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ESPN.com- Dan Graziano: Owner-QB link disillusioned coach


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Funny thing is, I remember being at the last Chiefs game here.  as I'm sure others can attest, the crowd was completely dead, it was a lifeless game and it was the straw that broke the camel's back.  This time around....the same thing.  Same as it ever was with this god damn team.

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lol at everyone being pissed off at Snyder. Snyder has allowed Shanahan to keep his son here, hasn't forced anyone to fire Haslett, gave Shanahan practically anything he wanted to come here, gave him full control of the team and has stayed in the background even though we've sucked for 3 out of the 4 years he's been here.

Blame Snyder all you want but we have an owner willing to do anything to win. He will spend any amount of money it takes to make his team competitive. And for all the "we've sucked ever since he bought the team" dribble....guess what, we've sucked since 1993. He didn't even have complete control of the team until 00'.


It isn't the sucking, it is the horrid dysfuntion and joke of this org.


And that all starts with the owner 

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If this came from UnWise Mike, we all would have shrugged it off immediately. The fact that Graziano and Schefter are involved is giving this some legs.

The central issue here doesn't change, though. That issue being the fact that much of this just doesn't make any logical sense. The whole cleaning out of the office stuff........

Is Snyder showing favoritism towards the franchise QB? The guy who will be the centerpiece of the Redskins both on and off the field for the next decade..... Of course he is! Why the hell wouldn't he? What owner DOESN'T favor the franchise QB? You think Tom Brady gets the same treatment as Shane Vereen?? COME ON!! Its a fact of life in the NFL! Did Snyder override his GM or HC based on the wishes of his QB? No report out there is saying that! Is Snyder demanding that RGIII run less and affecting the playcalling? clearly not. SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM??

If true, Shanny just looks like a baby. That is all.

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This brought me back.  I was taking a hiatus.  Oh well.


Snyder is the victim here.  Sure, he is inappropriate with players.  He is too involved.  He may have been doing that SOS behind the scenes again.  But mike has thrown him under the bus.  What we have now is a disaster worse than when Gibbs left.  we won't get any marquis names to coach, we are stuck with Zorn-types.  We'll have no staff for the off-season, so much for all that cap room.  Who'll want to play here now?  Snyder was just made Shanahan's ****.


It is equally possible that shanahan wanted an exit, and this was the best way to **** Snyder.  Whether or not the owner was truly doing the things alleged (he probably was).  It's petty, and a sign of a small man to do this, run to the press instead of dealing with the owner directly.

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Dan Snyder needs to elevate Bruce Allen to "team President"


Have Bruce hire a real GM. The next Bobby Bethard and let that guy find a coach


Dan should then go hang out with John Kent Cooke in Bermuda, send checks when asked and stay as far away from Ashburn/Fedex Field as possible 


The "True" GM route is his last option. He's done everything else. Just don't know who is coming here. I'm all out of ideas.

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It isn't the sucking, it is the horrid dysfuntion and joke of this org.


And that all starts with the owner

Because he showed favoritism towards Griffin? Irsay does the same crap with Luck.

He brought in a GM, he paid the coach handsomely and has stayed out of the limelight. Shanahan has been a disaster and he's covering his ass. He's the coach I wanted here but it's not working out. Blaming Snyder is just to easy and it reeks of desperation from the Shanny camp. I mean look how many people will believe this story because of Snyders past...it's just too obvious in my opinion.

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I honestly don't know where we go from here. I really don't.


It's just one big B&G comedy show that finds new (or even old) ways to embarrass the living piss out of us. We FINALLY get a top echelon, franchise QB talent for the first time in 38 years since SonnyJ hung it up, and then the blundering owner returns to ways of old and undermines the whole HC/ QB relationship. 


How ANYONE can say we are NOT the single worst organisation/ JOKE in the NFL is beyond me. Just HOW much more self inflicted proof do y'all need?




I've been very happy with how far Dan has come as an owner... but this is on him.


He needs to call Ronnie Mervis and discuss selling the team.


I think he can do all he can do.  If he can't keep his hands to himself then he needs to sell the team.  If he is truly a fan, he has to.


And I don't think I've ever said that on this board.  I've been a pro-Danny guy.

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IF Shanahan is behind the story, he HAS to go right? Like today? Surely, regardless of the bigger picture which is bad and worrying in itself. 


I'm still inclined to believe Keim that it didn't emanate from Shanahan, but if it IS sourced from him, he has to be canned. How is his positional tenable after that?



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Shawn Springs (who played in NE) now saying Tom Brady and Kraft didn't have the same relationship he saw between Portis and Snyder



Yep... I am watching it now.


Trevor Mattich also just said that this kind of relationship "crushes" the product on the field.


I had this sinking feeling that we were headed here right when this kid grabbed the Mike and was insubordinate during camp.


This is so exhausting.  I thought were were done with this.

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It's pure damage control. Shanahan knows that he has more NFL street cred than Danny. So he can spew this **** and come out looking like th victim. I want him fired after the game. **** it, before the game. Fire him at kickoff. Let him, his "legacy" and his shot at Canton, let it burn.

I have a feeling that our 7game run last year was like our 5 game run in 2001 - the coach quit on the players and the players set out to prove him wrong.

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Just so I am clear on what is being reported.

RGIII, the face of the redskins and of the nfl last year, was getting special treatment from the owner and the head coach had a problem with that and cleaned out his office PRIOR to a playoff game against Seattle.

This same team and coach had just won 7 in a row, won the nfc east, were up 14-0 on Seattle thus showing they had a great game plan and expected to win and be going to Atlanta the next week.

But yea, the coach was so angry he was going quit.

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This team manages to find a franchise QB in which everyone was hoping fixes Washington's issues and we still continue to run this franchise like a joke.  Everyone in the FO, Coaches, Snyder......it's a big circus in Washington.  We are one of the most embarrassing organizations in the NFL if not the most.

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Seems consensus believe Shanahan leaked his own info.


Playing devils,


let's say Mike knows he is getting fired about 4pm today.  Why not wait and tell all afterwards? 


Does it not look bad to leak out, the ball coach quit on his team before a playoff game in year 3 of a rebuild?  A year that he could actually have added to his somewhat bleak resume since getting his ring.


Something smells fishy but if he wanted to quit before the playoffs last year, why did he come back?

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Shawn Springs (who played in NE) now saying Tom Brady and Kraft didn't have the same relationship he saw between Portis and Snyder



Brady has been on record numerous times (as has Mr. Personality, aka Bellichik himself) that he is nothing more than a piece to the puzzle. I'm sure he and Kraft are close, but there are boundaries there that don't get crossed. The Pats don't **** around with stuff like that. They probably sacrificed a couple SB's by getting rid of guys at the drop of a hat.

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IF Shanahan is behind the story, he HAS to go right? Like today? Surely, regardless of the bigger picture which is bad and worrying in itself. 


I'm still inclined to believe Keim that it didn't emanate from Shanahan, but if it IS sourced from him, he has to be canned. How is his positional tenable after that?




Yes, I think that's the point of why he did it.  If he's fired he gets all of his money and he gains sympathy.


The post game presser will be gold.

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Seems consensus believe Shanahan leaked his own info.


Playing devils,


let's say Mike knows he is getting fired about 4pm today.  Why not wait and tell all afterwards? 



Get out in front of all of this and get people on your side when it comes time to face the music. Everybody hates Snyder, so it won't be too hard, especially with these fresh rumors yet again finding their way into the spotlight.


It's a ****ty thing to do, but I think thats part of his flightplan.

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I'm just waiting for the Shanahan camp to leak that they wanted Cousins to start the season but couldn't because Snyder. That basicslly in their minds absolves them of the entire season of failure and on to their next job. Take responsibility, coach.

They were able to win games despite this relationship last year, no it's going to be tagged as the reason for this lost season?

Damage control at it's finest.

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