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Report: Robert Griffin III wants to play in pro-style offense, not read option

The Trashman

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Do people really think read option is a whole offense unto itself?  If the read option is an offense, then so it the zone stretch.


Also, whether RG3 likes it or not, and no matter where he plays in the NFL, he will run read option plays.  It needs to be a minimal part of game planning, but the threat needs to be there.  He needs to learn how to protect himself during these plays and the team will be successful at running them.

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In today's N.F.L. you better have a diverse or hybrid type offense if you have an athletic quarterback like Griffin. Griffin is the type of quarterback that gives you the luxury to run such an offense and that can't be said for a lot of teams, nor should it be ignored because he wants to run a "pro style offense". If he truly said this about wanting to run a pro type offense, he needs to keep quiet and trust the coaches. He's got to get off the "I Want to be like Peyton Manning & Tom Brady" kick and allow the coaches to put in an offense that caters to his strengths. Griffin's "pro style offense" is the offense that Gruden is going to run and I'm confident it's going to be an offense that puts him in the best position to succeed.  

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I'm pretty sure WaPo and the rest of the media has one of those programs schools use to check for plaigarism and they used it check every sentence of the Gruden press conference against every statement ever made by RG3 until they found a contradiction. Tomorrow Gruden will be photographed with boxers showing and the story will be that RG3 once told his sophomore roommate's dog that he wears brief. Controversy 2014

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Why is this a surprise or shock? Griffin's dislike for the read option was reported on earlier in the season, which I thought was real odd considering his success has been due to the read option. Take away the read option and he's going to struggle.


The offense was completely stagnant this year most of the time we relied on the RO. When we didn't constantly use it as a crutch of the offense like the Vikings game and early in the Giants game, we saw Griffin was very effective. 

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What I am tired of is these $%^%$^%^ reports. THE SEASON IS OVER. This stuff shouldn't even come up until they start installing next year's offense. I want to hear about and discuss our new coaching staff. I want to knwo about any moves we might make in free agency or in the draft. I want to hear about how players are recovering from injuries and a little about how players are spending their time in the offseason. I am tired of controversy. Can you please STOP IT sports media? Jeez...

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Not sure if RG would have the accuracy for a pro-style offense. If he does, Gruden could possibly do well with RG but if it is a read style offense, I think it will be a gamble. I think the Defense will be 32nd in the league with Gruden as coach and not getting rid of Haslett. DUMB move. 


          Offense does better than the defense and the front office fires the offense. And Who thinks the 'skins are on the right track? ugh  :unsure:


Thing is, do we really think Gruden is a better offensive playcaller than Kyle?  I don't.  If our defense doesn't progress at all and our overall offense regresses?  Could be in for a long season.

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I'm not sure he'd be wildly successful in a "pro style" offense. Reading defenses, throwing guys open, making throws into tight windows, anticipation, pocket awareness while keeping your eyes downfield, etc, has not exactly been Griffin's strong suit. It may just be that he's underdeveloped in these areas, but he sure didn't look like a Drew Brees/Romo sits to pee type last year.

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He's not a fan of the RO as an exclusive system because he HAS ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD THAT GREAT QB'S MAKE THEIR BONES THROWING THE FOOTBALL. Sheesh...he's an intellectual with a higher football IQ than many on this board would suffer to ever give him credit for. For one thing.

For another...it only takes anyone to take off their RGIII hate colored glasses, watch some actual football, & in short time you will realize that whenever we ran a Spread concept or one akin to what Brady, Rodgers, Manning, & even Luck run with up-tempo, multiple WR's, & the ability to make audibles at the line...we were hugely successful. And I'm not talking "garbage time." Even in games where we had very little to hang our hat on, you can undoubtedly point to one or 2 drives EARLY in the game where we ran these concepts & either scored, or drove right down the field into scoring position.

That's actually 1 area I take solace in with this hire. If the concepts J-Gru employs remain the same (which I suspect goes without saying) then Robert should get thrown right into the fire with the kid gloves taken off & all the world watching.

My biggest concern with this style of offense from what I've watched over the last few years is that I'm not sure we even remotely possess the talent required on the O-line to throw the ball that often without a majority of the plays being of the short/quick variety. What's more is that I think we really need another weapon to further make the offense click the way it's intended.

I'm of no doubt that RGIII can run the type of offense he wishes. I'm actually pretty string in the opinion that while the RO stuff was an exciting & highly successful way to transition Robert into the NFL. ..perhaps it would have been prudent to toss him in the deep-end right away, in much the same way INDY did with Luck.

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The RO isn't "an offense" it is just a play (several plays) in a playbook that can be a part of any offense.


Look at what the 49ers do with Kaepernick.  That isn't a "read option offense" but they run the read option at times. Same with Philly, and Seattle etc etc etc....


These articles are just absolute bunk.


What the 'Skins need is an O-line like SF's or Seattle's that afford their young QB time to sit back in the pocket and make reads, give the WRs chances to make double moves and stretch out a defense.  That is a huge difference.  If look at Kaepernick, he is still largely a "1st read throw" QB, even when he has time to throw the ball, and is looking off the safety, most of this throws still end up going back to the 1st read on the play, it's just whether or not it happens on the initial route.  It doesn't hurt having Crabtree and Vernon Davis who seem to get behind defenses every single play that they are given time to work with.

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If I am Gruden, I will watch film of his first and second year.   I will also consider he was wearing a knee brace this year.Then I will meet with my coaching staff and decide which plays might be best for him to run in 2014.  Then I will get RGIIIto camp as quickly as possible to see him in person throw the ball and read defenses on the ball field.  They have plenty of time to put a game plan together.  As head coach, I would also make sure I utilize Morris effectively in the run game and decide which back will be my third down back too.  Gruden will be very busy from now until September and hewill have his share of critics just like Joe Gibbs did when he started out 0-5.   Gruden needs to just damn the torpedos and

go full speed ahead.  Just like he told the media he is moving forward and not looking in the rear view mirror of the past few years.  The more drama he can avoid and the more "football" work he can do the better off this team will be in 2014.

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Good I want him to ditch the read option too.

He will have to learn how to play the position though

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I think RG3 already knows how to play the QB position.... 


I think the last time he played WR was in highschool or maybe pop warner

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