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How Much More Can The Fans Take? I'd Say 40-50 More Years?


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Perspective guys ... 


The Steeler's had a stretch in the 80's where they went 8 years without a playoff appearance


Packers had exactly a 20 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Colts? 17 year stretch with only one playoff appearance


Seattle's first 26 years they only had 5 playoff appearances. and ONLY TWO double digit win seasons. 


Niners just had an 8 years stretch of no playoffs


Patriots had a stretch of 33 years with only 5 playoff appearances

Moral of the story: Put yourself in a Twilight Zone-esque suspended animation for the next 20 years.

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I feel your pain dude. I know it sounds cliche but I knew at halftime the exact script that was about to play out. That's sad. I enjoy coming on ES and talking to you dudes more than watching the team play, honest to God. I don't have fun watching games. I sit there with my stomach in knots, ready for the sky to fall lol. I'm still mad at myself for getting so excited in the first place. My expectations were lower than most coming into this season but my God has it been awful.


I also agree on RGIII. He's playing great and all but it all feels so hopeless. 


I want nothing more right now than for the lobster to be fired but honestly, I feel like no one can turn the team around. I was so excited when we got him in the first place. How could this have gone so wrong?


Haha I knew as soon as we hit the 3rd quarter fg they were gonna come back and win.

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I've seen about three four Decembers of relevance.


I bought a division champs shirt last season. That is ****ing sad. I don't do that for the any other team. But the Redskins are so pathetic that it felt like winning a SB lol

Years ago I bought a Gibbs is back Tee shirt for the same reason

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You older fans have at least seen winning.  Those born after 86 have seen absolutely nothing to cheer about and we are still here.  These older fans are the fickle ones.  99,05,07,2012 are the only enjoyable years i have seen winning football


2007 doesn't even count because my favorite player gets shot and doesn't play again

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I would keep Kyle and Shanny.  Show Haslett the door...yesterday.


I'd like to see one year of us with salary cap, no QB coming off an ACL, and try to right the ship.  In my opinion, the best outcome would be for us to make the paloffs next year, hand the reins to Kyle, and kick butt for a decade.


I know that's not a popular opinion, but I think the alternative would be a step in the wrong direction.  People still forget how young Kyle is, and I still think he's the guy that could lead us back to where we want to be.

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Last night was painful. Actually one of THE MOST painful losses I've endured in my 30+ years as a fan. But this is a QB driven league now and we have, imo our guy. I firmly believe that if he stays healthy, Robert is going to get better and better each year and by year 4 or 5 will be an elite QB. And having an elite QB covers up A LOT of flaws. We've seen teams with glaring holes get to and even win the Super Bowl. So I feel a lot more hope than say year 2 after watching Grossman & Beck. This is tough right now. I am so disappointed in my team. I am a die hard fan and it hurts right now. But we have RGIII. And I still absolutely 100% believe in him. Keep the faith. Our time is near!

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I'm just sad and emotionally drained. I feel like kleese - too tired to discuss any of it.


This is the sports fan's version of watching a friend or relative drink themselves to death... except it never ends.

I don't feel sadness.  I just feel anger and bitterness.  I've been angry since the Seattle game and the mishandling of RGIII.  That coupled with this 3-6 start and I want nothing more than every single coach on this staff gone.  That's the only positive from here on out.  We get to sit back and see which phase of the game is going to be the reason for a loss, and then we'll be that much closer to seeing Shanny gone.  I think we'll find a way to win some more games down the stretch but that's not gonna be good enough.  IMO it's playoffs or time to clean house.

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Or our time is going to come and very soon  ... because we have our franchise QB. 


See how that works??? 

I hate to be that guy who say it, but it ain't working yet. Unless getting your QB hit by a train every time he drops back is how it works. In that case, THE TIME IS NOW.


You older fans have at least seen winning.  Those born after 86 have seen absolutely nothing to cheer about and we are still here.  These older fans are the fickle ones.  99,05,07,2012 are the only enjoyable years i have seen winning football


2007 doesn't even count because my favorite player gets shot and doesn't play again

I was born in '96. My only good memory before last year was Todd Frickin Collins. Does ANYONE know how it feels to have your best playoff memory be a washed up 36 year old dragging your team to the playoff slaughter house called Seattle? Every Redskin playoff team that I can remember since I first began to pay attention in 2005 has died on Seattle's doorstep. Hell, I don't even remember the Redskins beating the Bucs in the Wild Card of '06. I haven't witnessed a single Redskins playoff victory in my entire life.


I don't feel sadness.  I just feel anger and bitterness.  I've been angry since the Seattle game and the mishandling of RGIII.  That coupled with this 3-6 start and I want nothing more than every single coach on this staff gone.  That's the only positive from here on out.  We get to sit back and see which phase of the game is going to be the reason for a loss, and then we'll be that much closer to seeing Shanny gone.  I think we'll find a way to win some more games down the stretch but that's not gonna be good enough.  IMO it's playoffs or time to clean house.

Get the latex gloves and bleach out, because we are NOT going to the playoffs.

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How about this, as long as Dan Snyder is the owner; the Redskins will NEVER do much.  Dan will keep trying but something will prevent us from ultimately being a team with several years of success.



The best option would be to hire a real GM and let the GM be in charge of acquiring players and hiring the head coach.  Dan Snyder will never let that happen.  He wants to be the one hiring the coach; so Snyder will forever go after the big name.

The best thing we can hope for is to have what New England had during their superbowl run in the early 00's; a HOF coach and a solid personnel man at his side.

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Here's the worst part... It's not over yet. Half of what I said in the OP was total BS.

No doubt, from years of watching football and the Redskins, I know the team I saw in Minnesota last night isn't a playoff team or even a team that can make a serious run. I don't think they are a "bad" football team either... I'd say average to slightly below average is about accurate.... They look like a 7-9 football team to me. So, I KNOW that and I'm not fooling myself.

But I also know math. I know we are 3-6. And I know 10-6 wins the division for sure. I know 9-7 almost certainly wins the division. And I know that 8-8 could at least make it interesting. And because I know that, there is a part of me that simply can't forget it.

What last night killed for me was the weekly passion and excitement. I won't anticipate Sunday all week leading up to Philly like I normally do. BUT, probably next Friday, I'll get a little bit of the itch and we will be far enough removed from Minnesota that the thought will creep into my brain: "well, IF we beat Philly....." And that will continue to happen until we lose our 8th or 9th game--- at that point I will truly be able to shut it down and just watch the game for three hours and that's it. But until that happens, the games will be torture because no matter what my head says, my heart is still invested.

And the fact that we rallied from 3-6 last year doesn't help. No matter how aware you are of the odds of that happening again its hard to forget that it did JUST happen with virtually the same team.

In other words, despite everything I wrote earlier, they will still be able to kick me in the nuts in Philly.

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I have not posted on here for a long time but still watch every Redskins game on Sky Sports or game pass. As a UK Redskins fan I stayed up until gone 4pm on Friday morning and for the majority of the game it looked like being worth it. Hang in there everyone, I know that the greatest fans in the NFL deserve better but the only option is to keep supporting the team.

Still love the Redskins and I will keep believing that next year will be ours and will carry on doing this until it turns out to be our year.

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For me personally I am here up and until the name change (have a feeling the PC police will have their way). The Washington Redskins is the last connection I have to my birthplace. Up until this happens, I will bleed burgundy and gold, though it may be painful at times, like now.

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Every Redskin playoff team that I can remember since I first began to pay attention in 2005 has died on Seattle's doorstep. Hell, I don't even remember the Redskins beating the Bucs in the Wild Card of '06. I haven't witnessed a single Redskins playoff victory in my entire life.


I'm lucky to be older. While Seattle has ended the road of our last three (mediocre) playoff teams, I still remember snickering at the thought of Seattle's NFL franchise. I wondered which AFC team would beat them up on their way to potentially playing against us (or another NFC East team) in the Super Bowl.


I take solace in the fact that our recent nemesis is living in its golden age right now...with no championships to date and one Super Bowl appearance in the past decade or so. Meanwhile, when I was lucky enough to witness the Redskins at the top of the NFL mountain, I watched conference and league titles.

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The glory years were amazing, but for fans in my generation, we knew nothing else, so this downfall has been hard.

If you are an older fan (let's say born late 60's or earlier) then you suffered a bit prior to Gibbs' arrival in 1981. You paid your dues so to speak and then got a decade of pure glory.

I came of age during Gibbs I (born in 1977) so as a young fan, all I knew were big games and playoffs in January. I remember in a year like 1988 (went 7-9 Gibbs' only losing season season during that decade) was a shock and almost felt insulting.

I remember being in utter shock in 93-94 that the Washington Redskins could be one of the worst teams in the league. It was stunning. It took until 95 or 96 for me to accept that it wasn't our birthright to relevant every year.

The older I get the farther and farther away the golden years seem--- even though I still remember them so vividly. There is no guarantee they will ever return.

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I love you tt, but you can see this finger right?  :angry:



Baylor has a redshirt  junior QB named Bryce Petty, 6' 3", 230bs, runs a 4.6, and can make pretty much all the throws.

He just needs some game experience. Right now he is the #2 rated QB in QBR.

If the the Shanahan's continue to let Robert get beat up, then they will be drafting Petty in 2015.



Sorry Kleese, didnt mean to hijack your thread, just had to needle GHH.

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At least we have some talent now. The Shanahan era was by no means a total loss.


We can be competitive simply by finding a DC in the offseason. I expect us to be competent as early as next season. Sadly, it will take modifications to the very framework of this franchise (GM, HC changes) to bring all the pieces together and stay at the top, which is incredibly daunting and unlikely.

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Actually, the early-to-mid 70s weren't bad.  I was born in '67 so I don't have a lot of memories of George Allen, but they were not a team you took lightly and regularly made the playoffs.  The Pardee years were mediocre but not horrible, and then we were blessed with Gibbs.  It was the 60s in which the Skins were doormats.

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It's like Groundhog Day with this team. And after every painful loss (which describes most, since they don't know how to lose the right way) I tell myself how I should stop following this team, that it's only a game, that it doesn't affect my life circumstances, that the players probably care less about the Redskins franchise than I do, etc. etc. But no matter how strong the case I make that none of this really matters, I still get depressed for a couple of days and then slowly start to look ahead and obsess about how the Redskins could still make the playoffs if this, that, and the other thing happens. I haven't even lived in the DC area for 3 decades, but I happened to live there from 81 - 84. I remember the school crossing guards handing out Redskins trading cards, the buzz of back-to-back Superbowls, Redskins pajamas at night, and a Redskins satin jacket on those brisk autumn days. It got me. And because of that, I suffer. And suffer.

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