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Does anybody else read Robert Griffin III's Facebook posts? (M.E.T.)


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I'm not on Twitter. But I see Robert posting on Facebook every once in a while. I've grown to respect and even like Robert.

A lot of people have already formed their own personal opinion about him and that's okay. But as far as me and my opinion of him, the kid grew on me.

At first I didn't know what to make of him, with all of the commercials and the "he said, she said" so called drama behind the scenes last season.

Now I don't know him on a personal level, but from what he posts and how he carries himself I think he is a down to earth guy.

Let's put things into perspective. He's a young man in which an NFL franchise bet the house on him. He comes into the league and the whole world loves him.

Then next seadon, all hell breaks loose. Nobody is perfect, but I respect how this young man didn't mentally fall apart! The next step is to rebound and I know he will, but I like his attitude and will continue to root for him AND the franchize! Win or loose! Hail!

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Yes.... And as someone who gets labeled an RG3 "hater" I can tell you I have zero problem with the majority of his social media postings. He posts pics of himself as a kid, with his family, etc and all of that is totally cool with me. I am not one of those people that thinks he needs to "get off social media."

I just would advise him to stick to the light and fluffy stuff and not post anything Redskins related or even about his off season regimen, etc.

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The only time most read it is when the media finds something and twists its meaning to suit an agenda/create site hits. The Post specifically is a garbage rag that is on borrowed time due to many fans cancelling them over such antics.


RG3 is our QB, he is a good guy and it comes across when he speaks and posts. The nonsense pushed as the season ended was disgusting, and the Post of course was a big one in that, hence again why so many are disgusted with them now.

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No. I really don't care for Facebook. But I am just an old curmudgeon. Having said that, I totally get him using Facebook and being on it. It is part of today's society and when used right it can be a great way to be in contact with friends and family from a long distance.


Unfortunately, since it's so public, people get on there looking for stuff to trash other people with, especially high profile athletes and celebrities. They take innocent statements and try to twist them into something newsworthy so they can make a few pennies. It's really garbage dredging in the worst way.


In summary, while I don't use the media, I understand why he does. He just needs to be very careful what he posts.


I remember an old saying: There is nothing so small that it can't be blown completely out of proportion!

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Yes I read everything RG3 posts. I'm on Twitter and Facebook. All of his tweets get redirected to his Facebook page as well. I recently started a thread on him staying out of the limelight. I just want everyone to know when I say "limelight", I mean posting stuff online that could affect relationships in the Redskins locker room. I am totally fine with the stuff he's been putting online as most people his age do that as well. He actually puts respectful pictures and usually quotes online.


I'm proud to say that he's our future franchise QB.

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Yes.... And as someone who gets labeled an RG3 "hater" I can tell you I have zero problem with the majority of his social media postings. He posts pics of himself as a kid, with his family, etc and all of that is totally cool with me. I am not one of those people that thinks he needs to "get off social media."

I just would advise him to stick to the light and fluffy stuff and not post anything Redskins related or even about his off season regimen, etc.





I have no problem with RG3 being on Facebook or Twitter or whatever. As long as he sticks to personal things.


If he wants to talk about family or the weather or who will win what at the Oscars, then fine. Guys (and gals) his age just live on social media.


What I don't want him doing is giving frequent updates on what it is like working with Coach Gruden and his offense, or saying what free agents he feels the Redskins should go after, or what he thinks of the Redskins' draft strategy.


That should stay behind closed doors at Redskin park. It only leads to unnecessary trouble otherwise.


So if RG3 wants to talk about March Madness or the upcoming "Godzilla" movie on social media, more power to him. Just keep the Redskins in-house things, in-house.

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1. Hey Red, RG3 is what, 5 or 6 years younger than you, so calling him kid, is well, wrong.


2. Do needs to be Does in your post.



Dead Red...fix the damn title so it doesn't look like a bunch of damn illiterates hang out here...tic toc...




and you're new...slow down on starting new threads...just because... :)


3. Dude, this guy is like important or something here, dude. He takes out more people in a week than Tony Soprano ever did, so chill, and listen...... :mellow:

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Meh, a lot of people are getting off facebook, and analysts have already said Facebook will die just as rapidly as it grew, just like MySpace and all the others.  People are beginning to see all the cons of being on it vs the few pros and Robert probably will too.  Facebook knows this and thats why they are trying to produce other things under the Facebook brand (they were going to make a phone at one point) because they know the site alone won't last.

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RED, I like you man.  I love your optimism, we can use that around here.


I like Griffin.  The fact that he's positive (nearly all the time) and shares some cool quotes and private stuff on Facebook and Twitter is fine with me.  I have always liked that he was vocal.  Seems like a good dude, the kind of guy you could hang out with.


I too am proud he's our guy.  I hope his knees are good for 15 years and he breaks all of Peyton's records and wins enough SBs that the Skins have 7 rings (1 more than the Steelers, and more than anyone else).



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Meh, a lot of people are getting off facebook, and analysts have already said Facebook will die just as rapidly as it grew, just like MySpace and all the others.  People are beginning to see all the cons of being on it vs the few pros and Robert probably will too.  Facebook knows this and thats why they are trying to produce other things under the Facebook brand (they were going to make a phone at one point) because they know the site alone won't last.

Not to turn this thread into the Wall Street journal but Facebook just posted a 75% year on year growth with 3rd quarter earnings of $2.6bn Their share price rose 12% and they are now capitalized at just under $60bn. Full year revenue is getting close to $8bn.

They are doing something right ...

They will spin things off from the main website though - mobile and Apps are were they see future growth.

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I truly believe that Facebook and Twitter are for the most part outlets for self obsession. Robert is just another young person that will have to go through the social media phase until he realizes there is absolutely nothing to gain from the perspective of his own self worth. What matters in life is the 1% of friends and family you encounter in a tangible sense, not the 99% of internet "friends".  The truth is only the 1% knows what kind or quality of person he is. I care about the QB that he is, and that he stays out of trouble and that's it.  I realize social media is here to stay but there is way too much of real life wasted on people selling themselves or their views to others who at the end of the day don't really care about any of it.

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I am proud of my wife.  When Target put their NFL gear on clearance, she went out and purchased a RGIII shirt to wear with me to one of their practices this year.  She's a Texans fan but she loves RGIII.  Redskins would be her 2nd team.


She hates how people ride you when your a money making machine but dog on you if you don't play well regardless of the circumstances.  It's not about your values but your value.  The Tebow-effect.

I care about the QB that he is, and that he stays out of trouble and that's it. 



RgIII will tell you he is a product of great parents first and foremost.  A QB second. He would risk everything if it meant for the good of his own family.  Being a QB is just a job, its not your life.  The media will always attack him for the good guy he is.  Media will always push him to say something critical and extreme, albeit good or bad.  So in a sense, he will always be shed in the bad light of tv media until he wins and plays well on a weekly basis, but that alone is not the be all end all to RGIII.  


I on the other hand love him for the great guy he is.  Secondly, I love him for his dedication and hard work at the QB position.  Not to sound too much like Shanny here but you can find good players all day long.  But what a team needs is good players that are also high character guys and thats exactly what RGIII is.

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I truly believe that Facebook and Twitter are for the most part outlets for self obsession. Robert is just another young person that will have to go through the social media phase until he realizes there is absolutely nothing to gain from the perspective of his own self worth. What matters in life is the 1% of friends and family you encounter in a tangible sense, not the 99% of internet "friends". The truth is only the 1% knows what kind or quality of person he is. I care about the QB that he is, and that he stays out of trouble and that's it. I realize social media is here to stay but there is way too much of real life wasted on people selling themselves or their views to others who at the end of the day don't really care about any of it.

FB is 75% narcissism and 25% legitimate communication/networking/sharing.

The only reason to post a photo of yourself at the beach or a game or a concert is to basically "wow, look at how awesome my life is." I am 100% guilty of this, so I'm not throwing stones here. I posted a pic of myself at the Denver game this year--- anyone that "needed" to know where I was that day already knew--- the post is purely an exercising in self congratulation. I personally try to keep it light and self depreciating, but I'm certain guilty as charged there.

I don't have a problem with social media itself at all--- just think people need to be honest with themselves about it.

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FB is 75% narcissism and 25% legitimate communication/networking/sharing.

The only reason to post a photo of yourself at the beach or a game or a concert is to basically "wow, look at how awesome my life is." I am 100% guilty of this, so I'm not throwing stones here. I posted a pic of myself at the Denver game this year--- anyone that "needed" to know where I was that day already knew--- the post is purely an exercising in self congratulation. I personally try to keep it light and self depreciating, but I'm certain guilty as charged there.

I don't have a problem with social media itself at all--- just think people need to be honest with themselves about it.

I think that's true of Facebook (guilty as charged here) but not Twitter so much. I have some really good conversations on Twitter and get information instantly on things I'm interested in.

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I don't have a facebook account.

I use twitter as a platform to upload pics for thread posts.

I think social media actually makes people less social and removes people further from meaningful personal interactions.

I am philosophically opposed.



But I have no problem with Griffin or anyone else that uses it.

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I use facebook to post and look at funny pictures and memes, throw a couple of Bible Scriptures on there, some songs, and inspirational posts, and to keep in touch with my peeps that aren't in the area anymore. 90% of the time I go on there is when I am at work (same goes for ES too).


I have no problem with RG3 posting on Facebook... However, he just needs to stop running to social media to complain about the media and whatnot. He needs to take those hits in silence. Is it fair? Nope, but that is what he needs to do.

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