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Does anybody else read Robert Griffin III's Facebook posts? (M.E.T.)


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Here's another general tip (for anyone) for better posting and to protect your posting privileges: don't start a thread and then leave it "unattended" for a day or more before you reply to anyone who posts in it. In most cases, this is considered poor forum etiquette and can result in more significant issues (like missing a moderator's comments in your thread, resulting in a restriction).


When you start a thread you're usually considered somewhat "responsible" to participate in it, and at minimum reply to some of the responses you gathered before a day or two goes by. Obviously, there can be the "my cat caught fire" or "my boss caught me on ES and I was blocked the rest of the day" excuse, but you get the drift (and we never believe those stories anyway). 

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Ouch! Sorry, I have been reading everyone's comments but could not reply because of working over time, trying to go on vacagion this summer, lol!

Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Also, I am known to butcher the English language.

Back on topic, RG3 posts things not even related to football, he posts every day life stuff, and seems very down to earth. He doesn't post the "Hey everybody, look at me", kind of stuff.

It's nice to know there is more to life than Washington football! I like him for that! Let's be real here. Everybody is disappointed at last season and so many questions remain. Is he the same qb who helped us win the division? Can we ride his arm and legs to victory?

If RG3 takes us to the playoffs next year, all of the negativity towards him will "magically" disappear.

As for me, win or lose, I'm riding with him because he really seems legit! I hope he takes us to the playoffs next year. This is my opinion of RG3.

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I don't have a facebook account.

I use twitter as a platform to upload pics for thread posts.

I think social media actually makes people less social and removes people further from meaningful personal interactions.

I am philosophically opposed.

But I have no problem with Griffin or anyone else that uses it.

There was a great "Good and Bad" story about Facebook at CNN yesterday. The funniest part was when they were talking about going to hs reunions and there not being anything to talk about because everyone already knew everything you had been up to haha
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I have no interest in the topic but for some reason I keep checking back every couple of hours to see if he did what he was told and fixed the title and if Jumbo has reminded him again. I have to get a life!! 



And if you don't fix your title soon, sorry won't cover it, just a friendly hint.




Ya know (prepare for mini-whine about choices I willingly make as an adult  :P) , most people really have no idea how much we try on our end, especially being under exactly zero obligation to do such... :mellow:



RED....ya seem ok....haven't even run ya to see if you're a dupe acct. and don't plan to...yet. :lol: 



But ya gotta get it together. I'll give ya to the end of today. Then if remains undone I will edit the title (for noobs, if you see "M.E.T." in a title it means Mod Edited Title) and you'll get a week off and you have a ding on your account.


If you don't know how to edit your title, you shouldn't have started a thread (pay attention other noobs). If that's the case, PM me and let me know.


I'm doing this here in the thread as I sometimes do, instead of a PM, to spread a little needed learning among the newer crowd and for those who may have been around awhile but are dedicated to remaining obtuse regarding forum rules and guidelines.  :ph34r:

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Honestly I do not read anyone's post on facebook from the team. I do not hate him and never have. I do not believe all the rgme stuff that the media reported during the late 2013 season.


I hope RG3 remembers this in 2014 and goes all belicheck with the media. IF there is one thing I want Robert to learn to paraphrase  the green goblin "the only thing people love more than hero is to see a hero fail and die trying to suceed.

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