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Welcome to the Redskins Lache Seastrunk (RB Baylor)


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The coaching staff also saw the 80 yard play, the explosion, and the general running ability.  That tells me something significant was lacking or going on behind the scenes that would keep them from even putting him on the PS.  Doesn't even mean he can't latch on somewhere else.  But for whatever reason he wasn't a good fit right here and right now for this staff.  Doesn't make it a failed pick either.  We had great competition in camp this year by all accounts and they were able to push each other.  And conversely, finding an unsigned free agent that beat out guys with NFL exp under their belts and one drafted by this year's crew does show pretty good "due diligence" by our front office and talent scouts.

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After a little analysis, ~50% of 7th round picks don't make the 53 man roster.

The patriots cut their 6th round pick this year.

In my world, you want:

1st round: blue chip player

Rounds 2-3: solid starter and contributor.

Round 4: solid contributor, backup, ST

round 5: ST contributor, good depth

Rounds 6: hopefully get somebody who can make the roster

Round 7: no expectations. anything you get is a bonus.

As for knowing/not knowing about personality problems, I'm sure they knew. Too close connections to Baylor not to.

But in the 6th round, you can afford to bring somebody in that has a huge upside, but some risks, and kick the tires, see if it works. If it doesn't, eh, whatever. If it does, great.

You can't do that in the earlier rounds, but you can in the 6th and 7th.

Agreed. Drafting players and putting them on the practice squad isn't exactly new and exclusive to just the Redskins. It's a common practice. Raiding other teams practice squads doesn't appear to be the most common thing either in the NFL,but I do imagine there's always just a bit of concern amongst coaches about that happening,(because it certainly is amongst fans). 


Lache is exactly what some have called him. A raw talent that needs work. That's not necessarily a bad thing as long as he doesn't get in his own way. Hope the young man does get a chance somewhere down the road if not with the Redskins. Going to leave this open for now for just that reason. 

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Just a thought...The PS is not only a place for current draft picks that don't make the 53.


In looking at the practice squad and draft picks, let's not forget that the PS may still be occupied by player(s) carried over from last years draft or the draft before that(I think we call them development projects).


With that perspective, it tells us the improvement of player(s) from a previous draft on the PS outweigh what we see from this years draft picks that were cut.  Those players carry a year of maturation and skill improvement, and may be seen as having higher ceilings.


It's not like we retired the same number of active players that we drafted, and they all better work out or we are screwed.


The pool size to fill a few vacancies is large.  The hope is to pick the ones you think will work out.  This is by its very nature guesswork.  And 32 teams every year go through this very thing, and have to make cuts from 90 to 53.  If you look at it only through the lens of draft picks not making the 53, then all 32 teams will be unhappy in perpetuity.


As far as LS, evidently the 31 other teams that didn't pick him before we did in the 6th either saw something or didn't see something we thought we did.  It happens.

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<<Rounds 6: hopefully get somebody who can make the roster

Round 7: no expectations. anything you get is a bonus.>>


With these descriptions, I'd draft OL every time in rds 6 & 7. 

Don't agree.


BPA makes more sense in 6 & 7 than just drafting O-line because O-line feels like a sound strategy in your world. Truth is, anyone drafted in those rounds is a real longshot. Best thing a GM can do for the team and the draft pick is select a position where the odds of them sticking are highest.


Last year it was safety (Rambo) and RB (Jamison).  These selections made some sense. Safety was a position if urgent need and "change-up" RB was high on Shanahan's wish-list.  This year it was Hocker and Bolser, two special teams additions for a unit undergoing a major facelift.


Again, the odds are very long for the late-rounders.  It only makes sense to give them a fighting chance by selecting from areas of greatest need. If that happens to be O-line, then so be it otherwise, ST's is the best chance.

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Does anybody here think that coach Gruden didn't keep the 53 players that he thinks will give us the best chance win? You get 90+ in camp to pick the best group. They see them in practice, in meetings, in other team activities and 4 preseason games and I'm sure it all gets considered in the decisions. Relax and buckle in for a long season. We are clearly not the most talented group out there, but we are also not the least. I think this group can win 8 games, maybe more if RGIII shines. HTTR!

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Man, quit whining!

For every missed pick, we find a Silas Redd. Now we have Nacho, a development nobody foresaw.

The later rounds are a crapshoot. Patriots miss all the time and keep rolling...you have to!

Didn't anybody learn ANYTHING under Vinny? Keeping picks out of pride or ego is stupid. You don't build consistent winners that way.

Cutting Royster, Thompson and PT shows us Gruden operates differently. Guys like Miller, Compton and Geathers have real chances.

If that doesn't signal change and give hope, man.

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I was definitely surprised that seastrunk did not make either the 53 man roster or the PS. I definitely think that there is more to the story....maybe poor work ethic, maybe some arrogance without the skill set to back it up...maybe he thought he should have been on the roster and not the PS......maybe his agent was asking for $$$$ that we were not going to pay. Whatever the case.....31 other teams took a pass on him.

He did impress me in the 2 preseason games that I had the opportunity to watch.....but have to trust that the new regime knows what they are doing wrt who they kept and who they released.

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Here's what I Ponder like many others.... I wonder if Seastrunk came in and felt "a little too comfortable" on the team, perhaps partially due to the RG3 connection.  This just ties in to the possibility based on that scouting report/hearsay that he rubs people the wrong way or brings "slight" chemistry issues, nothing severe, but just things that make him a little toxic to keep around as a 3rd/PS running back.


Just like all the other hindsight nonsense, this was something I thought would be interesting IF it occurred, Seastrunk not being part of the team at all despite the "RG3 draft suggestion."  It's another corollary to RG3's pull and power (or lack thereof) with the team. I guess we see here that for better or worse (probably better but its Grudes first year so who knows) Jay is in charge.


  In one way, I'm glad that Coach gruden went with the guys he thought were better between Lache Redd and Thompson, but this is also one of the first (albeit small) tests of Gruden's choices as HC that we will be able to see in hindsight if he's smart or outsmarting himself.  

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I don't see the need to read too much into the dropping Seastrunk.  I have a feeling that's it's probably very simple and came down to Redd being the better all-round player.  If we include that facts that Redd started every game ahead of Seastrunk and Seatrunk failed to even make the PS and I'm left with the feeling that it wasn't even close.


I think Seastrunks speed clouded some judgement here on ES.  It's important to remember that there's a lot more to playing RB than just toting the rock.  Understanding the playbook. Understanding the blocking.  Running the play as designed. Pass-catching. Pass-protection.  I think the simple truth here is that Seastrunk struggled with many of the finer points through TC and the coaches could see the light just wasn't coming on for him.  By the time they tee'd it up for preseason, he was sadly lacking in the multi-tasking skills needed to transition to the next level.


Dim bulb. End of story.

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I have a theory on seastrunk, surprised it wasn't mentioned sooner. 


He was out of shape.


It certainly looked like it watching him suck wind on his runs. We have all watched a ton of preseason backs dominating. Yet I can never remember one being so gassed, especially one in the scat back category, vs say a lumbering back. 


He still clearly was not in shape by the end of preseason, so how much longer should Gruden wait? It may have been about more than just pass protection. We knew he was not good in pass pro when we drafted him.  

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People on this board always giving the Redskins personnel decision makers benefit of the doubt of our 3-13 TEAM. Yeah just 3 wins! Worse than the Raiders.

This crew makes just as many bad mistakes as anyone obviously.

My short term view is Seastrunk should have at least made the practice squad.

My long term view of it all is he was yet another wasted draft choice. Their problems and reasoning why not retaining him were also issues he had in college so why draft him if you are not willing to coach him up, knowing his flaws?

Gotta be more to it. We are a 3-13 team that lacks playmakers and we are letting a guy go cause he cant pass block? Well why is Leichtenstieger, Chester, Polumbus still faithfully on he team? Half the rbs in the league cant pass block or pick up schemes.

I have a theory on seastrunk, surprised it wasn't mentioned sooner.

He was out of shape.

It certainly looked like it watching him suck wind on his runs. We have all watched a ton of preseason backs dominating. Yet I can never remember one being so gassed, especially one in the scat back category, vs say a lumbering back.

He still clearly was not in shape by the end of preseason, so how much longer should Gruden wait? It may have been about more than just pass protection. We knew he was not good in pass pro when we drafted him.

Saw the same thing. He definitely was out of shape compared to Redd and the rest of the bunch. Potential, however so he sounded like perfect PS material to practice his flaws, etc. Oh well!

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I'm glad that we (myself included) are not NFL GMs, head coaches, etc.


I thought, just on game tape that this guys deserved a shot.  What I forgot is that coaches have that game tape x 30 with practices.


Good luck Lache!  I hope you get another shot with someone.

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"Truth is, anyone drafted in those rounds is a real longshot."  Exactly, and what is the unit that has consistently stunk for the last 5-6 years?  Offensive line.  If you're going to draft real longshots, at least draft them where you need them the most and where guys actually can take some time to develop.

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Girls,Girls Stop the bickering Let's just sum this up ...Everyone knows that college talent doesn't always transition into a good NFL player The game is faster and players need better on field tools pass blocking,, explosive technique.route running, reading defenses, pass targeting....there have been plenty 1st rounder that failed to stay in the NFL and couldn't perform due to the speed and overcome the talent..Every draft choice has a chance to transition to a NFL roster ...REMEMBER THEY ARE PICKS..NOT ALL PICKS BECOME PLAYERS...Now move on :)


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People on this board always giving the Redskins personnel decision makers benefit of the doubt of our 3-13 TEAM. Yeah just 3 wins! Worse than the Raiders.


We are a 3-13 team that lacks playmakers and we are letting a guy go cause he cant pass block?

You do realize this is a completely new coaching staff, right?  That 3-13 season is done and over with. The roster and coaching staff has damn near a completely new look.  And as of right now, today, we are 0-0.  How about we let the new coaching staff do what they do and see how it pans out before passing judgement?  


And I'm sorry, but that last comment is just completely out there, man. LOL.  Seriously? We lack playmakers?

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Seastrunk is NOT good man you guys continue to salivate over a guy who had an 80 yard catch for a TD vs 3rd stringers and a good preseason game against the pats 3rd stringers.


John Keim wasn't really impressed with him in camp and in practice, said he was very raw though his speed was super intriguing.




On another note, yes it's frustrating that we don't hit on all draft picks but this draft actually looks pretty good and this is without a 1st round pick. Morgan Moses, Breeland, Trent Murphy and Bolser look like guys who will have futures with the team.


Morgan Moses at RT, Breeland replacing Hall, Trent as a situational pass rusher, Bolser as Niles Paul replacement on teams and 3rd TE in the future. 


This team is a playoff team if RGIII plays well. 

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