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McDonalds Just Got Stuck With 10 Million Pounds of Left Over Wings - Gawker

Mad Mike

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McDonalds Just Got Stuck With 10 Million Pounds of Left Over Wings




Experts cautioned that the high price point, coupled with the difficulty of eating the wings as compared with chicken nuggets, could discourage customers. But as it turns out, McDonalds had to charge so much because their massive chicken order actually drove up the price of the wings.

"They underestimated their own impact on wings' costs," Wedbush Securities analyst Nick Setyan told USA Today. "Now they have got all this extra supply they don't know what to do with and they are going to try to force it down franchisees' throats again."

McDonalds CEO Don Thompson admitted they made a mistake on the wings, telling investors that the wings were probably too spicy for customers and the $1 per wing price was “not the most competitive."


I once joked that the CEO of McDonalds toughest decision was wether or not to run the Mc Rib special again. Turns out he can't even get that right. And lets remember that not only is Don Thompson one of the 100 highest paid CEOs, McDonalds has the distinction of the highest CEO to worker pay gap. Glad he's earning his money.


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Semi-Off topic, but if you love great wings and are ever in Daytona Beach, skip the Wing House and Hooters and go to Houligans. They make some of the best wings in the country. No lie, they are practically famous in Buffalo. People have ordered them and had them shipped to California. They are that good.

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Underestimated demand? 



Some McDonald’s franchisees are in a flap over a chicken wings promotion that flopped.


McDonald’s, which has been struggling to attract customers amid a sluggish economy and has suffered from some operational missteps, purchased approximately 50 million pounds of chicken wings for a limited-time promotion in the fall, according to a person familiar with the matter.


Approximately 20% of that inventory remains, because the chain was unable to sell enough, this person says. Now the company is planning to offer another promotion in order to sell the wings, which are in frozen storage.



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I'll have to check, but I know frozen fries are good, as long as kept frozen, for like a year. 


Food banks & shelters need donations desperately this time of year.  I'm hopeful that they'll donate it, but not encouraged by their business ethic.  Their own workers are in need of food & shelter.

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Talked about it before on here, my dad worked for McDonald's forever. Well before i was born. Maybe 35 years. Actually used to help run the McDonald's at Gitmo. This was back in the 80's and 90's. A few times a year he would fly down to Cuba to visiit the McDonald's there. So yeah, I always like that story. Anyway, he just quit/retired about a month back. More to do with issues with the ownership group he was working for (plus he had a couple of heart attacks over the summer that kind of changed his view on life) rather than the corporation itself. That said, McDonald's has some MAJOR issues right now. Growing up I always heard about how Wendy's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc were failing and ****ing up. McDonald's always seemed to be above it all though. Not anymore. For about the last year and half or so it's just story after story about how McDonald's is ****ing up and having major problems. I guess this is just the latest. Curious to see where this all ends up.


BTW, my first job was at McDonalds. I think I was 14. worked there three weeks, got my first paycheck and that was the end of that. What a ****ty job. I don't know how my father did it for so long. Used to absolutely KILL ME in school when some teacher or some guidance counselor would say "Now you all don't want to work at McDonald's for the rest of your life do you?" Tough hearing that at 7. Used to piss me off so much.

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Too small anyway. I like the large ones loaded with so much msg your head might explode.

The Mighty Wings are decent sized. I tell people all the time and I get a look like "yeah right, they're fast food". Don't like the spicyness though. But that's because they give me heartburn. I would eat them more often, but they are too expensive.
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They are good but not as good as the ones they served about 20 years ago in DC. And they are indeed not at the right price point.


I prefer the hot wings at KFC (only thing I eat there besides potato wedges). Better and cheaper although smaller.


I am curious where everyone is getting these jumbo wings from that are bigger than Mickey D's though...I agree with Bubble about the wing size. I like spicy so that part is not an issue.

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