counting this season, the Redskins have averaged 5.6 wins per season since 2009 (and that includes the division championship season).


This is definitely a new low.  They've gone from average to doormat, and there really isn't any hope in sight for this franchise. The only way you can argue this is not the ultimate low since you became a fan is if you remember cheering for the Redskins before Vince Lombardi was the coach.

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All of the Redskins gear at Dick's is 50% off and the racks are completely stocked. Tickets have been going for less than 10 bucks. We are on national TV more often than a lot of winning franchises for all the wrong reasons. This is right up there with the Zorn years but even worse because we actually thought we had a qb this time. I'm not sure if this the bottom, but it sure feels like it.

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I'm 40 years old. Been a diehard Redskins fan my entire life even though I've lived most of those years in Massachusetts after moving from Columbia, MD. Over the years I've seen it all, Super Bowl victories and the point we are at now.

There have been low points for this franchise and the fan base before (such as the many already discussed in this forum) but for this fan, my soul is being crushed by the current state of this franchise.

For years I have adopted a thick skin to this team's losing ways, clinging to memories of the glory years. But in 2012 I allowed myself to again have true hope again when the team gave up the farm to draft RG3. Then that hope was bolstered by a historic run to the playoffs, lead by "Mr. Hope" himself.

I am so angry that I allowed myself to let my guard down and buy in so deeply to the hype surrounding RG3. Angry and embarrassed. After last week's loss, I am at the realization that RG3 simply is not what I thought he was and probably never will be, at least not in a Redskins uniform.

I understand that RG3 plays only one position and there is plenty of blame to go around but after being so filled with hope to where we are now with reports of virtual mutiny from not just the locker room but from the coach as well (his second, as we are aware). There is so much suck and hopelessness right now, from the QB to the coach (who has completely mishandled the one objective behind winning, putting this QB in position to succeed. But that rant is for another post) to the D-coordinator, to the front office, to the owner. My fandom has never been so tested. Especially with being surrounded by so many smugly arrogant Patriot fans.

I don't really expect anyone to actually read this far and I don't have any solutions on how to fix things outside of waiting out Snyder's ownership or lifespan, whichever ends first. But for me, this is as bad as I can remember because of poor play, poor coachung but most importantly, crushed hope for the foreseeable future of this franchise.

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Remembered this thread and in light of last night and today's events, was curious as to how folks felt now.


Obviously other teams like the Raiders have done worse record-wise than us over the past 10 years and I don't follow any other team as closely as I do the Skins, but ...............


We sign Haynesworth to a $100 million deal and he's gone after 2 years, largely contributing to the salary cap fiasco (sure, the league screwed us, but still) of 2012-13


We use four high-round draft picks on a QB that is being benched after playing in four games (I'm not counting Jacksonville) this season and in all likelihood will not be a Redskin in 2015.


This team truly is in a class of its own.

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            When the thread was first started I voted that things have been worse but after the last few days I am not so sure anymore. It sure is feeling now like rock bottom. I don't even want to watch the games anymore and have developed a dislike for football in general lately due to the complete trash that the Redskins march out every week just turns me off to the whole NFL. Years and years of being the butt of every other football fans jokes are finally starting to take there toll. The only time I can wear any Redskins clothes is in the summertime because once the season starts it is to embarrassing.


              I am a Griffin fan but I do realize he played like crap this years and probably needed to be benched to evaluate the rest of the team. What I don't agree with is a head coach publicly embarrassing a player like Gruden has done over the past few weeks. That stuff should have been said in the locker room not the media room. I've never seen a head coach talk about a player the way Gruden has and I find it very unprofessional but I guess it is to be expected from the Washington Redskins.


             A big problem that I am going to have moving forward is that no matter who the sign, draft or hire there is no way of feeling like it will be a good choice. Who could they hire as a GM that we would believe would fix this team or run it like a regular NFL franchise. Someone older like Wolf or Parcells would be past there time and just looking for a final big payday. An assistant GM from a good franchise like the Steelers, Patriots or Packers I would think they wouldn't have the power to keep Dan and Bruce from meddling. They've tried every type of coach and nothing has worked. There gaffs at trades, draft picks and free agents are legendary so there is nothing there to give a fan comfort for the future. They will probably make Suh the highest paid player in the NFL this off season, for some reason that just seems like a Redskins move. I didn't think it was possible to feel lower than some years in the past but I think I have reached that point.          

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